Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Derek Chauvin’s Murder Charge Will Now Be 2nd Degree; 3 Other Ex-MPD Officers Also Face Charges

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison will announce that the other three now-fired Minneapolis police officers involved in the arrest that resulted in murder charges for fired officer Derek Chauvin now face charges themselves, according to Sen. Amy Klobuchar.

Three former officers can be seen in a widely-seen video, putting their weight on top of George Floyd before his May 25 death. They include Chauvin — now to be charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter — as well as officers Thomas Lane and J Alexander Kueng. A fourth former officer, Tou Thao, is seen on the video near the others.
Minnesota’s sentencing guidelines indicate two different possibilities for intentional second-degree murder and unintentional second-degree murder. The former sentencing guideline calls for, upon conviction, 25 and a half years in prison, whereas the latter calls for 12 and a half years.

Link To Article: Click Here


Unknown said...

I agree with Trey Gowdys statement that he should be charged with 1st degree murder!! 2nd is better Than 3rd!

Prime said...

The news is reporting that the family "is demanding that 1st degree murder charges be filed. And once again? When it comes to racial politics? The law has little to do with anything. The law is the law and the elements of the law require specifics for attach. And we cannot simply charge people with Murder in the 1st degree? Because that is what the family or the mob wants.

Justice requires an equal application of the law, not a prejudicial application, based solely on emotion. There must be specific elements of action present in each charge being considered.