Friday, June 18, 2021

Constitutionalists? Not!

 For those interested, yesterday, the supreme court once again punted.  

For the third time on Onama Care.  Stating that the 18 plaintiff states? Had no standing to sue for relief. 

Well let's look at that shall we. 

The states have been saddled with implementing the affordable care act. Which includes the expense involved, in implementing and maintaining it.   

But they have no standing according to the supreme court. 

So that means? If the federal government and congress? Decide to pass a law that requires each individual, making let's say over $50,000 a year? 


To contribute 10% of their net income to a fund that provides for vacation supplemental income?  For those who cannot afford a vacation?

Then we as Americans have no recourse. As according to the supreme court?  Even though it is costing us our money?

We have no standing to sue. 

Which translates as the supreme court ruled yesterday?  "That we have suffered no injury."

Or what about this?

Say congress passes a reparations act? That says each "white American?" Has to pay $50,000 apiece? To pay for slave reparations?

Once again, we are not allowed to sue for damages.  As "we have suffered no injury, according to the supreme court's determination.  🤔

And what do you think congress is presently bantering as their next "relief package" for the systemically oppressed.  🤔

The bottom line is this. 

We have a constitution, that took eleven years to draft. That constitution established three branches of government. 

That constitution established the limited powers of the federal government. 

And that same constitution, established the rights of the people, to be free from oppressive regulation or law, to be established in violation of that constitution. 

And as we saw once again yesterday? The court since the appointment of John Roberts by George Bush? Has comsistenly kicked the can down the road, as it concerns living up to their constitutional obligations to the people. 

The constitution was written so that the common man could read and understand it. And the entire purpose of the creation of a supreme court? Was to insure that the government could not step outside the bounds of their power, clearly outlined in the constituion, to enact laws, contrary to what was/is written in the constitution. 

Yet once again yesterday? We saw the supreme court abdicate their responsibility to both uphold and enforce the constitution. 

Their ruling yesterday specifically stated, that they were not ruling on the constitutionality of the affordable care act. 

Only that they were maintaining that their was no legal standing for those 18 states to sue for relief. As in the opinion of seven of those justices? 

No injury had occurred. 

No harm no fowl. 

Which means they once again took the same oosition as they did with the 14th amendment challenges, to Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arozona, having illegally changed their voting laws. To supposedly accommodate mail

In ballots, due to the drummed up fears of Covid. In the 2029 election. 

The supreme court, once again, kicked the can down the road.  As they did yesterday and in both instances. 

And for the same reasons. 

They are afraid of the socalled progressive, Marxist left

In America. They are afraid that to vote as constitutionalists? And follow the constitution? Would lead to social unrest and rioting. 

Which means they have studied well, the social tone of this woke generation and their corporate and media supporters. 

And this is where we are today in America.  The Marxist left has already won. And they will continue to win? Because the supreme court is now cowed and controlled by media, corporate money and the egalitarian Marxist left. 

And remember this. 

Justices Gorsuch, Kavenaigh and Comey Bryant?  All appointed to the court by President Trump? As so called comstitutionalist? Have yet to live up to the so called 6 member conservative majority that theybwer olaced there to be. 

Chief justice Roberts has consistently voted with the left duing his 18 year tenure. And now we can clearly see the same trend with Kavenaigh and Coney Bryant. 

And even Clarence Thomas voted against the American people yesterday, by siding with the corrupted interpretation of the constitution.  

Three words

America is doomed. 

Unless and until it is all torn down? And the rule of law and freedom are either reestablished?

Or forever relegated to the ash heap of history. And replaced with Marxism. 🤔 

And from what I am seeing? The latter is being established as the final outcome.

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