Friday, September 17, 2010

Krauthammer Politely Trashes Christine O'Donnell

Krauthammer Politely Trashes Christine O'Donnell

He is not as rabid about it as Karl Rove, but here again we have an established conservative pundit crossing sabers with the people.


On the Mark said...

So, Krauthammer didn't personally trash O'Donnell like Rove did, though he is convinced O'Donnell can't win. Clearly Castle is not 'unbeatable'. The guy just lost to someone who 'can't win'. So that settles that delusion.

O'Reilly only weakly made the case that Castle cannot be trusted. I'm confident he would vote the wrong way on far more than a 'vote or two.'

I hope and pray Krauthammer and others underestimate Delaware and O'Donnell. Rove can take a hike.

Prime said...

I believe that there has been a lot of underestimating during these primaries.

From Pelosi and her astro turf remarks to the conservative pundits and GOP inner circle who have failed to take the people and their new candidates seriously.