Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Obama's Cafe Plans For Recovery (Failure)

In the news this morning is more evidence of Obama's socialist cafeteria plan for America. The collective mentality of social Nirvana at any and all costs, scores another goal with the release and expansion of new and more extensive CAFE standards for American auto makers by the Obama administration.

At the very moment when two of America's big three auto makers are literally on life support? Obama and his minions of "socialust" are practicing more of the 17th century methodology of bleeding the patient until death finally occurs. (Isn't this what happened to George Washington?)

Someone please tell me that the people leading this country aren't that stupid. How can anyone in their right mind not realize and recognize, that raising the bar for a dying industry, is not the way to bring that industry back from the brink of destruction. I would say someone please tell me that the people of this country aren't so stupid as to believe and buy into this tripe, but apparently they are. Or else they wouldn't be the dumb masses.

And once again, the socialist ideology and methodology supersedes reality and common sense and literally laughs in the face of those who would question the illogic of it all. It is one thing to set goals but quite another to set unrealistic goals. Especially in the midst of an economic crash not seen since the last big crash of 1929.

Yet that is precisely what this administration is engaged in. And every day that passes, the messianic one is in the news speaking to the people and consoling them and telling them that all is about to be better. Provided only they continue to allow themselves to be bled for the sake and benefit of Nirvana.

With physicians like these? Is it any wonder that America is literally on her death bed and barely hanging on to the life and heritage that we once knew?

And these are the exact same principles that the president intends to deploy 'by the end of the year' to supposedly revamp the flagging health care system in America. And the only part of that that is amazing to me? Is that those in positions to know in these insurance companies and health corporations, know precisely what the end outcome will be.

Which leads me to believe, that they are simply going along to get along. And they are doing it for just long enough to feather their own nests before the final collapse that they have to know and recognize is inevitable under socialized medicine.

35 mpg cars will be a wonderful thing. Right after we find the liquid propellant to fuel them.....a fuel other than petroleum! The inescapable reality remains, that in the absence of some miracle of energy development that we are completely unaware of at the moment, we as a nation and as a people of this planet, have little or no means to sustain ourselves outside of the use of fossil fuels. Everyone else seems to get that, but somehow the socialist environMENTALIST have missed the plot.

And all the Utopian wishing and hoping and science fiction in creation isn't going to change that reality one iota. Wind, solar and geothermal do precisely what to power an 18 wheeler down the highway? Or a locomotive or a containerized ship for that matter?

And it will take millions of additional watts to charge and power all these proposed electric alternative vehicles dreamed of as the means to a better world. Not to include the millions of tons of batteries that will be required to power the widget cars and store the electricity that we currently don't have to charge them with.

But no one seems to care or to be paying attention to the facts for that matter. The media continues to traipse along behind the Pied Piper Obama, while wearing their rose colored glasses and singing the anthem of "Kumbaya" as if Nirvana was right around the corner.

John Lennon had it right. Imagine.

Now, imagine...... then wish in one hand and do something else in the other? And see which gets full first. This country is witnessing the largest gathering of golden goose killers ever assembled and given power and control over the people. and it won't take long for the fruits of their labor to be visited upon us all.


Jules said...

Is ther any plan that this man has brought forth yet that makes sense?

If he completely absent the ability to cogently think and see the outcome of idiotic decisions?

The American auto industry is dying by the day? And the best that he can think to do is to apply a tourniquet to their throat and pronounce them healed!

What idiocy!

Baily Bonds said...

At a time when people are losing their jobs and their homes and the price of a new car is all but out of the question?

They want to throw an additional $1350 on the cost of a new car and then sell you something that is so thoroughly compromised structurally to meet this BS standard, as to get you killed in a low speed collision!