Thursday, July 15, 2021

Know Them By Their Works

I am perusing the media headlines this morning and the recurring themes I am seeing? Are suddenly these.
"Putin Plan To Back Trump!"
Supposedly originating in 2016? When Trump was perceived to be "Mentally unstable." 🤔 Reportedly? Putin was having the KGB launch plans to support him.
"Kremlin Docs? Appear To Show Plan To Put Trump In Power!"
Would this be the origin of similar dossiers? Such as the Steele Dossier? Or the myriad of other false informational releases by a communist country? Yet the American media bites every time. Why? Because America's enemies? Have long known that all you have to do to control America? Is to feed them what they want to hear and what they want to believe. And satiate their media with rumors and gossip.
And Next?
"Generals Feared Trump Would Attempt Coup!"
And this little piece of ginned up fantasy land gossip? Is propelled? By supposed conversations involving the chairman of the joint chiefs. General Milley.
Followed by?
Representations by Milley and others? That President Trump appeared to be following the same plan as Hitler. And according to two Washington Post reporters no less?
"General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, likened Donald Trump’s effort to hold on to power after the 2020 election to Adolf Hitler, saying the president was preaching “the gospel of the Führer” with his lies about the election being stolen, according to a new book by two Washington Post reporter"
And don't forget?
It was only last week that the American MSM? Was floating the reports of "insider information?" That President Trump had kept a book of Hitler's speeches on his bedside table.
So what better way to attack and address the hated Donald Trump? Than not only compare him to Adolf Hitler? But in fact to attempt to make him into a living edification of Hitler. By accusation and associative guilt in the media no less.
By using the exact same tactics of Hitler. The big lie!
Regardless of truth or veracity? Attack, attack, and attack with accusations! And if you attack sufficiently! Eventually the lie becomes the truth.
These are the types and character of those supposedly engaged in journalism in America today. The height of hypocrisy to say the least. These people wail of extremist conspiracies on the right, while they attempt to portray all opposition as white supremacist and terrorists and enemies of the state.
Do you see the plan yet? Do you recognize the tactics. Do you not realize that the American mainstream media? Is collectively nothing more than a propaganda bureau for the leftist egalitarians and their socialist Marxist handlers?
Wake up America! The information is out there. You may have to dig and scrape the layers of bullshit away, but the truth can be revealed. As it is being revealed every day, by those truly interested in seeking the truth.
The bottom line is this.
After having spent four years attacking, vilifying and besmirching President Donald Trump? After countless investigations and two failed impeachments? They still could not take him down.
And worse than that? They could not damage or diminish his popularity with the American people. Which was proven by the 2020 election and remains proven to this day. Every time he sets foot in any city? There are throngs there to greet him.
So what is their game plan now? The leftist game plan. Having used smoke and mirrors and media to steal an election and cover their tracks?
Their one and only mission remains? To continue to attack Trump. Full press! He must be destroyed! He must never again approach the presidency! They must drive a stake through his heart!
And that is precisely what we are seeing and what we will continue to see. Why? Because the American media long ago abdicated any and all responsibility to country, constitution or truth.
The American media today? Exists as no more than a translucent hollow shell of what it once was. As spoken of similarly in the bible. When Jesus spoke of the false prophets and the dead bones inside them.
Matthew 23:27 "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness."
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves"
Are today's media any less than the wolves of dead bones hypocrisy?
"You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit" (Matthew 7:16-17)
Know them by their works people.
Who are they truly working for? Are they working to reveal truth or to conceal it. Are they working to enlighten and bring light onto the truth? Or are they working to conceal the truth with darkness?
Don't ask me or any one else these questions. Ask yourself these questions and allow your heart of hearts to provide you the answers.
Jesus said:
Mark 8:18 "Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?"
Jesus was speaking of the spiritual life of those he was addressing. However, he was also speaking of the spiritual lives of all to come. As he was speaking to the fact that all need to be aware of deceivers.
Not just those deceiving in spiritual matters, but those also deceiving in the commonality of day to day matters. Why? Because they are all intertwined. One does not escape the other.
Know and understand the truth, after which lies can never rest still in your mind.


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