Thursday, October 28, 2010

Liberalism as a genetic mutation

For years many people have pondered just how it can be that some people will allow their liberalism to fly in the face of common sense and even in many instances, their own personal safety and that of their families.

The answer may have been found....
Don't hold liberals responsible for their opinion -- they can't help themselves.
A new study has concluded that ideology is not just a social thing, it's built into the DNA, borne along by a gene called DRD4. Tagged "the liberal gene," DRD4 is the first specific bit of human DNA that predisposes people to certain political views, the study's authors claim.
"We hypothesize that individuals with a genetic predisposition toward seeking out new experiences will tend to be more liberal, but only if they are embedded in a social context that provides them with multiple points of view," wrote lead researcher James H. Fowler -- a professor of medical genetics and political science at the University of California, San Diego.
So..... apparently, there is a genetic for liberalism.

"In fact, psychologists have asserted for many years that social conservatism is heritable," the paper notes, adding that "genetic factors account for a significant proportion of variation in social attitudes."
Amazing. So in other words, they have now determined, apparently as part of a belief in a needed defense, that liberalism is a genetic affliction. Much like a birth defect? And I and others, as professed and practicing conservatives should by default have pity on our liberal brothers and understand that theirs is simply a genetic affliction.

Me thinks not. Me thinks that as with the pursuit of the "Gay gene," (a few years back) there is more to the subliminal psychology of an egalitarian defense mechanism going on here, than there is any basis in fact.

Certainly liberals would like to believe that their condition is attributable to something beyond their own capabilities and desires, but once again the truth of the study surfaces and provides the facts. And the simple facts are, if you are born of liberals and you are never allowed to think independently or associate with anyone other than liberals? And you are educated in main stream universities that have long since been usurped and contaminated by liberals? Then guess will become a liberal.

Not that I discount the fact that an individual can simply be born as a liberal and have absolutely no defense against it. In another age? We looked upon those so afflicted as simply being stupid.
Now? We have scientists conducting research to justify stupidity and calling it genetically based liberalism.

Personally? I will stick with the old explanation of nurture versus nature. It's not so much an individual's nature, as it is how they are nurtured, that determines how they will turn out in life. I also happen to believe the same is true of homosexuality. And there will be no further genetic research (anytime soon) into that path of predisposition I can promise you.

Once the homosexuals determined that if there ever was a homosexual gene identified? That the parents of children so identified might want to exercise their personal choice and woman's right view to  an abortion?

Well that research suddenly fell to the way side very quickly once those considerations were pondered.

Which leaves an interesting dilemma for homosexuals. If the homosexual gene is ever identified and proven to exist and tested for? The only hope for homosexuality continuing may rest with Christians and pro life advocates who refuse to abort their children, regardless of their affliction or the potential inconvenience.

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