Sunday, January 17, 2021

You Never Saw It Coming Did You

 Many Americans have awakened recently? To a brave new world. Literally. 

Most never saw it coming. I guess like Brittany Spears' sister? Who blamed the recent death of her two cats on Elan Musk and his silent running all electric cars.  

Ms. Spears reportedly says their deaths are on Musk's hands? Because her two cats never heard the silent running electric Tesla coming. ๐Ÿค”

Pretty funny right?  Or in reality? Is that a prescient analogical comparison of our present reality. I tend to believe so. Because 99% of America and the world? Never saw it coming. Or heard it coming for that matter. 

And what was it that was missed?

Surveillance capitalism. ๐Ÿ‘

Corporations discovered that information could be monetized long ago. And after generations of  selling newspapers and advertising via newspapers and ultimately television advertising? 

They ultimately discovered other untapped revenue streams. Such as the internet and social media. And most recently? Social media. Just look at Mark Zuckerberg, or Jack Dorsey, or Jeff Bezos.  All of which are billionaires.  Billionaires who got rich from the information stream and tapping into surveillance capitalism. 

And their most recent revelation, has  been their discovery that surveillance capitalism, is also a trillion dollar industry.   And as such, millions and millions of surveillance cameras have been sold and installed nation wide. Publicly and privately.  All of which they and others are tapped into. 

From police dash cameras, to school bus cameras, both inside and outside the buses. To license

plate readers, to ring door bell cameras. Cameras for inside the home. For convenience and security?  And cameras on your computers and phones. 

The easiest way to overcome and control individual freedom? Is through surveillance.  Entire businesses have been created for the purpose. Always promoting more safety and more security. Yet always with the underlying capabilities to turn that surveillance inwardly on those it was supposed to protect. 

If you have paid any attention recently? You have realized that aside from Siri and Alexa and Cortana listening to you every day? Whether you want them to or not? They can also watch you. 

As I type this on my phone? My iPhone camera is facing me. So what would happen? If the capability existed? To turn that camera on. To monitor what I was doing. 

Well guess what. That capability already exist. The same way that your smart flat screen TV can do the same thing. By monitoring what you are watching, and sending that data to a data base. That capability also  exists and already is in use.  As do intersection cameras and millions of commercial security cameras all over America. 

Make no mistake, whether you are inside your home or driving on a freeway? You are being watched. And if the technology for satellites to read a newspaper headline or identify a face from hundreds of miles above? What can today's technology do with facial recognition. While you are driving 69 mph down the road in your car. ๐Ÿค”  

These platforms already exist and have existed for a while now. So what happens when the ability to connect these resources to surveillance of private individuals occurs?  Guess what?  It already does exist.  The same way that your iPhone keeps a constant record of locations you are present at or visiting. Or even driving past. 

And here again, if you have been paying attention, the plot is thickening. How? With facial recognition softwares.  Softwares that are already being implemented globally. 

So what?  

Try this thought on for a minute. 

We have all seen the videos that were taken by those who entered the US capitol on January 6th. Selfies and videos, taken by thise there, as souvenirs and trophies of the experience. Only now? Those trophies and souvenirs? Are being used to identify and prosecute those involved. 

But that is a good thing right? Just another example of the societal protections that exist. Right?  Or could the same technology and the same media networks and social media networks? Be utilized to identify anyone and everyone who was not there. 

The millions and millions of Americans who were not there. Those who did not participate in anything.   But they watched it unfold. And they discussed what happened and they talked to themselves out loud, while it was unfolding.  

And while they did not directly participate? They may have voiced support for the president and the hundreds of thousands who were there. You know the ones. Those in the thousands at the Capitol, who did react the way the president suggested. They acted peacefully and patriotically. Right? But they are now branded by media and the state as radicals. 

And how has the media portrayed the entire crowd whi was there that day?  As a mob! As terrorists. 

And anyone who supported their legal and constitutionally protected actions that day.  They are all evil and must be cancelled if you are watching and listening to the media of the last ten days. Some in congress? Have even suggested re-programming camps for Trump supporters. ๐Ÿค”

And if you sat back and watched that day? And commented about your support to family members or friends over the phone. They could now take exception to that.  Thry could cancel you. 

But how could they know that?

Easily.  Your TV's recorded what you were watching and so did your phones.  And Siri and Alexa were listening. And yes, the state? Deep or otherwise has and has had that capability for a while now. 

Watch the movie Enemy of The State. Produced over twenty years ago.  

Feel better yet? About your personal privacy and your personal security?

Nothing to worry about right? There never is. Until there is something to worry about. Huxley and Orwell and Rand dreamed, but they never dreamed of the reality that is now upon us and about to be fully implemented. 

So stay tuned folks. Because you are already tuned in. Whether you realized it or not. And as the warden character in the film The Shawshank Redemption mused?

"Or am I just being obtuse?" ๐Ÿค”

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