Sunday, May 27, 2012

This Memorial Day Remember

Consider your children's futures.

Listen and remember the words of our greatest president, our greatest leader, our best example of duty, honor, country as an elected president of these United States. The man who presently darkens the doorways and hallways of the White House and sells our secrets and access to our most secret to our enemies and Hollywood celebrities knows nothing of these values.

His is a mission to see everything that Ronald Reagan warned us of brought to full reality and this nation destroyed. The pain and suffering of this nation has only begun. If this man is allowed another four years in office he will destroy this nation totally and completely. I hope that we do not allow that to happen. Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their country. America needs us to stand up and defend her.

Defend her heritage and history. Defend your heritage and history, or as Ronald Reagan warned, we are on the cusp of sentencing our children to a thousand years of darkness and slavery. The choice is ours. Now is the time to make a difference. Make a difference with your hard earned dollars. Don't spend them with businesses or individuals who have no moral values outside of their egalitarian political correctness and socialist dogma.

Come November, vote this interloping Fabian socialist out of office and as many of his kind as we can send packing with our votes. Time is short, there isn't but a hair's breath of window of opportunity to save ourselves. Your fate is up to you and your neighbors, either seize the time and contribute to the effort to save ourselves, or suffer the damnation to follow if Barack Obama is re-elected to another four years.

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