Thursday, May 10, 2012

Evolution vs. Creation in the other world

For those who have been following the issue of homosexual marriage recently, it seems that yesterday our president finally fell off of the fence on the issue and made a commitment to side with homosexuals. Or as he so magnanimously put it: "he evolved" in his view of the matter and decided that homosexuals have a right to marriage..

It looks like another victory for evolution theory. I believe this political decision will have a greater impact on the issue of evolution than the Scopes trial did and the famous wrangling between Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryant. You see, this is but yet another example of how evolution works. You arrive at a thesis and then over time you simply allow your will to be bent into the shape of the thesis and suddenly? You have evolved!

My question is this. How many Americans are watching this evolution of Obama and his other evolutions while we are on the subject. Conservatives who suddenly change a position are considered flip floppers, but liberals can now apparently claim evolution as the justification for their own changed opinions.

And as is evidenced by the media reaction this morning across America, they are expecting Obama's evolution on homosexuality to have global ramifications. I can already see the other egalitarian twits sizing up the issue in Europe to see if they can also evolve. But somehow? I don't see any evolution occurring with the religion of peace and our Muslim brothers. I don't think evolution is a word in their lexicon. But we shall see.

In the mean time, "All Hail Caesar!" Let the word go forth that Homosexuals have been lifted to a new level of equal status with the rest of humanity in America. 

Obama gay marriage support seen as world precedent to be followed by "other world leaders"

President Barack Obama's announcement Wednesday that he supports gay marriage boosted the hopes of gay rights groups around the world that other leaders will follow his example, though opponents denounced his switch as a shameless appeal for votes.
Several countries, including Canada, Spain and Argentina, allow same-sex marriage, but far more countries ban it and dozens even prohibit consensual same-sex relations. Gay-rights groups hope Obama's views will inspire more change.
"This is incredibly important, it's excellent news. The United States is a global leader on everything, and that includes gay rights," said Julio Moreira, president of the Rio de Janeiro-based Arco-Iris gay rights group. "This will force other nations like Brazil to move forward with more progressive policies."
Vatican and other religious officials didn't comment, but political leaders and others opposed to gay marriage excoriated Obama. In particular, politicians tied to Pentecostal and Catholic churches have spoken out strongly against same-sex marriage in Latin America.


XtnYoda said...

The Borg: "You arrive at a thesis and then over time you simply allow your will to be bent into the shape of the thesis and suddenly? You have evolved!"

That sir, is really funny!

Prime said...

There you have it. simply really. That must have been how it was done in the beginning. The deity of primordial soup said let there be apes. then just stood around and waited on something to fill the void. Same thing with man I suppose. No telling what they could have come up with if they had put some thought into it.