Sunday, October 17, 2010

Angela Merkel "Multiculturalism has failed'

Europe is awakening to the reality that so called 'multiculturalism,' is the true "Trojan Horse" of egalitarian decay and the front line tactic of the enemies to democracy seeking to destroy western societies. And multiculturalism has been the root of creeping decay for decades. It is only now that many in Europe are awakening from their societal induced stupors and realized that their cultures and their very way of life are at stake.

Sarkozy in France is also dealing with the realities of a multiculturalist France and the ongoing conflicts of Muslims in France who refuse to be integrated into French society.
In the end, regardless of whether it is in the Netherlands or Denmark or any other European country, the awareness that their societies and way of life are under attack by Islam, is now coming to the forefront of realization and politics across all of Europe.

On the contrary, multiculturalism hasn't failed, it has performed precisely as intended by it's authors at the turn of the twentieth century. 

I just hope that it isn't to late for the erosion to be stopped and reversed. As the exact same fate awaits us here in America if we too don't act to stop the spread of the cancer known as egalitarianism.
Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.
She said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.
The comments come amid rising anti-immigration feeling in Germany.

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