Thursday, July 22, 2021

Who Exactly Are The Oppressed.

 Lessons are often times best learned? When your miseries are viewed through the eyes of your oppressors. 

I use that word oppressors purposely. Because in today's world, it is almost always used inappropriately and to give supposed seasoning and justification for arguments of perceived racial inequality. 

Blacks in America have enjoyed a fifty five year honeymoon with civil rights and minority set asides. From Affirmative action to forced busing to racial quotas in the work place, schools and universities, those programs were devised to supposedly balance existing inequalities. 

But they never have and they never do. Because the target audience as a majority, are not interested in either equality or supposed lifelines. 

They are content to allow the government and taxpayer money, to subsidize their lives and lifestyles. 

So why do I use the word oppressors? And in what context?  

I am using it in the proper context. The context of the present. In the context where the US government has continually oppressed the successful, for the supposed benefit of the habitually oppressed. 

But who are the habitually oppressed?

I say they are the Americans who have been habitually hobbled by their government. Because of their white race and their individual and collective economic status. 

And as an example? This exchange yesterday between Biden and a man struggling to keep his business afloat, in the face of existing and continued oppression by the government. 

And the most recent examples are glaringly apparent in the restaurant and service industries in America. 

This man having had his business lockdown by Covid, has been struggling to keep his business alive for the last fifteen months. The government mandated lockdowns, representing the latest example of government oppression. 

And just when he and others like him, saw those lockdowns recently lifted, and a glimmer of light at the end of their tunnels of misery? They soon realized that their revival was merely phase two of government oppression. 

Phase two being realized by this man and thousands like him, in the form of lack of labor. He cannot find Americans that want to work. And yet after sixteen months of unemployment? One might think? That the millions of Americans affected by layoffs in the restaurant and service industries? Would be chomping at the bit, to return to work.

But they are not

And they are not for a very good reason. 

And that reason is very simple. They are making as much or more money, sitting on their asses, drawing unemployment and federal subsidies, than if they were working. 

So why work, when your government will pay you to sit on your ass. After which, Joe Biden's retort to this businessman and others, becomes more prescient. 

Yes, this man and other will continue to "be in a bind" as Biden quipped. But what went unsaid, is that America is in a bind and will continue to be in a bind. 

A bind that will only get worse, because the lockdowns are returning and soon. And this time? Those lockdowns will finish any and all, who were able to barely hang on the last sixteen months. 

Yet the so called subsidies and social infrastructure payments will be continued to the working class. While the middle class is left to die on the vine. 

But that was the plan after all wasn't it?

How else do you implement socialism, until you destroy any and all viable alternatives. 🤔

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