Thursday, June 04, 2020

When The Law is Abandoned, The Lawless Are The Rule of Law

The demonization of the American police officer is being congealed. The police are now the enemy. In cities all across America, the conversations are now? To de-fund the police. Seriously? Who do these anarchist and their sycophant followers of leftist and socialist? Believe will protect them?

If there are no police officers. Does anyone seriously buy into their bullshit stories of having neighborhood counselors respond to 911 or emergency calls? Who will pick up the bodies. Or piece back together the shattered lives left in the wake of such lunacy as is now being foisted and bought into by the criminal left in America.

Liberal socialism and egalitarianism? Eat away at this nation daily. Like the true cancers that they are. They carve out enclaves of sympathizers and identify more and more of those, more than willing to destroy this nation and subjugate its people to tyranny.

What will it take to stop it? At this point? Vigilantism. It will take thousands of Americans standing up and literally, taking the law into their own hands. Because when no one else will enforce the law? And we no longer have police officers to enforce the law? Someone has to.

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