Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Termites Are Coming!

Plan to turn farms into forest worries Obama official

The last time I checked? Termites were the only creature known, that is capable of digesting cellulose (wood). Therefore, it's an interesting proposition to consider reducing our existing farm land and replacing it with forests.

Of course, this is just more hocuspocus coming from the Marxist 'environMENTALIST' brigades. Those that believe that man is a cancer on the planet and that they must do us all a service and eliminate billions of humans in order to return the planet to it's once great (pre-Darwinian) state of mother earth Nirvana.

Meanwhile, starvation is but one of many tools that these Marxist eco-ideologues are pursuing. They will literally stop at nothing to reach their rose colored world. And that most certainly includes destroying their country in advance of destroying its people.

So unless you are a termite? If these folks get their way, wood may be about all there is to eat in a generation or so. But don't worry, it will all be done for the good of the planet and the future generations of bacteria and forest dwelling insects and plant fauna that will thrive in the absence of man. They will be eternally grateful for our sacrifice.

I can hardly wait.

PS. Where is the Obama bus right now? I think that it is backing up in preparation of a new guy getting pitched.


Texan in Wisconsin said...

Don't you worry. This is all a ruse by Comrade Obama to support the logging industry! Since my brother-in-law designs logging equipment, I like this idea (not).

Hope you had a Merry Christmas.

Prime said...

Thanks. We did.

XtnYoda said...

The Trojan Horse of "Global Warming" and the focus thereon is going to also result in thousands upon thousands starving to death. The world governments should be focusing on storing vast amounts of grain for the coming years of cooling and the resultant drop in crop production world wide... We need a "Joseph" as in Egypt... to store up for the years of coming famine.

Then again... perhaps that is exactly part of the progressives plan... throw up a straw man crisis... ignore the real crisis... then blame the "faulty computer models" as the world freezes and starves...

Right now... wouldn't put it past them.

Prime said...

More like millions if not billions starving if you ask me.

The four horsemen come to my mind.