Funerals Held for Some Fort Hood Shooting Victims
As the agony of the Fort Hood terrorist attack continues to play out in the media, a very important reality is being missed IMO. And that reality is that we have 12 Army personnel and one civilian who died defending their country during a terrorist attack.
Some may attempt to say that those lost were not engaged in combat against a recognized enemy, therefore, their deaths while tragic, weren't in the line of duty. These are the same one's now baying and shrilly whining that the acts of Hasan were not a terrorist inspired and conducted act.
But I beg to differ. A soldier doesn't have to be holding a rifle on a battlefield far away, to be fully engaged in protecting this country and thus become the victim of a terrorist. And I maintain that these thirteen were fully engaged in defending their country. As I equally maintain and believe that they died at the hands of a terrorist.
They never expected to be called upon to die on their own soil. Not in the relative comfort and safety of their own base, but the enemy within found them and targeted them just the same. Just as assuredly as if they had been deployed in either Afghanistan or Iraq, they were targeted for who they were and what they represented to the enemy. And the enemy they confronted that terrible day was no different than the enemy that their comrades are continuing to confront daily on the known and recognized battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The fact that we as a nation have been failed and let down by those in power does not change that reality one bit. The fact that there are still those in our military and in our government, more concerned with being politically correct, than with protecting the lives of our citizens or our military personnel should not come as a shock to those who deal in truth and honesty. Even the Army Chief of Staff Gen. Casey revealed his egalitarian stripe in the aftermath of this massacre. It remains more important to him to protect the sensibilities of those who might become offended, than it is for him to assure the safety of his troopers. How disgusting. and this man wears the uniform of this country and holds the title of Army chief of Staff?
These thirteen fallen heroes were not only warriors for this nation, but they are also now our honored dead. They shed their blood and gave their lives in the ongoing battle and war being waged between freedom and democracy and Islamic Jihad ism.
Make no mistake, these men and women earned our love and appreciation and they are entitled to every honor and recognition that we as a nation can bestow upon them. And that includes the bestowing of medals and honors in all their conspicuous presentation to their surviving family members. And that is as it should be IMO.
We as a nation should not allow the memory of these honored dead to pass into history with no more than the whimpers and cries of their loved ones to stand as testament to their service and sacrifice. The time is not quite yet, but soon. There needs to be monuments erected at Fort Hood and at Arlington commemorating the lives and service of these thirteen who died at the hands of terrorist extremism. And in the interim, the Army should bestow on these families the appropriate combat action medals of this country. In recognition for their service against and sacrifice in the face of Islamic fanaticism.
As a family friend of one of the dead remarked this week as his funeral procession passed by....
"He was killed by a terrorist in my mind but he was still killed in the line of duty. We owe him a debt of gratitude, him and his family and the other soldiers. We owe them our lives, our freedom," she said.
I agree. Honor them and their service. Honor their memories and allow their families the honor of recognition that they both earned and deserve. And hopefully, allow someone with honor and integrity to be the one to present the honors to these surviving families.
Hopefully someone not steeped in the falsehoods of political correctness and the supposed diversity and tolerance and egalitarian bogus lies that led to these deaths.
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