Friday, June 18, 2021

Where's The Beef?

 Where is the John Durham investigation report. 🤔

John Durham was appointed special counsel? To investigate the US intelligence agencies, including the FBI and their collective involvement in spying on American citizens. In the spring of 2019. Two years ago. 

In particular? To investigate who and why was President Donald Trump and his campaign personnel soecifically targeted by US Inteligence and the FBI for  federal investigations. Both before and after his inauguration. 

Carter Page was wire tapped by the FBI for 18 months. Based upon now known fraudulent representations and provable lies in FISA warrants. Yet nothing has been done about it. 

Strozk and his lover Page, were proven to be instrumental in attempting to sabotage and fabricate much of that evidence. And nothing had been done aboit it. 

James Comey and Andrew McCabe have been proven to have been aware of the fabricated Steele Dosier and the Russian collusion probe. 

They were both proven to be materially involved in the commission of direct and conspiracy related actions that were felony crimes. Yet nothing has been done about it

As nothing has been done about Hillary and her missing emails and corrupted personal server, or her repeated violations of the National Secrecy Act.  Or her destruction of evidence with bleach bit and hammers taken to her computers and government issued Blackberry phones.  And nothing has been done about it. 

And two years after the fact? There is still nothing from

John Durham's so called investigation. 

Given authority by then Attorney General William Barr? Durham has yet to produce anything. And he hasn't been seen or heard from in over a year. 

The media is willing to give shade to Durham and point out that the investigation was slowed by Covid. 

As is apparently? 

Examining the hard evidence, such as the FISA warrant affidavits?  Which have at least 61 known incidents of falsification and misrepresentation of evidence in them? According to Congressman Jim Jordan. 

Falsified warrant affidavits, submitted by FBI agents, with the knowledge and approval of both Andrew McCabe and James Comey. Yet nada. 

Could Covid some how infect Durham or his staff by reviewing records and hard copy evidence. Add to that? Durham has apparently yet to discover the premise of zoom meetings. 

Add to that? Absolutely none of the FISA court judges have either taken exception to or any court actions against those who lied and swore to fictitious FISA warrant affidavits brought before them.  


So as the old lady in the classic Wendy's commercials would have said: 

"Where's the beef?!"

Well? It looks like there is no beef. Just a big fat nothing burger of an investigation by Durham and everyone else involved and responsible for justice in America. Not because there is no evidence or evidence of crimes. 

But because there is no accountability of the elitists of Washington. Who investigates and or prosecutes FBI misconduct? Or that of the CIA or NSA?

Congress?  Hell no! And certainly not the present congress.  

The evidence of corrupt criminality and abuse of power is palpable. Yet Durham and his team just can't seem to see it. 

Kinda like Trey Gowdy's investigation of Benghazi and Hillary Clinton. Anyone remember that? 

What we saw was a lot of political theater, with More than enough evidence to assign guilt and responsibility? Yet in the end, nothing was ever done. Or ever will be done.  Because as Hillary lamented?

"What difference does it make!"

So as it concerns William

Barr and John Durham and their big investigations?  All we have is othing but a big nothing burger. 

And like all so called investigations in Washington?  In the end, those investigations lead nowhere, and they disappear like a fart in the wind? And the guilty are never brought to answer for their crimes. 

And the American people sit idly by. Like light blinded deer. Inable to even be curious as to why. 😡

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