Monday, November 23, 2020

Listen To Your Enemies, They Will Tell You Their Intentions

I have warned people of this old axiom, at least as far back as the beginning of the Obama administration. Obama repeatedly told is what he would do, then dis it. And the democrats and the media have done and are doing, the exact same thing. 

Numerous media sources began reporting this same story in the weeks leading up to the election. Yet no one seems to remember any of it. Yet here it is, plain as day, staring us in the face.

So damn your lying eyes. 

President Donald Trump could appear to win the November election in an apparent landslide when the first results come in, but lose once counting mail-in ballots is completed days later.

Hawkfish, a data and analytics firm funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has warned that Trump could win a phantom victory on election night because of the time it takes to tabulate votes sent by mail.

The firm's CEO Josh Mendelsohn told Axios that this result would be a "red mirage" that could pose problems given the president's attacks on mail-in ballots and accusations of voter fraud by Democrats.

Link To News Week article

Exclusive: Dem group warns of apparent Trump Election Day landslide

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