Friday, July 16, 2021

Dystopia Is Here

 If you want to enjoy your freedom? What little freedom you have left? Get the vaccination. 

That is the messaging of your government, cloaked neatly inside their threats, and their continued use of fear as the engine that drives their ability to control the masses. 

If you want to enjoy your freedom? What you have left? Never discuss anything that challenges your government and its propagated versions of reality, as hustled by their surrogate media daily. 

If you want to enjoy your freedom? Do as you are told and never ask questions.  

If you want to enjoy your freedoms? 


Your Freedom? Is not a tangible. Your Freedom is not something you can purchase, it is not something you can drop in your pocket or purse and be done with it. 

Your Freedom is an idea and a state of mind and a state of existence. Your Freedom is like lightning, umchained and powerful. Until it is blocked or taken away.  

Every day in America, we see (I see) more and more degradation of our freedoms.   Your Freedom isn't just the ability to leave your home and take a walk. 

Ask yourself? What are the government lightning rods that nullify your freedoms? 

Your Freedom is your ability to pursue your pleasures. Your Freedom is your ability to pursue you life, your liberty? And your happiness. 

And the founding fathers enshrined those freedoms in the Bill of Rights. And that is what is under attack by your government daily. Because they are not interested in fulfilling their obligation of protecting you. 

All they are interested in is contolling you. 

Those ten amendments of the Bill of Rights? Are your freedoms. They are your cloak against totalitarianism. And those freedoms,  are all that stand between you anarchy, and dystopian control of your life. 

When the government seeks to modify, remove and infringe upon your freedoms? You had better beware. You had better take notice. You had better prepare to defend your freedom and that of your family and neighbors. 

Because the actions of your government, in its current manifestation, combined with the power of its surrogates in media? Is every bit as sinister and deadly, as the virus they claim to be trying to protect us from. And more so. 

They knew of the existence of the Wuhan coronavirus virus long before the knowledge was released to the media or the American public. 

And they also knew who was responsible for its creation and how it was created and released. 

Are we as Americans to honestly believe? That those in the Washington bureaucracy and our intelligence services? Were unaware that Anthony Fauci had off shored the banned experimentation of gain of function research on corona viruses to the Chinese?  

Or that they were not aware that he had channeled US Taxpayer grants to the Chinese to pay for for that experimentation?

Dozens if not hundreds of those embedded in the bureaucracy knew precisely the threat of the virus and those responsible for it. 

Yet they did little beyond paying lip service and disinformation to the threat, while they assembled their powers to weaponize the virus politically. 

They wanted the virus. They needed the virus. They had to have the virus to attack and weaken and defeat Donald Trump. 

And they did.  Combined with their other covert activities to manipulate the necessary votes in favor of Biden. 

And the worst of it all? At least half of America bit off and bought into the bullshit stories shoveled daily, by our so called media and Anthony Fauci and the rest. 

And now? Once again? We are staring straight down another barrel of this viral threat. As the powers that be, prepare to shut America down once again. 

To once again force the wearing of masks and social distancing. To once again force the closure of businesses like restaurants and any business engaged in any form of leisure activities. To once again limit travel, even to open air events. 

To once again exert absolute

control over our lives. 

And this is not to mention our local school systems? Who are already stating that their policy will be that all students have to continue to wear masks this fall, regardless of their so called vaccination status.  

It is all there in front of us and it is all happening once again. 

They locked dow Los Angeles yesterday, with more to soon follow suit, in other cities and states. And if that does not work? Look for them to

Release more deadly viruses, as they continue to foster and force their mandated vaccinations. 

And all they need to accomplish their goals? Is to re-instill fear on a wholesale basis in the American people. 

Right in front of us. They are preparing to unleash upon America once again? The threat of the deadly coronavirus variants. This time called Delta and Lamda. 

Once again, to be unleashed on a  predisposed population of lemmings. Lemmings who will willingly believe what they are told to believe. 

Those are the Americans who will do whatever they are told to do. Just as long as no one threatens them with being ostracized or given the scarlett letters of racist and extremist. 

This is not a conspiracy theory. This is a conspiracy reality and the comspirators are the government and their lap dog media. 

As was revealed yesterday, when the surgeon general, laid out his representations of the so called necessity to curb what he calls disinformation on Covid 19. 

And that was followed by Jen Psaki admitting that the white house is monitoring social media for "disinformation?" And then contacting facebook and others in social media, and advising them to censor it. 

How is that done do you suppose? 

Who are you aware of, that has the ability to monitor millions of social media members and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of posts and tweets daily? 

And all of their their content. 

Yet they supposedly cannot monitor or identify the tens of thousands crossing our border each week. 

To be able to monitor all of social

media, would be a human impossibility. For that many posts and tweets to be read by human eyes, looking to glean information. 

Yet they are doing it. As was admitted to yesterday. 

Which tells me what I have known all along. And that is the fact that all of these social media companies, have opened their systems to the government and these intelligence agencies. 

Where they have injected their own algorithms and bots, to hourly scan those systems for key words and phrases, thus identifying those they want to target as "disinformation."

And our government so much as admitted that publicly yesterday.   

And is any reasonable person not capable of understanding? That they have done the same things to our phones and computers?

With their microsoft and apple updates to all digital devices. 

If you have seen the film "Enemy of The State?" 

Released twenty years ago? You know these capabilities to be a fact. And if you have not seen that film you need to. Because it clearly demonstrates, how "they," can monitor and destroy anyone. 

I do not pretend to have any or all of the answers? But I am damn well aware of the questions and the realities they represent. And what every American should be aware of or made aware of. 

And that fact is? We already live in a police state. Orwell's dystopian world is alive and well and it is here now, and it is a living and breathing entity, inside our government. 

So should we be surprised by any of these latest revelations of our being openly monitored daily by our govenment. 

We have documented evidence of numerous crimes committed by the elitist over the last five years, yet no one is prosecuted. And how do we prosecute the FBI or the justice department, or the CIA or NSA?

Answer that question.  

Someone once said: "Don't believe anything you hear or half of what you see."  

That was then, this is now. 

What can any of us believe that is being represented to us by government or media. I say nothing. Not a damn thing. 

This virus cirus is just their most recent and successful means of controlling the populations at large to date. And they are doing that with fear. 

My advice, believe nothing and question everything represent by this regime of the new world order. 

Plan as best you can while you have time. Because we are on the cusp of life changing events. And once those triggering events are put into motion, chaos and anarchy will follow. 

And then and only then? Will the majority of Americans finally realize that they have been duped. 

They will create the chaos and the anarchy. Followed by the government telling you to trust them. Assuaging you with more lies and more degradation of your freedom. 

Today's America? Is The Borg realized and in the flesh. 🤔

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