Monday, April 25, 2011

The price of oil and other things

This is one of my blogs where I won't be excerpting anything from outside sources. I am rather going to rely on the immediate memory of those who may be reading this and hopefully make a few points that will register with their recollections. What's going on with the price of oil? Which should in truth raise the question, what's going on with the price of other things also.

The bottom line, unless you have been living in a cave and playing bingo for the past several months oblivious to the outside world, you have been forced to become aware of the steady increase in the price of oil. An increase that has translated into rising cost of gasoline at the pump and the realization that we are now closing in on the $4 a gallon mark. $5 a gallon by summer is becoming more and more of a certainty based upon the forecasts.

So, what is going on? While many people believe that the price of oil is being driven by some shortage of oil, or a certain collusion amongst OPEC countries or those speculating commodity prices on Wall Street? The reality is much different. The reality is that the dollar has declined and continues to decline to record levels. The declining dollar is what is really driving the price of oil and the leadership of this country is who is behind that declining dollar.

Oil on the world markets is priced in dollars and the Fed's policy of 'quantitative easing' has led to increased oil prices and inflation. Quantitative easing simple stated, is the printing of more money by the Fed, with nothing to sustain it. Combine that with the uncontrolled spending of the US government and the treasury secretary's demand that the debt limit ceiling once again be raised? And we have the perfect economic storm upon us.

It's no longer a question of what if. It's now a question of what now and what next. One trip to the grocery store will tell you that inflation is upon us. Combined with other forces and influences that ebb and flow regardless of our present economic status, America is literally teetering on the edge of an economic collapse. And the best game plan that this administration has been able to come up with, is to spend phenomenal amounts of money on bailouts and pointless and unsustainable subsidized housing and auto manufacturing schemes.

And now the powers that be in congress and the white house tell us that we must increase our debt ceiling and we must absorb the continued printing of more money in order to keep the banks afloat.

The reality is simple. Oil is priced in US dollars. The US dollar is literally becoming worthless. The devaluing of the dollar is what is driving the price of oil on the international markets and the devalued dollar is what is driving inflation and will continue to drive inflation.

So the next time you go to pump or the grocery store and look in your wallet? You may think you have x number of dollars there, but what you really have are devalued dollars that no longer will buy what they did as recently as a year ago. And the trend continues to worsen.

The president has commissioned a group to look into the price of oil to determine if there is any gouging present or those taking advantage of the situation in order to raise prices. I suggest he direct his commission to the Fed and Timothy Geithner at Treasury. There is where the gouging and the taking advantage of Americans is truly occurring.

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