Monday, April 04, 2011

Go burn your own holy book....

It looks like the burning of a Koran in Florida by a protestant minister, has sparked four days of rioting in Afghanistan.

April 3, 2011
Afghan protests against the burning of a Quran in Florida entered a third day with a demonstrations in the south and east Sunday, while the Taliban called on people to rise up, blaming government forces for any violence.

The desecration at a small U.S. church has outraged Muslims worldwide, and in Afghanistan many of the demonstrations have turned into deadly riots. Protests in the north and south in recent days have killed 20 people.

In southern Kandahar city on Sunday, hundreds took to the streets for the second day in a row, and hospital officials said 20 people were hurt in skirmishes between police and demonstrators. On Saturday, nine people were killed and 80 injured when a protest turned into a riot.
 And now a few words from the pastor.....

But Mr Jones shows no signs of backing down, refusing to admit the violence is his fault, and apparently proud of his actions.

In an interview at his Dove World Outreach Center, the pastor at least admitted that he was saddened by the Afghan attacks - but added that he would burn the Koran again if given the chance.

He told the New York Times: 'It was intended to stir the pot; if you don’t shake the boat, everyone will stay in their complacency.

'Emotionally, it’s not all that easy. People have tried to make us responsible for the people who are killed. It’s unfair and somewhat damaging.

Read more:

The bottom line: Once again we see political correctness seeping into the controversy here in America. There is either freedom of speech or there isn't in my opinion.

What this man is doing is no doubt ill advised and sickening, but what separates his act/s from those both here in America and in the middle east and elsewhere, who desecrate the Holy Bible?

Good for the goose? Is good for the gander.

Maybe if we treated the enemy with the utter disdain for their culture and religion that they treat ours, we might find a greater willingness to end this absurdity and win this war once and for all.

Meanwhile, the band plays on and our troops continue to die, while those in Washington sit and spin and do nothing.

I say, if nothing else, this pastor's acts may cause some people to think here in America. And that is something that we are direly in need of.


XtnYoda said...

Good to have you back online!

On the Mark said...

The key difference between burning a Koran on the one hand and desecrating a Bible on the other hand is in the response.

As a Christian, I find desecration of sacred symbols like the Crucifix offensive, but I am not outraged. I consider it 'the nature of the beast' so to speak.

"All men will hate you because of me"
"A student is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master."
~Matt. 10:22,24

Even though the Koran is no more than a false testimony of an Anti-Christ, which deserves to be burned, I still have no desire to offend Muslims in general. But I appreciate what Jones is doing if only because of what it reveals. Muslims actually claim to consider burning of a Koran by one man to be a legitimate excuse to kill other people who did not burn the Koran. You will never see Christians seek violent retaliation even on the very perpetrator of offense against Christian symbols, let alone on someone else. On the contrary, while a devout Muslim must respond violently, a devout Christian must respond with forgiveness and peace. So, this tells us something important about Islam.

But the response to the response is also revealing. Many are so deeply terrorized by the response of Muslims to what we might consider the slightest of offenses, that they hypocritically refer to those who are not afraid as Islamophobic. In fact, those who rush to judge the speakers of truth and are so eager to appease Muslims are the ones who are truly Islamophobic. Their pretense of sensitivity is exposed as hypocrisy when they refuse to defend Christians and our sensibilities.

I refuse to apologize for Jones while agreeing with you because this fact stands alone and needs no qualifier: either there is freedom of speech or there is not.

Prime said...

Thank you Chuck.

Very well said On the Mark.

Those are basically my same sentiments on this issue. I see no rioting in the streets when the Holy bible is burned or desecrated, either here in America, or elsewhere.

I see no righteous indignation that sparks retaliatory murder against innocent people.

And I see no religion of peace when I look at the Muslim religion.

And I agree, the true Islamophobics, are those who are so terrified of offending Muslims, as they would gladly hand over their country and the lives of innocent millions to appease the trumped up pretenses of militant Islam.

The egalitarian secular humanist left may buy into that gospel? But not me.