Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Let's Not Politicize This

House Democrat Joins Pelosi in Accusing CIA of Misleading, Lying to Congress


Today Rep. Silvestre Reyes, basically called out the CIA, stating in a letter to a republican colleague, that he agreed with speaker Nancy Pelosi in that he believes the CIA has lied to congress. Specifically, that he believes that the CIA has lied to him, therefore, he believes speaker Pelosi's allegations against the CIA from earlier this spring must be true.

Then...there are these pearls from his letter that he apparently sent to Republican, Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich, where he was supposedly expressing his concerns on the matter of the CIA's truthfulness to congress to Rep Hoelstra.

"We all know there have been a number of contentious issues that have been much publicized," said Reyes, who indicated he wrote the letter in an attempt to curb GOP efforts to target Pelosi.

So he openly admits that the purpose of the letter is in actuality to attempt to thwart GOP criticism of speaker Pelosi and her allegations against the CIA, if which she is yet to substantiate.

And then there is this....

"Let's leave for the moment the politics out of it," Reyes said. "Our national security is about the most serious thing we deal with here on Capitol Hill. And it shouldn't be politicized."

On that point you are right Rep. Reyes. Our national security is about the most important thing that congress can address and deal with and it shouldn't be politicized. Therefore, for a US congressman who is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, to call out the CIA on an accusation of lying to congress and then to openly admit that he wrote the letter for the seeming sole purpose of attempting to curb GOP attacks on speaker Pelosi for her accusations?

Well that is unconscionable IMO.

Then to turn right around and attempt to contend that national security isn't something to play around with, much less to use as a politicized ploy? Yet to then admit that the purpose of what you are doing is in fact what you are railing against?

Well I for one am completely amazed. I am completely amazed that a moron like Rep. Reyes could be elected to the US House of Representatives. I am amazed that a partisan hack of such idiocy and contrived partisan thinking, could be given a chairmanship of one of the most important congressional committees in congress. And lastly, I am amazed that an individual such as Rep. Reyes can openly elect to foist such a low brow ruse as this upon the American people and the media? And having done so, no one seems to care or even be able to see the obvious duplicity and partisan sculdugery afoot in this democrat contrived ploy.


XtnYoda said...

posted. thanks.

And they want to call republicans whiners and complainers? ... then they are traitors and seditionists.

Jones said...

This is nothing but a sham attempt by a few democrats to prop up Pelosi and deflect justifiable criticism.