Saturday, December 04, 2004

My Views on John Kerry

From an article that I Wrote in July 2004

To my friends and family,This week the media's attention is focused on the Democratic National Convention in Boston. So far this week we have seen everyone from Al gore and Bill Clinton to last night s appearances of Ron Reagan and Teresa Heinz Kerry. Each are attempting to solidify their parties support behind the election of John Kerry this fall and hopefully (during the convention spectacle) persuade a significant number of American voters to vote for John Kerry for president. Sadly, many Americans get their entire knowledge of events and the issues from the limited sources of the national media. They don't know the truth behind the rhetoric and innuendo.

These are the voters that John Kerry and his party hope to once again hoodwink into voting for him and other democrats.I grew up understanding and realizing that you can learn volumes about people based upon who their friends are and what their (real) history has been. John Kerry grew up amongst the wealth and indulgence of the Massachusetts elite. He has his own portfolio of photographs of him with President John Kennedy taken while he (Kerry) was a teen aboard the Kennedy yacht.

A day hardly passes that he himself or those speaking on his behalf neglect to point out that he is a Vietnam veteran and "war hero." However, a closer look at those statements leaves a lot to be desired when it is compared to the truth and the facts of his service in Vietnam. John Kerry is a Vietnam veteran, that much is true, but his exploits of fighting in the trenches are zealous embellishments designed to remanufacture the truth. John Kerry's tour of duty in Vietnam lasted three months. (Actual combat assignment not counting 6 weeks of staging and training).

After which he petitioned and was granted reassignment after receiving "three combat injuries." The thing that most Americans don't realize is that these "combat wounds" were minor requiring only basic first aid medical treatment. In one instance, the record reflects that Kerry's wound was treated by a Navy Corpsman who "cleaned the wound and applied Bacitracin." Bacitracin is an antibiotic ointment specifically used for minor scrapes and not to be used on deep or puncture wounds. Yet each time John Kerry was "wounded" he reported the wound himself and transported himself to treatment and once treated he returned to his assignment. No extensive treatment or hospitalization required.

If you know of a Vietnam vet that received the Purple Heart for injuries, ask them how they were wounded and what their thoughts on John Kerry's three purple hearts are. Not only did John Kerry seek to receive his medals and awards by submissions of his own hand, but he sought to be removed from the combat of Vietnam after three months, so he could return to America and begin his political career working on someone else's campaign. As soon as he was discharged from the NAVY, John Kerry became a member of the anti war "Vietnam Veterans Against the War", an organization that aided and abetted the very people that our servicemen were fighting in Viet Nam.

The members of this organization (of which John Kerry was a prominent and vocal member) held rallies and protests that assailed out servicemen and accused them of war crimes. John Kerry testified before Congress and accused his former comrades in arms of rape, butchery and all manner of war crimes. Yet he could not provide any identifiable reference or evidence to support his claims. John Kerry went on to join celebrities like Jane Fonda and appeared at dozens of anti American protests, some of which he undeniably attended with Fonda. John Kerry participated in a protest in front of the White House where he threw his Vietnam awards and decorations over the fence as an act of personal protest and his strong opposition the the war. Yet today he proudly displays his Vietnam awards and medals on the wall of his Senate office.

When pressed about this obvious conflict, Kerry states that he actually threw "someone elses" medals that day and only threw his "ribbons."Now thirty five years later, he wants the American people to believe that he is a "patriot" and that he desires to steer our country clear of the mistakes made by President Bush. Well, if you want to review mistakes, you need look no further than John Kerry's record as a US Senator. John Kerry's voting record is considered the most liberal in the Senate. Even surpassing Ted Kennedy. John Kerry has consistently voted against America and against supporting our service men and women. Senator Kerry voted against funding for our intelligence agencies and funding the current war in Iraq. Yet that was before he began his candidacy for president.

Now he wants us to believe that he supports these same organizations. Since becoming a presidential candidate, Senator Kerry has missed 80% of the votes in the US Senate. Yet he wants America to believe that he is concerned about our future and he has the answers.What are his answers?

Maybe you should take a closer look at the substance John Kerry does or doesn't bring to the table. John Kerry has an extensive political history and record of supporting social programs and funding, yet his record of supporting the military and domestic policies (that protect Americans) are constantly opposed to funding these same organizations that he says he supports. John Kerry talks about the richest Americans and the privileged class, yet he shuns away from the trappings provided by his own wealth and the wealth of his Heinz fortune wife Teresa. While he assails those that own SUV's he denies that he owns them. Yet they are parked at his various homes and mansions for his use and I am not referring to those provided by his Secret Service detail.You want to know what John Kerry stands for and what he represents? Then look at his record. Look at the causes that he has supported and those that he has associated himself with. Look at the many times (to this day) that he has changed or reconfigured his opinion on an issue to suit the group that he is addressing at that moment.

