Sunday, April 04, 2021

Its Magic

So. You believe that we landed on the moon over fifty years ago?  Well then, it won't be that big of a stretch, for you to believe that we have landed a Mars rover. 

And that rover is about to launch a helicopter to explore the surface of Mars. There is only one problem. Winged flight? Requires atmosphere. Including rotor winged flight.  

Absent atmosphere? There is nothing for the wing to bite and create lift. And Mars?  Has less than 1% of the atmosphere of earth. Go ahead. Look it up. I will wait. 

But in the interim? They want us to believe that they will be flying a scientific helicopter around the surface of Mars. Just remember this.

CGI and blue screen didn't exist in 1969. 

The atmosphere of Mars is the layer of gases surrounding Mars. It is primarily composed of carbon dioxide (95%), molecular nitrogen (2.8%) and argon (2%).[3] It also contains trace levels of water vapor, oxygen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and other noble gases.[3][5][2] The atmosphere of Mars is much thinner than Earth's. The average surface pressure is only about 610 pascals (0.088 psi) which is less than 1% of the Earth's value.[2] The currently thin Martian atmosphere prohibits the existence of liquid water at the surface of Mars, but many studies suggest that the Martian atmosphere was much thicker in the past.[4] The highest atmospheric density on Mars is equal to the density found 35 km (22 mi) above the Earth's surface. The atmosphere of Mars has been losing mass to space throughout history, and the leakage of gases still continues today. Wikipedia.  

Therefore? The surface atmosphere on Mars? Is equivalent to the atmosphere on earth? At an altitude of 22 miles above earth. 

Or 116,160 feet above earths surface. 

On June 21, 1972, Jean Boulet of France piloted an Aérospatiale SA 315B Lama helicopter to an absolute altitude record of 40,814 feet (12,440 m).[60] At that extreme altitude, the engine flamed out and Boulet had to land the helicopter by breaking another record: the longest successful autorotation in history.[61] The helicopter was stripped of all unnecessary equipment prior to the flight to minimize weight, and the pilot breathed supplemental oxygen. Wikipedia. 

Therefore? The world record for rotor winged altitude on earth? Is a little over one third the distance tht would be required? For a rotor winged craft to be able to fly at just above the surface of Mars. 🤔. 

See the problem?  

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