Sunday, June 26, 2011

What's wrong with Washington?

Here's a clue......

House rebukes Obama but won't halt funds for Libya
Challenging presidential power, a defiant U.S. House voted overwhelmingly Friday to deny President Barack Obama the authority to wage war against Libya. But Republicans fell short in an effort to actually cut off funds for the operation in a constitutional showdown reflecting both political differences and unease over American involvement.

So we sat and listened for six years, of how President Bush's war in Iraq wad illegal and unjust and blood for oil, yada, yada, yada. All the while, the same ones making those allegations had all voted to approve the very same war they were decrying.

Fast forward to the present? And we now have Obama engaged in a war that he started in Libya for reasons that are far more dubious than anything that Bush tabled. And yet there was no congressional approval and we are now beyond the sixty day limit of the war powers act. (By the way, the president says that he doesn't need congressional approval.)

And what do our republican counter weights in the house do? After they promised the people that if elected they would change and rein in spending? Well, it doesn't look like much has changed when it comes to how Washington spends out money. The house voted to not support Obama's war in Libya, then turned right around and voted to continue funding it.


Mean while, the president has now told the Taliban and Al Qaida and all other interested Muslim extremist parties globally, that America is packing up to leave Afghanistan and soon. By this time next year there will be a 30,000 troop reduction in Afghanistan. So what else can we do for the enemy mr. president?

I predict terrible casualties as America withdraws from Afghanistan and I predict that ten years from now, you won't be able to tell a dimes worth of difference for our having spent ten years, billions of dollars and thousands of lives there.

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