Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Planting The Seeds For The Gardens of The Mind

Any good farmer knows, the lion's share of a successful crop, is the preparation that goes into preparing the ground for the seeds.  And after planting, an equal share of work is invested in nurturing those seeds into fruition as a harvest-able crop.

The same is true when you are going after the human mind and the human spirit.  Each must be properly prepared for the seed messages to come.  Their surfaces sufficiently plowed and worked into malleable mediums for the seeds of thought and ideology to grow.

And once those seeds of ideology are planted, they must be nurtured.  Which represents the responsibility of education to insure that nothing else supplants those ideological seeds.  And if the plan is successful?  A bountiful harvest of ideologues will be the end result. 

We can look at various world leaders, tyrants and time frames throughout modern history and see these dynamics at play, but I dare say, we would be challenged to find a time, when the mind-fuck of America was less prevalent or less effective than today. Harsh language? Well these are harsh times and the analogy represented, is the most direct and accurate assessment of what has happened and what is happening to this country.

The ground is being prepared right now (once again), for the next mind-fuck concerning Covid. The elitists have now discovered and proven, that with the proper tools to implement their fear attacks, the lemmings willfully dance to whatever tune is played by the pipers.


And this time it will be terrible!  "The new mutation is 70% more virulent than the original." The hospitals are filling up again!  They are out of ICU room!  If you believe the reports. The refrigerator trucks are being brought in for morgues, and to top that off, the vaccines may not work!  That's right, the vaccines may not work.  Which is to ask the question?  Who really expected them to work. 

From day one we have been told that at best? They might have a 30-50% efficacy rate.  Sound familiar?  Kinda like the annual flu shots?  That when they do not work? They may not provide immunity beyond a few months. 

The immediate alibi and explanation for when annual flu vaccines fail is:  "Well this is a vaccine from last year's flu.  So this year's flu is not affected by the vaccine."  Yet tens of millions of Americans have dutifully received their flu vaccines for the last twenty years or more. And when a large number of them got the flu anyway?  Well that was a non story.  And we all know that the media does not report non stories. 

So get ready America.  Super Joe Biden takes office January 20th. And he told us that he could put an end to this virus.  He could stop it.  And his first directive? Will be that a mandatory 100 day mask order to be signed.  So next after that?  I am guessing?  A 100 day national lock down. Or more.  Because?  We have to beat this virus, even if it kills us.

Remember the 15 days to stop the spread campaign last March?  Well how did that work out for America.  And so will be the same reality of a 100 day lock down nationally. Does anyone seriously think or believe that the Covid virus will just die out or cease to exist, because we turned America into a nation of bunkered in burrow rats.  I for one do not believe it.

What I do believe is this.  The corona virus (SARS Cov2), is a man made creation.  It is literally either the Genie that escaped the bottle, or the Pandora of Pandora's Box fame. Either way, I do not believe that there exists any immediate resolutions to this so called pandemic.  Other than the Darwin effect.  Which is? The strong survive, the weak die and that is the way it is and always has been in nature. Natural selection for all to see. Up close and personal.  As it should be.  Because absent the lessons learned, the test is irrelevant. 

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