Thursday, December 31, 2020

My End of Year Ponderings And The Mark of The Beast To Come

Today is the last day of 2020.  Finally.  But does anything really change?  I don't believe so.  Especially not the outcome of the presidential election.  Regardless of what the pundits and the president and others may think?  Whether several congressmen and senators decide to challenge the electoral college submissions or not on January 6th?  That will not change a damn thing.  As the majorities in both houses my be forced to debate the issue for a day or so?  The end result will be the same.  They will accept the certifications by acclimation vote and that will be that.  After which, the two senate seats in Georgia may still not be resolved by the end of next week.

Meanwhile, two interesting things have occurred in the last few weeks.  About two weeks ago, it was learned that Wikileaks had downloaded all of their files to searchable databases.  Including Hillary Clinton's missing 33,000 emails and a plethora of other damning information.  Especially for democrats.  And since then?  Not a peep from the media.  I have been waiting ever since to see mention of it on Fox at night with Carlson, Hannity or Ingraham.  And nada.

And on Tuesday?  The government of the Ukraine held a news conference where they laid out the facts and the evidence of the corruption and collusion that has gone on between corrupt Ukrainian officials and the Biden family.  Including Joe Biden, of which they have voice recording of him speaking to the Ukrainian president and belittling President Trump to him, while tell him that their arrangements would continue. 

And lest we forget?  Over a month before the election?  The revelations of Hunter Biden's laptop were revealed and published by the New York Post.  After which, mainstream media in America and their megalithic patrons of social media like twitter and facebook, made the decision to refuse to cover the story and to suspend and delete the accounts of anyone attempting to bring the story to light.  Including the accounts of the New York Post and the account of Kaleigh MaNaney, the president's press secretary.

And once Joe Biden is sworn into office?  It all goes away.  As it should have?  Had only Hillary Clinton won the election four years ago.  So don't look for anything to change my friends.  Other than the ever creeping reality that America is being destroyed.  Your freedoms are being destroyed?  And within the next six months?  You will either be required to accept the mark of the beast?  Or as the Bible foretold, you will not be able to buy or sell of trade or exist.   

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