Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Eyes in Our Skies

The reported use of these drones across America has been being reported almost matter of fact by the media  of late in my opinion. As if almost a preparatory notice of what the media has been told to expect and to prepare the people for. 

I remember when ten years ago there were those warning of blacked out aircraft and military civilian re-training camps being prepared under the auspices of FEMA disaster relief plans. Now comes this repeated bombardment of drone stories and color pieces on how they can be used to 'enhance our security.' The bottom line, freedoms surrendered are never restored willingly by governments. Those freedoms must be re-bought and paid for in blood. If history has taught us anything it has taught us that.

In my opinion, Judge Napolitano just put a target on his head in my opinion. 

Judge Napolitano: First Patriot To Shoot Down A Government Spy Drone Will Be A Hero

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Blasts illegal use of “plastic drones” to spy on Americans in their backyards
Steve Watson
May 16, 2012

Judge Andrew Napolitano has warned Congress not to act “like potted plants” regarding the increased use of unmanned surveillance drones without warrants over US skies by military, government, and law enforcement agencies.
Echoing the recent comments of his Fox News colleague Charles Krauthammer, Napolitano also said that “The first American patriot that shoots down one of these drones that comes too close to his children in his backyard will be an American hero.”
The federal government is rolling out new rules on the use of the unmanned drones this week, with the Federal Aviation Administration announcing procedures will “streamline” the process through which government agencies, including local law enforcement, receive licenses to operate the aircraft.


XtnYoda said...

Could this be an issue that brings both sides of the isle together?

30,000 drones? Amazing! Evil.

Prime said...

I doubt it. I don't know of anything that will bring them together short of Armageddon.