Thursday, December 17, 2009

Of Rebels and Health Care

Left rebels against health reform

As America eases into the final week before Christmas, there are promises being made once again in Washington. And there are threats emanating from there once again too. On the one hand, Speaker Pelosi and Majority leader Reid are promising health care reform bill passage by Christmas. Even though no one has seen their finished bill or been able to read it, (and won't) they intend to hammer it all out and rush it to passage before the house and senate as fast as they possibly can.

Meanwhile, president Obama is admonishing those in congress, while chiding the American people, that if this bill isn't passed now? Then we are all headed to hell in a hand basket. According to the president, America will go bankrupt if this bill isn't passed. Stating that if we fail to pass this bill and pass it now, that America will be unable to pay the burgeoning costs of health care and in essence go bankrupt in a generation.

But then what is the president and congress' plan? I am not so sure myself and from what I am reading daily in the media reports that are attempting to parse it for the dumb masses, no one else short of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi knows for sure what they are trying to run past the nose of the American people either.

Twenty five hundred pages and 1.9 trillion in additional spending is all that the American people have been told for sure as it concerns this supposed rescue plan. And no one knows what is in this bill aside from the proposed price tag and the fact that Pelosi and Reid are hell bent to get it passed. And we all know from experience, that whatever congress promises something is going to cost, is usually less than ten percent of the final tab for their dabbling and socialist engineering schemes.

And to add sauce to the goose? Some of the most prominent and rabidly left members of the democrat party are absolutely beside themselves that Obama and his speaker of the House, have seemingly agreed to leave out their promised "government option." Which is actually a code phrase for "free" amongst liberals.

According to Howard Dean (former chairman of the Democrat National Convention) “As it stands, this bill would do more harm than good to the future of America,”

And from the Daily Kos

Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos, wrote on his Twitter feed: "Time to kill this monstrosity coming out of the Senate." And "Kos" blogged: "You pass a s——-y program now that further bankrupts our nation, and we won't be talking about 'fixing' it in a few years, but whether it should even exist."

And Keith Olbermann told viewers Wednesday night....
"that the Senate version has become “unsupportable … a hollow shell of a bill”: “This is not health, this is not care, this is certainly not reform.”

So what does all this really mean? Prominent liberals like Pelosi and Reid and others are pushing full steam ahead, while still other prominent liberals are pushing back just as hard and claiming fowl by the president and his congressional leaders for not keeping the public option.

An interesting comment was made by David Axelrod on the opposition to the bill by some prominent democrats....

“To defeat a bill that will bend the curve on this inexorable rise in health-care costs is insane,” Axelrod said. "I think that would be a tragic, tragic outcome. I don’t think that you want this moment to pass. It will not come back."

Axelrod is obviously just parroting the chosen metaphor and talking point for the president's position on his signature legislation on health care, but an interesting choice of word and euphemism it is in my opinion.

President Obama spoke to the country the other night during his 60 Minutes interview and he mentioned this supposed bending of the rising costs of medicare and medicaid via his health care reform act. The fact that he has allowed Pelosi and the yellow dogs to craft it is an entirely different matter, the fact remains that he is claiming it and he is defending it. But what does this "bending" of the cost metaphor really represent?

IMO? It doesn't mean reduction of deficit or obligations to medicare or medicaid. What it means is what it says it means. It's a "deflection" of funding to more desirous providers and to those uninsured voters who lined up in legion to vote for their slice of Obama's promised change. Which means what? The American people should be asking these questions and they are not. And no one is asking them for them. The America people are being lulled into a stupor by those telling them that all is well, the recession is ebbing and happy days are on the way again, "once we pass this piece of landmark legislation" of course.

The president's defense of this legislation is not only questionable, it is completely ludicrous after even the most cursory examination of what has been proposed to this point. We all know that America is in dire straights concerning a projected thirty seven trillion dollars in "unfunded obligations" for medicare and medicaid by 2050. Not to mention another fifteen to thirty trillion dollars in unfunded obligations for social security. But Obama and Pelosi and Reid and the rest have yet to explain how that their spending of almost two trillion dollars in money that we don't have right now, will somehow eliminate our projected debt over the next forty years or how that will even impact that debt at all other than to increase it.

Not only does their landmark health care reform act not eliminate the future debt? But there is absolutely no way in hell that it can even reduce it. Meanwhile, the double speak of this liberal shell game is mind boggling. Spending more by the trillions to get "everyone affordable health care" and doing so by hijacking 500 billion dollars from existing resources earmarked for medicare? Somehow works out to providing "more affordable" health care for existing medicare recipients? While at the same time exponentially increasing the number of people who will be able to benefit from the plan.

Will someone please explain to me just how that works out to any deficit reduction over all, as it concerns medicare and medicaid obligations in the future?

Congress and the president are going to rob Peter to pay for Paul's pipe dream of supposed affordable health care today? While in essence further burdening our future that much more. While at the same time denying benefits to existing recipients now, in order to pay for it. And all under the auspices of somehow making medicare and medicaid solvent by 2050? While spending more and taking in less by the day? And they intend to do all that by not only expanding the program to include more people than it does now, but they also want to tax more Americans in order to pay less for medicare providers in the future.

The major problem with the scheme is of course, capitalism doesn't work that way. In a capitalist society, the service provider can simply decide to no longer provide the service to those unable or unwilling to pay for it. Which leaves only the socialist/communist versions of commerce. That which is accomplished at the end of a bayonet or the barrel of a gun.

The simple reality remains, the bill being hustled and hammered by the liberal left right now in congress, is dead on arrival as it concerns any potential ability to extricate America from the abyss of financial collapse in the future. And the combined weight of medicare and medicaid and social security are bearing down with unrelenting pressure and will continue to do so until real and honest reform is put on the table.

While our government and our representatives should be looking at ways to reduce health care costs? They are claiming that the only way to do that, is to include more people into the mix and spend more of the money that we don't have.

Once again, the reality remains contrary to the hustle. Someone has to pay for it all, they always do. And the great lies of the new deal and the great society created under FDR and later LBJ are now being shown for the hollow schemes that they really are. The greatest Ponzi schemes ever devised IMO.

The bill on social security and medicare and medicaid has been coming due for over twenty years and all that we have done is to refinance those bills to the future. And now that the debt is at critical mass? The best that the democrats can come up with is to attempt to refinance it all once again.

There is a crash coming and once the American people see that crash and have to live with this train wreck of supposed health care reform? There will truly be hell to pay.

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