Monday, May 18, 2009

Netanyahu And The Iranian Problem Visit The Oval Office

Obama hosts Netanyahu as Mideast strains ties

US President Barack Obama will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for their first meeting on Monday as discord over Mideast peace and Iran's nuclear bid clouds ties between the close allies.

There has been a lot of background chatter over the past week and over the weekend, concerning today's meeting between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu. Most of the speculation naturally concerns the middle east peace process and both leaders proposals of peace and or a potential two state solution for Israel and Palestine to be proposed by president Obama.

There has also been the 800 pound gorilla in the room (Iran). An issue that neither of these leaders seems to want to confront each other with. Although I suspicion that Netanyahu is far more comfortable with his position and intentions concerning Iran and its nuclear ambitions than Obama is with his position.

Meanwhile, Obama's trip to Notre Dame as the commencement speaker on Sunday, literally sucked all the air out of the Netanyahu visit until today. But for those who have read past the last week of headlines concerning the Notre Dame debacle and looked deeper into the more obscured musings by reporters and pundits in the know, concerning Israel and the Iranian problem, there has been a separate story emerging on the heels of this Israeli state visit.

The bottom line IMO, is that it appears to be more a concern of Obama's that Netanyahu give him a heads up (and early warning) on any potential Israeli attack on Iran, than there are concerns ny Obama for any two state solution in Palestine that he may broker with Netanyahu and Hamas.

Personally, I don't believe that Netanyahu trusts Obama enough to provide him with Israeli confidence reports or inside intelligence Israeli information to the American president concernin Israeli intentions. Netanyahu was studying this presisdent before he won his own election six weeks ago. As he knew then what he was up against as it concerned America's new middle east policy under a socialist minded relativist president. I also believe that if anything, Netanyahu (while here)will let Obama know that the clock is running and that if Iran doesn't back down quickly, then Israel will go ahead and address the problem that they know the Americans are afraid to address.

And I believe that Barack Obama knows that too.


Jules said...

Obama is playing deadly game. Not knowing what consequence may be due of his illogic.

Israel will do what need be done, regardless what America think.

Boise said...

I don't believe that the Israeli PM will fall for the slick talking Obama. Netanyahu (sp) is to smart for that. He won't concede anything to the American president.

Obama better get ready, because Israel is going to deal with Iran whether he likes it or not.

Lewis said...

Watching the news conference right now, there doesn't seem to be a lot being accomplished aside for posturing.

Debra said...

News reports this morning, are saying that pressure will be brought to bear on Netanyahu.

What pressure?