Saturday, December 05, 2020

Impeach Them?

Impeachment is a funny thing in American politics.  Rarely utilized and rarely successful. Why?   Because more often than not, impeachment has been attempted as a means to an end, rather than s a constitutionally authorized tool, to remove the criminally corrupt, or those who have undeniably abandoned their oaths of office to the people of their state or the country. 

Oaths, which specifically require adherence to and protection of the US Constitution. Taken as a solemn vow, by all elected representatives, members of the military and law enforcement.

This time last year, the US House was in full tilt mode, to impeach president Trump.  And they did.  Offering their weak minded and baseless letters of impeachment to the US senate.  A US senate who duly reviewed the letters of impeachment, per the constitution. After which the senate took a vote on the evidence and the president was not found guilty of the lies being represented by the rogues gallery of democrats in the house. Those pursuing a biased and prejudicial agenda. 

This impeachment is but the most recent example of the abuses of power that our elected representatives are capable, if we allow them to get away with abusing their power.

Fast forward to the present?  And we have at least two sitting governors facing state impeachment from office. And there are at least another half dozen governors across America, who deserve impeachment. Governor Mike Dewine (Oh) republican and Gretchen Whitmer (Mi) democrat, are each facing impeachment.  And they should be.  And so should be the Governors of California, New York, New Jersey and several other states. 

Their crimes or violations of the Constitution?  They have violated their oaths of office and their solemn promise to their people and to the US constitution and to their individual state constitutions.  The US Constitution is implicit, in that the states can neither make any law that is contrary to the rights and provisions of the US Constitution, or deny their citizens the protections thereof.

Yet that is precisely what governors Dewine and Whitmer are doing and have done.  There are no provisions in the constitution that provide for the implementation of fiefdoms of law.  Or the establishment of draconian caveats, or the creation of orders that circumvent the Constitution.  The constitution and the Bill of Rights specifically forbade that.  Yet these would be kings, have been doing just that for over the last 8-9 months. And after being continually emboldened by a complicit media? They intend to go further.  They intend to restrict more.  They intend to lock down more.  And all under the auspices of protecting the public from themselves.  

As an individual who has studied the US Constitution for most of my life?  Not as someone observing it as if it were some document of imperial insight, or in depth to the point that only the most brilliant minds need approach it?  But as a common man. 

As it was intended to be read and understood when it was written.  No, the problem with constitutional law is not the Constitution.  The Constitution does not require nine or more robbed oracles to reveal the secrets of the document.  Far from it.  All that is required, is that the latest attempts to attack our republic or our nation, be examined in comparison to what the Constitution says. After which the answers become self evident. 

Remember that phrase?  "We hold these truths to be self evident." 

Those were the intents and guideposts that our founding father employed to create this nation and to enshrine and protect our freedoms in the COnstitution.  We hold these truths to be self evident.  Well do we?  Or do we allow those who have weaseled their way into elected office?  To simply tell us, "damn you lying eyes!"  "Avert your gaze! Do not look upon us in our darkness!  We know what we are doing!  We are in charge!  This is for your own good!"

Does any of that seem or sound familiar?

I say it does.  I say it is time for the American people to awake from their stupor.  It is time to take this nation back.  While we can.  I believe that if there is one failure, one gap, or one specific that the founding fathers failed to include in the Constitution?  It should have been the 11th amendment.  Not the present one, but the one they should have written and included. Right after the 10th amendment which reads: 

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

I believe that the 10th amendment is straight forward and basically clear to the person of average intellect.  Reading basically?  That anything, any power, any right?  Not specifically included into this document as a power of the government, shall be the exclusive right and power of the people. I believe that the 10th amendment is: "self evident."

And therefore, I believe there should have been an 11th amendment immediately created.  An amendment that stated clearly, that the moment the rights of the people become threatened by the government, it is the duty of those governing the law enforcement and military bodies of this nation, to stand aside.  Stand aside for the people.  Because when you allow those who have violated their sworn oaths to this nation, the Constitution and the American people?  Then you have done the same and you have have become equally complicit and corrupt.  Therefore, stand aside, you no longer have or hold any authority or standing over the people.

That is what we need.  That is what should be the standard.  Either way, it is tie for the American people to take back their country.  And the radical left and all of those aligned with them be damned.

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