Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Joe The Elf

 I watched the video clips of Joe Biden on his G7 and NATO tour through Europe last night, and I was ashamed that this is the man now representing America to the world. 

No, I am not embarrassed. Biden's performance was much worse than embarrassing. It was shameful. 

America's back?  

Yeah, we are back alright.  

Back to being the cash cow and the door mat to the rest of the world. And the rest of the world knows it. And that was shown on each of their faces, once they were in the presence of the feeble and mentally dull president of the US. 

Angela Merkle could be seen walking in front of Biden? Still smirking. 

As a matter of fact? From Merkle to Macron? They all looked like they were leading a kindergarten class on a field trip with Buddy the Elf. 

Even the Queen of England could be seen trailing the procession with her head down. Obviously grieving the process of even having to be there. 

I watched the round table meeting of the G7, where Boris Johnson of the UK, took the lead and immediately had to remind Biden, that he had already introduced the president of South Africa. 

Much to the chagrin of all present. Again? Merkle and Macron were seen smirking. 

During which time, Boris Johnson is seen extending his left arm backward twice to Biden, who was seated on his left. Both times in a sweeping push back gesture of dismissal. 

As if to say shush! The adults are speaking. 

And then to see Biden admitting that his appearances with the media are choreographed and pre-approved by his "staff."      

And then admitting to reporters, that if he goes off script? He gets in trouble with his staff. 

So ask yourself this question. 

How can the most powerful man on the planet? The president of the United States? Get in trouble with his subordinates? Unless they are not his subordinates. Unless he is subordinate to them.  

Think about that for a minute. 

Then get you head wrapped around Biden telling the media that he is going to give Putin the what for, when he meets with him later today. 

Of course that meeting will be in private. Absent any post conference joint press conference. 

Because Biden's "staff?" Doesn't want to run the risk of Biden coming across as the light weight and absent minded fool that he truly is.  

Yes? Vladimir Putin? 

Will hand Joe Biden his ass when they meet in private today. Count on it. Although that fact will never be reported on or admitted to by American media.   

Look for those details from the British media. 

And afterwards?  The American media will tell the American dupes? How Biden demonstrated much needed calm and leadership. 

In contrast to the bad orange man. 

They will tell the American people, how Biden showed Putin a thing or two. 

And they will lament how Biden having shared his Corn Pop story with Putin? 

Putin cowered. 

They will tell us that Putin immediately acquiesced to everything that Biden wanted. Which wasn't much of anything.  

However, Putin obviously didn't want to become another scalp on the belt of the Corn Pop slayer. 

And? Other than for the media to tell Putin's side of the story, as it being simply a nice meeting? Don't expect anything beyond from American media. 

Am I embarrassed? No. 

Why be embarrassed by the known qualities of an ass clown. Especially someone that you know, is going to make an ass of himself. 

So no. I am not embarrassed for America. I am angry. And I am

Ashamed.  And every other American who saw that classless shitshow of a clown circus?  Should be ashamed also.

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