Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The Beast of Wasilla

Todd Purdom

Palin Vanity Fair Article Reignites Feud Among Former Campaign Aides

It Came from Wasilla

Over the past seven or eight months, I have read plenty of copy on Governor Sarah Palin and the concerted effort by mass media to blunt, dull and diminish her and her family for the benefit of political scalping and to kill any possibility of her candidacy for a 2012 run for the presidency. But little compares to the latest offering of one Todd Purdom in his Vanity Fair piece for August 2009's edition.

Here is a man that represents himself as a journalist, but whose resume quickly reveals that his origins in the sport reside mainly in his having been hand raised and weaned in the New York Times environment and organization. Not exactly the bell weather standard of journalistic integrity, even for those who cling to the old gray lady as if she were still the pristine virgin at the dance.

None the less, Purdom's hit piece on Sarah Palin in next month's edition of Vanity Fair, is one of the most banal and concentrically sanguine pieces of journalistic tripe masquerading as educated opinion that I have ever had the displeasure of wading through.

Purdom once again demonstrates the rip it and read it formula of the anguished leftist, by dutifully hitting all the known talking points of the targeted subject, then twisting and braiding in his own less than amusing threads and observations and snide character attacks as if they lend pristine analysis to an otherwise less than lack luster review of previous scalpings.

From reading through this critique of Sarah Palin by Purdom? One might seriously wonder as to if the entire republican party had been secretly infiltrated by idiocy for ever having even allowed the woman to become half of the McCain Palin 2008 presidential ticket. From the sounds of it, she should remain in the back woods of Alaska punching out babies and cleaning and gutting moose for dinner.

On the contrary? Purdom portrays John McCain as if he is some masterful incarnation of a political savvy Yoda and master of the universe, only to have been thwarted by some back woods babe from Wasilla. Reminiscence of "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" is what came to my mind, while musing the images that must have been playing in Purdom's head while he was authoring this journalistic fairy tale about Sarah Palin.

I would recommend that anyone interested, please do indulge your curiosity and wade into this piece of tripe as if you were strolling into a swamp. Make sure and strap on your hip waders though and be wary of slimy squishy things slithering about in Mr. Purdom's wild eyed visions of his own grandeur and his professed and paid ability to assess and comment on current events.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

They have no intention of giving this a rest. They will hound Sarah Palin into oblivion, because they know that she is a viable threat.