Friday, October 22, 2010

Yesterday's News

Yesterday's news cycle was all but consumed by the firing of Juan Williams by NPR. It seems that he had some less than acceptable things to say about Muslims and his personal feelings upon seeing them in airports, while doing an interview on Monday on the Bill O'Reilly show.

Those remarks resulted in Juan being fired from NPR. On another note, Fox News immediately stepped in and filled the void and hired Juan to a lucrative three year contract at $2,000,000 So All's well that ends well I suppose.

My personal feelings are that Fox has always used Juan as a supposed counter weight to their more conservative analysts, so his full time employment really changes little at the Fox News network. And he is more palatable than Allen Colmes.

The real humorous part of all this to me, has been watching, reading and listening to those at NPR as they attempted to put a face of journalistic reasonableness to their punitive actions against Juan. Something about maintaining their journalistic standards and such. (now that is a real oxymoron).

The bottom line, NPR is a flaming liberal and publicly funded entity that for the most part, spouts and supports exclusively liberal perspectives. And as such, only the most morose and twisted of the rabid liberal left listen to it's offerings to begin with. Therefore, their opting to fire their token milk toast 'quasi conservative' is of little consequence in their big picture as it concerns their limited audience.

Having read and listened to most of the commentary in the aftermath of Juan's firing by NPR, I happen to believe that Mike Huckabee has it right when he says it is time to pull the funding for NPR. Something that should not be done just over this incident, but something that should have been done long ago IMO. The American people should not have to pay for propaganda.

America has no need of this Marxist version of radio free America broadcasting operating inside our borders. I say let them pack their trash and head for Europe where someone might actually care to listen to their tripe.

In the mean time, I am glad that Juan landed on his feet in the aftermath of all this. My only thoughts at this point are? Reflecting back on Obama's lamenting the intrinsic racism of his grandmother and comparing that to what was obviously racist about Juan's remarks.

As everyone in America today knows, we as individuals are not allowed to have personal likes or dislikes or social fears or anxieties. None of those emotions or thoughts are permitted or allowed in the egalitarian world of multiculturalism.

And bad things happen to those who transgress. Even when they are black and liberal.

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