John Kerry is a political hack that is motivated by the prevailing opinion polls that are fed to him daily. He is for a woman's right to choose, yet he says he is against abortion (on religious grounds) He was for the war in Iraq only to later determine that he was against it because it was not carried out properly? He talks about reinforcing and supporting our military and intelligence organizations on the campaign trail, yet he has consistently voted against their funding. If you want to know about a persons character, look at the company they keep and those that support them. Here is an article published today in a local newspaper in Florida. You won't see this in the main stream media.

You want to know where the democratic party stands on the issues and priorities? Look at their platforms and who supports them. Personally, I know where they stand. They stand for all the social "touchy feely" issues that they can associate with and thereby obtain the support of the many other special interests groups in America. They support and are supported by every liberal special interests group in America. They are also supported by the money of corporations that look to further their positions by associations with and contributions to the democratic party.

They are also supported by many labor organizations that want to increase their strangle hold on the American economy. Yet the democrats and John Kerry want America to believe that the only party with ties to multi national corporations and the rich are the republicans. Maybe people need to look at the richest liberal Americans and their business interest. They might be surprised.Take a close look at NAFTA. The agreement signed by Bill Clinton. He not only signed it, but he muscled it through congress with the support of these same environmentalists and labor union that now tell you that President Bush is responsible for jobs being lost overseas. Yet they kept their mouth closed and encouraged their members to support Clinton again in 1996. Don't trust me on these facts, look the history up for yourself. Given the opportunity, John Kerry will follow suit and employ and negotiate the same trade agreements while at the same time telling the American people that he will stop the jobs being bled from America.

Maybe someone should ask him how many of his wifes "Heinz" factories are located and have been located in other countries in the past ten years? I am sorry, but in my fifty old years on this planet, I have never seen a candidate for president who is more unworthy to hold the office of president than John Kerry. I have never seen a candidate of either party openly supported by the leaders of socialist and communist countries and the American Communist Party. But I have now.I have never seen a candidate that turned his back on his comrades during a time of war and protested against them, then turned and sought to be their commander in chief. I have never seen a media so determined to influence a presidential election and I have never seen a political party so possessed by their hatred, as to jeopardize the nation for the sole purpose of regaining power and influence.

The mantra of the liberal democratic left is "anyone but Bush." They don't care about the consequences, they don't care who has to sacrifice or suffer as a result. Their driving force is hatred. Regardless of the fact that even after numerous attempts to prove their point, the facts, the law and the Constitution prevailed in demonstrating that President Bush won in 2000. Yet this week at their convention, the misrepresentation of this fact has become a common thread in the speeches of those called to speak on behalf of John Kerry. Al Gore said 'don't let the Supreme Court pick your next president and don't let this president (Bush) pick the next Supreme Court." (paraphrase)Well it wasn't the Supreme Court that chose George W. Bush. It was the people and the US Constitution.

The same constitution that the democrats claim to appreciate and love, yet they only harken to it for the benefit of their 1st amendment rights. They turn their back on many others and they would have you believe that an election was stolen rather than acknowledge that the election was decided as it has always been, based upon the electoral college. If you have the time, you may want to brush up on that clause in the Constitution, you might be surprised to learn that it was designed and included in the Constitution to address the exact situation that occurred in 2000.John Kerry and his campaign have said that they will insure that "all" votes are counted this time and that no one will be left out of the process. What he won't tell you is that the democrats have hired dozens of lawyers to challenge any vote count that they don't agree with and that they have asked the United Nations to monitor the general election this fall. That should not surprise many American.s John Kerry believes that America's power and influence in the world should be subjected to the control and whims of the United Nations.

If this is the kind of man that you want to lead our country, by all means vote your conscious. However, if you are concerned about America and our future in a volatile world of Muslim extremist and terrorist bent on our destruction, then ask yourself one question. Who do you think will look out for the safety and security of America? Who do you believe is best capable of defending our country and our people against the wanton assault of global terrorism? There are many other issues such as your opinions on the economy and health care that may decide your vote. You may feel that social programs aimed at urban Americans and designed to perpetuate the class warfare polices of the democrats is where our money and efforts should be directed.

You may feel that stem cell research and the alleged weakening of environmental laws are more important than the safety of your family and your way of life. You may believe that AIDS in Africa is more important that the welfare and safety of this nation. If so, vote your conscience. As for me, I will be voting my conscious on November 2nd. I will be voting for President George W. Bush. Why, because I have closely observed the issues of political dissension thrust at America by the media during the past four years and I have determined that once you get to the facts and the truth, the pictures portrayed by those that would sell our nation short for their own benefit are liberal in origin and socialist in influence. President Bush may not be the greatest American president, but he is a long way from selling us out to socialist egalitarian ideologies.If you read this to the end, thank you for listening to my opinions and beliefs as it concerns one of the most perilous periods in our nations history. © trickworm 2004

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