Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Stop Being a Slave

 What is happening to America. That is a question that many Americans are asking daily. 

Some are calling it woke. Others are calling it cancel culture. As a friend of mine noted earlier today. "What civil war?" Adding that almost all vestiges of that history have been destroyed. With plans to destroy the rest of it. 

And they will not stop there. 

They want to destroy our flag, our anthem and anything that they can tag as theft or oppression of indigenous people or as they say: "people of color."

I am old enough to remember when blacks were referred to as colored. Or colored people. And that too became a taboo of racism. Anyone referring to someone as colored? Was an immediate demonstration of so called racism. 

Yet now? 

Blacks and others refer to themselves a "people of color." That is alright. That is acceptable. No harm no fowl? Because they do it. 

The same with their use of words to refer to each other? That if anyone else has the temerity to use the same word? They are immediately branded a racist. 

And if you don't think so? Look at the recent branding of Morgan Wallen the country music star that transgressed the boundaries defined for those "not of color."

That is the America of today. 

And yes? Much of it has been caused by so called progressive politicians on the left. But what precisely? Is progressive about destroying your country, your heritage and your history. 

Progressives will argue, that "change" is neccessary. But is change that destroys a culture, in order to sacrifice that culture to another culture? Really the change that best benefits America. 

I say no. 

And now? We can add to those progressive, leftist democrats and their globalist socialist agenda? Their proxies. 

Their proxies are American corporations. 

Forget about small businesses.  Those are being destroyed too. They are being destroyed daily, by these corporate monopolies and a complacent government that does not care. 

As an example? The federal government supposedly has a small business association. Tasked with helping, assisting and guiding small business creation in America. 

When in truth of fact? The small business association is doing more to destroy small businesses in America, than most other federal agencies. 

And the only small businesses they are truly helping? Is the establishment of businesses exclusively owned by foreigners who have come to America. 

Look around America. 

Your dry cleaners, your package stores, your convenience stores, your gas stations and your restaurants to name a few. All have been or are being converted to ownership by foreign nationals. 

Those small businesses have been infiltrated by foreign born nationals for decades now. And it continues with the support of the small business association. 

We as Americans, sit back and watch these traditionally owned American businesses, go under and go bust. 

Soon to be replaced by foreigners. And we do nothing. 

Those who come here from other countries? Are given an immediate leg up by the federal government, and the small business association, to start businesses. And they do. 

Meanwhile? The federal government's proxies? The corporations? Are doing the bidding of the deep state and the globalist. They have taken over our farms, our automotive production, our textile and furniture production and even our funeral homes. 

All is now corporate, or soon to be. And the best way to accomplish that? Is by killing small business in America. 

Corporations now immediately embrace everything to do with the woke culture. And they are more than happy to cancel anyone and any small business, that fails to march to the cancel culture  propaganda of egalitarian socialism. 

Many Americans express exasperation and lament: "what can I do?"

Well I will tell you what you can do. I can tell you what you must do. Before it is too late. 

Stop buying into the egalitarian lies of fairness, equity and white privilege.  Equity being their latest  buzz word for glossing over their open racism against white Americans that corporate America and government are engaged in. 

Equity and white privilege, are the tools being use to disinfranchise white Americans, for the exclusive benefit of others.  

We as Americans, individually and collectively, have the power to stop it. But it takes awareness. It takes inconvenience. It takes a committmrnt across the board. It takes the willingness to walk away from businesses and especially corporations any and all that wantonly disparage this nation and anyone who does not march to their drum. 

And that means suffering. 

But how much suffering are you willing to tolerate? Are you willing to be discerning in your daily lives. are you willing to educate yourself as to these businesses and products that you should not be supporting. 

Or? Are you willing to continue to suffer as a member of the scarlet letter class of Americans, being vilified daily by these businesses. Are you willing to continue to do nothing about the continued degradation of America. And yourself?

Because if you are? Just sit back and continue to bury you head in the sand. Until they come for you. 

It is not racist to support your country, or the belief that the government is supposed to serve the people. All of the oeople and not just protected clases. It is not racist to believe that the American people were empowered by the constitution, to control the evilness that is now Washington. 

It is not racist to support the police, or to affirm your belief that all lives matter, and not just those empowered and supported by woke ideologies or other cultures. 

It is not racist to say that you refuse to apologise for slavery that ended over 150 years ago. 

It is not racist to refuse to apologise for having been born white. Or for acknowledging that there is no such thing as white priviledge.  Because if you are paying attention? The creation of black privilege abounds daily.  

White priviledge is nothing more than a red herring argument to isolate, marginalize and terrify those who fear being called a racist. White priviledge was  designed and created to weaken the heritage of this nation, our culture, our religious faith and our race in general. 

Stop buying into it. 

It is a Trojan Horse creation. Designed to cause acceptance by condemnation.  So that the furtherance of a truly racist ideology can flourish and become the norm. And that is precisely what is happening.  


The belief that all things in life must be fair, and if they are not, it is government's job to force it to be so. Another name for egalitarianism is socialism. 

Winston Churchill described it accurately.  

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

And if you are paying attention? You are suffering through that misery right now. 

Millions of people have risked their lives to flee socialism. Yet we are now told by an ignorant generation of millennials and others, that socialism is what we need in America. 

Pay attention America. 

Educate yourselves. Stop relying on the media to tell you the truth.   Because they don't tell the truth and they won't. As they too are controlled by corporate America and the egalitarian globalist of our government. 

Pay attention before you make purchases. Identify those companies and corporations that vilify this country and our morals and values. 

Pay attention to those companies that find the values of anti Americanism and globalism, more valuable than traditional American values.  

Stop giving them your money. Because if enough of us will do that, they will get the message loud and clear. 

And to do that? You will have to stop buying your favorite soft drinks, your fast food and entertainment. 

You will need to identify those producers of clothing and other commodities, who have out sourced their production and American jobs out of America.

And yes? You will have to walk away from sports teams and actors and celebrities. You will have to walk away from all who further the woke culture. 

As I said earlier, that will cause misery, but it is a far more tolerable misery, than to continue to be the slaves of woke culture and the so called progressive politicians who are strangling this country and its people. 

Take control of your own personal life and refuse to be forced and pigeon holed into an existence that reduces you to a second class citizen. 

I am not a second class citizen, and I refuse to be one for the benefit of supporting an abhorrent reality. A reality designed to destroy who I am as an individual and as an American. 

Some say that opinions are like a certain orifice of the body. Everyone has one. 

But remember this. You are entitled to your opinion. As you are entitled to support those who aupport your beliefs and opinions. And other cuktures and other Americans, do not have any superior entitlement. 

Because when you fail to stand up for yourself? You are no different than the rest. You are just another slave to egalitarianism, with their head buried in the sand.

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