Saturday, December 12, 2020

Well Fiddle Dee Dee. Tomorrow Is That Day.

Good morning America.  As Miss Scarlet would have said? 

"I won't worry about that today.  Because after all? Tomorrow is another day." Well?  Today is that day.  Today is that day when we can no longer avoid the obvious.  Today is the first day of the last days of our republic. 

Make no mistake, America's ship of state has been sinking and going down by the bow for the last thirty years or more. But we have now reached the point, as the great Titanic once did. When the forces of dynamics, broke her spine. As ours has now been broken.  And she separated into two separate injured halves.  Before slipping silently beneath the waves. Never to be seen or heard from again, until an explorer found her grave some seventy odd years later.

After which, having began the muse over how she had come to be so completely destroyed. The great Titanic?  She was supposed to be unsinkable.  And so was America.

I believe that one day?  Perhaps in 100 or another 200 years?  Someone will find the grave of America. Similarly broken into two separate halves, and cast into the depths of what once was. America, much like the Titanic has long been vaunted as unsinkable.  Yet the realities now tell us something much different. We too struck the berg and now must deal with the consequences.

There have been warnings for decades.  Yet those we elected to defend and protect us?  Literally rearranged the deck chairs on our ship of state, while it was endlessly taking on water and becoming more and more un-salvageable.  And now we are here.  That day Miss Scarlet spoke of is upon us and we can no longer postpone it. Well fiddle dee dee. 

We can discuss and re-hash the why's and wherefore's infinitum, but it makes no difference how our republic died at this point.  The fact that it is dead, is sufficient for us as a nation to recognize.  Some said this week, that we were about to learn if our constitution was in fact a living breathing document with enforceable teeth.  Or, if it was just an antiquated piece of parchment in the National Archives.  That question has now been answered and it is the latter. The supreme court issued a spineless and anonymous denial of the Texas lawsuit at 8 pm last night.  They did not even have the courage to reveal anything about their decision. Neither were any dissents posted.  Therefore, it is left to the imagination, that their decision was or must have been unanimous. 

Unanimous in cowardice.

As I told a good friend this morning?  It is time to take down the constitution.  Remove if from the gallery as the center piece of our republic. Stow it away with all the other antiquated documents of a by gone era. For the US constitution, is now as useless as a dead leaf, blowing in the wind. Rendered so by the cowardice of the supreme court. And yet, there were supposed to be at least three so called "constitutionalist justices on that court. Yet their voices were absent even in dissent. And thus, they  made it so last night, by abdicating their responsibilities to the constitution and to the people.

So, stand back now and watch as the great ship America?  Raises by the stern.  The bow full face down and submerged, as the Titanic once rose. And as the Titanic faced her fate that chilled April night in 1912, we now face our own fate in the chilled reality of December 2020.  The backbone of this great nation is broken. And as was the reality for those aboard Titanic, there are not enough life boats to rescue America either.

Those leftist radical bastards masquerading as progressives and democrats in congress, have insured that reality over the last thirty years.  And so who will be the present day Carpathia.  I say it will be China.  With the exception being, that they will not appear on the horizon to rescue the sinking of America.  They will come sailing quietly into the littered waters of what remains of our republic.  Not to save us, but to own us.  Count on it.

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