Thursday, January 14, 2021

Facts Versus Fiction

 As of late last night, I continued to see posts and messages, where miraculous things were going to happen. I watched podcasts and streams of miraculous plans to save America and to save the Trump presidency. 

Once again and all day yesterday. 

Plans of which were supposed to happen like a clockwork. Because various and sundry former generals and pundits said so.  As a matter of fact, these things were supposed to have already happened. But nothing happened. None of it. Nothing other than the recurring emphasis to maintain the faith. 

Which in truth? Reminded me of the black female rapper, who made headlines yesterday. When she dug up her dead cat "Lucifer" and promised to raise him from the dead. 

I continued to see the time line for these reported actions to save Donald Trump's presidency, continually being pushed back. 

Each time a promised threshold of appointed time was passed, absent the promised actions occurring?  Excuses were made for the delay, yet the promises were continued with the standard admonishments to keep the faith. 

By the time I got home last night, the president had been impeached again, for whatever that was supposed to be worth. And he had released another 5 minute video to the American people, addressing the siege of the Capitol last week.  

Which in my opinion, is as close to a mea culpa, as we are going to see from Donald Trump. 

The bottom line is this. 

There is not going to be any eleventh hour save of his presidency, by the Kracken, or anything else.  There is no plan for military tribunals, or mass arrests of traitors.  There has been no rendition of deep state actors to Guantanamo Bay, nor are there prison ships anchored there awaiting their arrival. 

There will be no emergency broadcast system alerts of prepositioned military units prepared to defend Trump's presidency.  

There will be no emergency broadcast, by president Trump laying out why the election was stolen and why he has taken these actions to arrest those involved and save the nation. There will be no live streams from the Oval office, while he is sworn in for a second term as president. 

None of these things are going to happen. Regardless of who or how many have promised them since November 3rd. 

As for the impeachment yesterday? About all that was accomplished, in my opinion, was that president Trump gets an asterisk by his name in the history books. The only president to ever be impeached twice.  

Asside from that, Nancy Pelosi probably had an orgasmic moment when she signed the impeachment. Which at her age and with all of the appeal of a steaming pile of manure?  That is about the only gratification she will ever get.  Sexual or otherwise. 

It is time to move on folks.  While our nation and our freedoms are being disolved around us, we should be doing our best to salvage what we can of it, while making plans to overhaul congress and hold the thieves and rogues there accountable. If that is even possible. 

Make no mistake.  I and many many other Americans know and believe the election was stolen. Just as we know and realize our nation as a whole has been stolen.  

The evidence of the theft, is draped across our landscape like the bloodied rags of a butcher shop.  And yet there are an equal number of Americans who refuse to see any of it.  

Just as the media in America refuses to report on it or contrast the realities involved. 

I am reminded of the scene in Braveheart, where Stephen and Wallace are hiding behind their shields, during a wave of arrows from an archer attack. 

Stephen looks over at William

Wallace and says: "The Almighty tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he's pretty sure you're fucked.”

As I look around at my fellow Americans this morning? I cannot say that I do not share those same sentiments.  

I place my faith and trust is in the Lord Jesus Christ. I place my faith and trust in no man.  For as has been revealed to me time and time again throughout my life, there is and are, no men (or leaders) who can be trusted. 

Semper Fidelis

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