Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Four more years of Obama

As each day passes, it is becoming more and more clear to me that this race is over. If present trends hold and they will, Barack Obama will face Mitt Romney in November. And when he does, he will win. This race was decided months ago by the media elites and the party elites.They decided who the GOP candidate to oppose Obama would be and anyone who doesn't realize that is living in a vacuum absent any political awareness of who and what are really running the politics of America.

The republican party is no more interested in winning back the white house than I am in seeing John Boehner remain speaker of the house. The republicans conceded the political field of battle three cycles ago when they became determined to allow the democrats to do as they pleased with the nation's treasury. Nothing has changed since then aside from the fact that the GOP elite believe that they can best serve their own interests, by attempting to control congress and the national treasury through control of congress. Which is kinda like bidding on a barn at the fire sale and the damn thing is fully engulfed.

The primaries in the south today will not settle anything. Gingrich won't drop out. He will be there until the bloody end when they have to revoke his credentials and escort him from the convention. And here we were thinking that the real loon in all this was Ron Paul.

The republicans will continue to fight all the way into the convention and when it is all over, the end result will remain the same. Mitt Romney is the chosen one and he has already been given his script for his big WWE bout with Obama this fall. The skinny black man against the slicked back Yankee hypester.  In the end, Obama will get the tap out early in the first round and America will be stuck for another four years. Provided we can survive another four years. Look for the major networks to call it for Obama before the 11 o'clock news that night.

What will be interesting to watch is what happens in 2016. What party will step forward to oppose the egalitarian secular humanist (democrats) then. It certainly won't be the republicans, as the party of Lincoln is now in its twilight of existence and in complete disarray.


Anonymous said...

I think you're dead wrong on this issue.

IF gas prices continue to go up, O'buma is toast.

Every cent in the rise of gas costs American drivers millions and the secondary effect is that all our food, energy ( fuel oil, diesel ) prices are going up as well. Every thing in this country is either carried by truck or train. And every time I go to the store I see price raises ( except at Walmart and Food Maxx). But even there I see prices shooting up. My cat food is up 10-20 cents a can for wet food, stores are having periodic sales on dry food but my cats insist on their wet food. Coffee is going up, so are prices at restaurants. O'buma lied last night when he said drilling in this country is going up under his aegis. On Federal land it's dropped 40% under him and he touted that we've stopped using a million gallons yet fuel prices keep climbing. 2 weeks ago they opened up a new Safeway here and the gas lines go from opening until 11 pm as prices change literally every day. When the store opened gas went from 3.69 to 3.89 in 2 days. And the lines got larger. Retail sales went up last month, but Tom Sullivan questions how much of that is due to everyone going out to gas up before the prce gets higher ?

And Biden making comments that the Republicans don't identify with the common folk while Demoratic donors eat steak, doesn't make O'buma look less of an elitist statist snob, which he is and Biden less of an idiot.

Come November, if fuel prices go to $ 7, O'buma is finished.

And we could see the brokered convention that Michael Steele wanted and Sarah Palin or another Republican picked as the delegates revolt over the infighting and seek someone who won't break the 11th Commandment of Reagan and go after the REAL opponent :


O'buma even attacked Palin in his latest ad which also shows a lack of class AND FEAR.

They fear the Mama grizzly because she says what she feels and to hell with what the RINOS in Washington think.

Prime said...

I appreciate your sentiments and I certainly hope that i am wrong but I don't think so. Romney is going to be the nominee and as a result, there are a lot of conservatives who will simply refuse to vote for him and it will take every opposition votes in America to beat Obama regardless of how bad the economy gets.

The obama forces are already loading up for bear come November. The GOP will be out spent ten to one and when you combine the free push and boost that the leftist media will once again give freely to Obama, it is simply too much to overcome for a Mitt Romney.

Americans are factionalized politically much like Sarah Palin alluded to when she made the comparison between present day and the 1860's. IMO, there isn't a dimes worth of difference between present day and what led to the Civil war. That is precisely what obama is pushing for.

This nation is on the verge of political collapse because of the egalitarian influences that have permeated every aspect of our culture and set about destroying everything about our history, our religion and our culture.

No, i wish i was wrong but i still believe that Romney will be the nominee and Obama won't just beat him, he will smother him and he will do it with the aid of a complicit media who will convince the majority of Americans that hope and change are on the way.

All it will take is a little more sacrifice and a little more punishing of the rich and we will all be living on easy street in the land of milk and honey.

By all means come back in November and if i am wrong? We can celebrate together.

Thanks again for sharing your opinion here. I wish more people would.

James said...

I can at least tell you that I'm not voting for Romney if he ends up being the Republican candidate. I'm uneasy about his LDS underpinnings and I'm not voting for a globalist. I wouldn't vote for Ron Paul either because of his background, because his world policies are very close to mine but are too radical and exclusive, and because of his lack of support for Israel. I'd have to go with Santorum. His Roman Catholic underpinnings make me uneasy a bit but overall I'm in synch with him, I believe.

I can tell you I'm praying for a miracle, and I pray for it every day and often several times. I want liberty for my family and I. I want to share life with others who believe like me and want to raise a family and a community the same way I do. To those who will excerise the liberty that comes from Christ, I want them to have it. I want a political environment, leaders, laws, guides, precedents, regulations, customs, all of it, that supports this way of life. I want all who are thirsty for it to have it. I want the political environment suitable for evangelism and outreach. I'm praying for it and will be thankful however God decides to bring it about.

I need to commment here more often. I continue reading hear daily and am always so grateful. -James

Prime said...

Thank you for your comments and your support James. I believe that you and I are reading this through the same lens.

I originally supported Newt but with his continued misfires he became untenable as a choice rather quickly. The rest of the field has left me completely uninspired with the exception of Romney. Mitt Romney will not get my vote if he is the best that the GOP can muster for this election.

I too am left with no other choice but Santorum at this juncture, but sadly I don't believe that he can survive the nomination process or beat Obama if he did.

Therefore, short of the convention completely imploding and a true conservative champion emerging from the ashes, I believe that this cycle is already lost to any hope of unseating Obama.

Gas can go to $10 a gallon and the minions of the collective leftist minorities and the complicit media will still pull out all stops to get him re-elected.