Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pawlenty sees the writing on the wall

Perhaps there are a few others who should take note.

Pawlenty Drops 2012 Presidential Bid

 Tim Pawlenty announced an end to his presidential candidacy Sunday after what he called a "disappointing" third place finish in the Ames, Iowa, straw poll. The former Minnesota governor said he had hoped to get some lift from the preference poll that is an early indicator of a candidate's potential strength in the primary season.
"I'm ending my campaign for president," Pawlenty told ABC's "This Week," noting that he wished the scenario had been different but voters were looking for something else. 

Straw polls aren't a definitive call on any coming election, but they give you a peek in the box as it concerns public sentiments. And apparently Tim Pawlenty saw enough yesterday in Iowa to convince him that what ever the question may be come 2012, the answer won't be Tim Pawlenty. There are some others who should take note also IMO. Newt Gingrich not being the least of those who should be reading the tea leaves right now. Romney also had his comeuppance yesterday, even though he had previously decided not to play or participate in the straw poll. Right now, I see Rick Perry and Michelle Bachman calling the tune to this dance and slowly the others will drop by the way side IMO.

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