Friday, March 09, 2012

There are lies and statistics

 Or, as Mark Twain would say.....'there are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics. The labor department and the mainstream media are reporting that the unemployment rate remains flat at 8.3 percent. Yet other observers of the same statistics report that the actual unemployment rate is 9.1 %

Regardless of who you believe, the facts remain that America remains in the grasp of the worst recessions since WWII.

Via The Gateway Pundit, a few graphics that demonstrate the truth.

The unemployment rate held at 8.3% in February making Obama the Worst Jobs President since the Great Depression.

Misery Index
The current jobs recession is now the longest since World War II.


XtnYoda said...

Been looking around for different types of lying and found this list. Wondering which ones apply to the reports about employment myths you are speaking about. Seems to me that #s 1,2,3,5,6,7, 9, and 12 fit!
1] bold-faced lie (telling a lie that everyone can see, e.g., the crumbs are on your face)
2]bluffing (such as in a card game)
4]white lie (to avoid hurting a friend e.g., nice haircut)
5]temporary lie (surprise party)
6]lying to avoid punishment
7]omission (leaving out information with the purpose of misleading)
8]telling a story/repeating information you aren't sure is true
9]perjury (lying in court or sworn statement)
10]sarcasm or tall tale (using untruth to express truth)
11]advertisers lying about products
12]harmful lies that help no one

Prime said...

I believe that #7 is the tag