Monday, April 26, 2021

What Is In A Color?

 Barack Obama promised that if elected? He would fundamentally change America.  

So what do you think. What grade would you give him?

I give him an A on his promises and an F on his administration and legacy. 

So what did he change?

His first four years? 

He went after the US military. Obama all but eliminated the senior command staff of all branches of the service. 

And those he could not force into retirement, he had moved to positions where they were not a threat to his globalist and pro Islamic agendas.  

His second four years?

He went after the police and law enforcement in general.  Beginning with the Treyvon Martin comparison to the son he never had. 

And moving on to Ferguson and the Michael Brown case. Obama was the leader of the band when it came to the proven falsehood of hands up don't shoot. 

His attack on the police continued, with officers murdered Nationwide in the aftermath of his public positions on policing. And his proben falsehoods of police officers accused of targeting blacks to kill them. Yet that meme continues to exist today. 

Officers were assassinated in New York City and Baton Rouge La. and Dallas Tx. On his watch. And the carnage continues. We have already seen over 103 police officers killed in the line of duty this year alone. And we have not reached the end of April. 

And what about housing?  

I can't speak for other cities, other than what I read.  But in Atlanta?  All public housing projects were torn down and demolished during Obama's terms. All were bulldozed to the ground. Nothing but dirt and weeds remain where most once stood. 

And I am all but sure that the same is true in other cities around America. 

So where did all of those people go? And what about those coming up behind them?  They are now in suburban neighborhoods all over America.  It's called "section eight housing."

And Biden wants to do more of it. By eliminating local zoning and the feds forcing low income apartments into suburban neighborhoods. 

That's the new normal for America. 

And meanwhile? 

In every community where this quantum shift of population and demographics has occurred? The crime rates have soared. As they continue to do in the inner cities

and urban centers of America. 

Violent crime and homicide rates up hundreds of percentage points in the last year alone. Compliments of the George Floyd reactions and retributions against America and Americans. 

Meanwhile? The police continue to be vilified and demonized. The police have been made the enemy in America by Obama's polices, commentaries and actions. 

To the point where there is now a mass exodus of police nationwide. And an inability to hire replacements. Why? Because those who might have wanted a career in law enforcement? Watch the news too. 

Who would want any job where you are vilified and prosecuted for trying to do your job and help others 

And the realization has to be? That these attacks on the police and the carnage in our streets? Did not end with his presidency. It has all been carried forward and continues. 

These realities have all been carried forward by Obama and his minions. With his creation of "Organizing For Action."

Which is his own personal clearing house for organizing and orchestrating, the militancy and anarchy we have seen in the streets of America, ever since he was in office and ever since he has left office. 

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

Yes?  I give him an A on his promises to fundamentally change this nation? Because that is precisely what he has done. 

And his field martials like Stacy Abrams and Maxine Waters and Lebron James and the others, are his drum majors. 

Each beating the drums of dissension and angst and racial anger. Theirs is an agenda just like his and he remains their mentor and greatest admirer. 

And last but not least?  His possibly greatest achievement toward changing this nation fundamentally?   Is that he has turned this nation into a radicalized and racialized hotbed of racial disparity and division. 

Every gain made by Martin Luther King has now been set aside and abandoned by the so called black leadership of this nation, in the wake of Barack Obama's actions.  

And make no mistake, there was a plan from the beginning. Starting in Chicago's "new party." Under the tutelage of Benadine Dorn

And William Ayers and the reverend Jerimiah Wright and many other Marxist radicals. 

There no longer exist any notion of King's dream or his admonishment to judge the content of character, over the color of skin. 

MLK has been thrown under the bus and the likes of Sharpton and the others race hustlers and racial blackmail artists like Abrams and Waters, revel in driving over and crushing his memory on a daily basis. 

And this is where Obama gets his A+ in my opinion. 

His presidemcy and his actions in the bacground ever since leaving office? Have laid the groundwork for a complete racial division in this country. 

And ultimately a war in the streets. 

And that fact is being solidified daily by other prominent racists like Lebron James. 

Had a white athlete made the same statements about black people, that he has made about white people? He would have been run out of the league and hounded into oblivion. 

Dual standards and a separate set of rules based upon race. Those are the present realities.  

Because that is what we allow in the America of today. Only white people are tagged as racists and so called white supremacy is the greatest threat to America. 

Meanwhile, we watch our cities burn and our capitol turned into an armed camp? To protect those who are selling this nation out. 

So don't worry about choosing sides in this war created by Obama and these others furthering his agenda and the master plan. 

Your side has already been chosen for you. Based upon your skin color. And that is Obama's true legacy.

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