Friday, August 26, 2011

America's enemies hide behind egalitarianism

After last week's earthquake in Virginia, someone tweeted. "that was just our founding fathers collectively rolling over in their graves." Somehow I can't help but believe that the sentiment is very close to the reality. Enter the most recent decision of "Goshen College." A "Mennonite college" simply seeking diversity.
Goshen bans the National Anthem Tiny Goshen College in Indiana has banned the "The Star Spangled Banner: at all sporting events because the Mennonite school's president considers the National Anthem's words to be too violent.

The 1,000-student school had already banned the words last year, but the band could still play the music for patriots in attendance. Now, the school has banned the song entirely, according to NBC Sports. The school’s board of directors told college President Jim Brenneman to “find an alternative to playing the National Anthem that fits with sports tradition, that honors country and that resonates with Goshen College’s core values and respects the views of diverse constituencies.”

Brenneman was okay with that. “I am committed to retaining the best of what it means to be a Mennonite college, while opening the doors wider to all who share our core values,” Brenneman said. “And I invite others to join us at Goshen College as we make peace in all of its forms, even with the national anthem.”
I have to admit, my immediate knowledge of the Mennonites and their cousins the Amish, begins and ends with their historically being pacifist and practicing the shunning of most technology. So I did a quick Google and re-confirmed those existing perceptions.

On the surface, this would seem to be nothing more complex than this little Mennonite college wanting to adhere to its founding principles. However, there are two immediate catches to that explanation in my opinion. The first being why it has taken one hundred and seventeen years for them to come to the conclusion that the National Anthem simply doesn't represent their beliefs and is too violent. But the larger looming give away to the present thinking comes via the statement of the College's Board of directors.

Specifically when they were quoted as directing the college president to : “find an alternative to playing the National Anthem that fits with sports tradition, that honors country and that resonates with Goshen College’s core values and respects the views of diverse constituencies.” So.......I say? It is time for the board of directors of this college to stop hiding behind their religion and their supposed desire for diversity.

What they are really hustling is progressive political liberalism, of the extreme left wing flavor. Most commonly recognized as egalitarianism. Masquerading once again as fairness, but in all honestly being deployed as a screen to their real desires which are socialistic to the core. Having read of this decision by Goshen College to ban the National Anthem? I believe that it is time for them to find a new safe harbor. It is time for them to go back to from whence they came.

Perhaps there are some recently redeveloped territories and nation states where their brand of loyalty and patriotism are more appreciated. Perhaps there is some land that needs clearing in Libya or Ethiopia or the Sudan or the outback of Australia. Some place where they can spend the next several generations as their ancestors did. Farming and subsistence living until their hosts once again tire of their tendencies to be non complimentary to the culture of their host country.

As my father use to say........."anytime you get tired of this country? There are planes and buses leaving every hour and walking ain't crowded."

I believe the interim response to this lunacy should be this. Any college or university that is scheduled to play Goshen in any competitive collegiate sport, should simply cancel and refuse to come to their school to play. The simple version for Goshen? "Go ahead, take your ball and go home. There are other schools that can be challenged to play collegiate sports. Schools that are neither controlled by progressive egalitarianism or a liberal political subculture.

Schools that are more interested in education and collegiate traditions and camaraderie than making political statements and pushing the left's agenda.

1 comment:

XtnYoda said...

They need to go start their own country. And when they get it good and established ... let some blood thirsty bunch of rags come slaughter them and take all they worked to build.

Then I would believe them.