Monday, January 04, 2021

The Teflon Reality of The Liberal Left And Their Plans For America

There was a time when an old adage applied.  When it could be said that certain people?  Were so insulated and protected from reality?  That only a photograph of them having sex with a child?  Could possibly remove them from their political pedestals.  I am not so sure that that analogy holds any truth to it at all in the present age.

I believe that for two reasons.  Firstly, the American media have become so adept at manipulating truth and lies and controlling the opinions of the majority of Americans, that I seriously doubt that such a scandal would even see the light of day with today's media.

My second reasoning is this.  We literally have similar reports of scandals all about us and the political landscape of the present?  And the media has and is ignoring all of it.  And the social media moguls of facebook and twitter and others, have already demonstrated that they can control and deny any report or topic that they choose to.  And they have.  They have supposedly employed small armies of "fact checkers" to immediately determine the veracity of any and all potential threats to their dream world. And they use them to assail and silence any and all who do not follow their script.

The Hunter Biden laptop is literally the smoking gun that should have been the end all to the Biden campaign for president.  But it wasn't. And it wasn't for a very simple reason.  The media collectively decided to refuse to report on the story, or do any serious inquiry or investigation of it period.  They deleted tweets and facebook postings of the reports wholesale. After which, they suspended the accounts of those who had offended their so called community standards.  I know, I was one of those who was suspended by FB, four days before the November 3rd election.

So what does it take to get past the Teflon shields that the left maintains, especially as it concerns a complicit media that immediately gives them shade on any issue that could potentially reveal their nefarious dealings. 

The guardians of our freedoms?  Have become the guardians of our societal prison.  And those guardians in media, will do all in their power to bring all errant souls back into the fold.  And they will do so with their favored tools of demonization and social and racial blackmail. 

Therefore, as we go into this month understand a few prescient realities.  Firstly, the election runoff Tuesday in Georgia?  Will more than likely result in Georgia being lost to the democrats.  The reason being?  The fix is already in and the left and their media have already planted all of the necessary realities to insure that their preferred results occur.

Secondly, on Wednesday when the electoral votes are set to be accepted and confirmed by congress?  There may be a small gaggle of congressmen and senators who step forward to challenge it?  But in the end, nothing more than a day or so of discussions on the floor of either house will be held.  After which a vote will be called and the votes confirmed.

And all the king's horses and all the king's men and women of MAGA?  Can protest in Washington DC until hell freezes over?  But that will change nothing.  And the American media will only show what they deem as violence during the protest.  Regardless of who is at fault.

Lastly, on January 20th?  Joe Biden will be sworn in as president and there isn't a damn thing that can be done about it.  After which, he and his controllers will set about like a house on fire, to reverse every single thing that president Trump has accomplished since his election. 

And trust me on this, they have an agenda that far supersedes the wildest dreams and fears of Americans four years ago,  Since president Trump was elected in 2016, those on the left have spent their entire time and efforts, with one focused aim.  Insure that Trump is defeated in 2020.  By any means necessary. And they did.  Add to that the fact that they have cobbled together a laundry list of sanctions and strikes they intend to use to punish America and all who had the audacity to have ever elected or supported Trump to begin with. 

If there is any take away from what is about to occur?  The first is that the democrats are now sheathed completely in truth shedding Teflon.  Applied and administered and maintained by their complicit media. The second take away is that they fully intend to spend the next four years punishing Americans.  Because that is what they do. when they have been rebuked or offended by the voters. 

There are several syndromes that have been identified in the last fifty years, where by captives and those held prisoner, end up empathizing with their captors and in fact defending them when they are revealed.  I believe that is the precise relationship that the media has created in America today.  A relationship, where a majority of Americans fail to recognize the origins and authors of their miseries.  They accept them as the norm. They have bought into the leftist memes and the media's hyperbolic representations of anyone who opposes them.  And those Americans are now more willing than ever, to bow and scrape for the latest versions of socialism, being prepared for America by their jailers of our freedoms.

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