Saturday, January 30, 2021

Posse Comitatus

Thinking about the leftist now in control of our government and their obvious fear of the people and the reality I came to is this.
They are not afraid of so called radical right wing militias. What they are afraid of is the people. In particular, over seventy five million Americans who voted for Donald Trump, and who still support him.
And that is why, they have created these bogey men, while ignoring the real radicals who have done real damage to this country. In particular, during the past year in democrat controlled cities.
But to hear them tell it? The only danger to America? Are these so called white supremacist and the cult of Trump. Combined now? From the so called enemy within.
I am reminded of Colonel Nathan Jesup's remarks on being told to tell the truth. Colonel Jesup said:
"We live in a world that has walls. Walls that must be guarded by men with guns."
And that is what we now see in our federal city. Walls guarded by men with guns. Only they are not there to prevent foreign invaders from foreign countries. They are there to prevent Americans from accessing "The People's House."
Many have speculated in recent years, that it would take an uprising of the people. To descend upon Washington. To "throw the bastards out." Those are the principles enshrined in the constitution, by our founding fathers. And that was the basis for the Bill of Rights. In particular, the first five amendments. Capping those cornerstones of the constitution, with the 10th amendment.
Which reads, Amendment X
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
And what we saw on January 6th? Is the closest thing to the aforementioned speculations, that I have ever seen come to fruition.
The Americans who descended upon the Capitol by the tens of thousands on January 6th? Were not there to lead an insurrection. They were there to exercise their first amendment rights of freedom of speech, freedom to peaceably assemble, and their right to redress their grievances, directly to congress. As the first amendment provides them the right to do.
The fact that a hundred or so, anarchist disrupters, forced their way into the Capitol and several hundred other fools followed them, does not take away from the facts now revealed.
Their actions were planned for weeks in advance. There was never any spontaneous insurrection, called for by President Trump. However, the democrats and their sycophant media, immediately created a narrative, that the foundations of democracy were attacked. And attacked by domestic terrorist, who they identify as anyone who supported or still supports President Trump.
And since then, they have done everything in their power, along with a collusive media, to reinforce that false narrative. Including, laying siege to the Capital and Washington, with steel fencing and armed, federalized troops.
2000 of which, were deputized as deputy US Marshals. And the odd thing to me? I have yet to see or hear anyone, take exception to the more dangerous reality that I am seeing.
That being, that our military, has now been summoned to Washington, to act as a de-facto police force. Specifically, no one has raised 18 U.S. Code § 1385 - Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus.
The Posse Comitatus Act?
Posse Comitatus Act is an act that prohibits the federal government from using the armed forces as a posse comitatus for law enforcement, except in cases and circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or an Act of Congress. The act was enacted in the year1878, and it is cited in 18 USCS § 1385.
In the United States, a federal statute known as the Posse Comitatus Act, enacted in 1878, forbade the use of the US Army, and through it, its offspring, the US Air Force, as a posse comitatus or for law enforcement purposes without the approval of Congress.[17] While the act does not explicitly mention the US Navy and the US Marine Corps, the US Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the act force with respect to branches as well.[18]
In 2013, a directive from the US Secretary of Defense directly addresses this issue: it prohibits the use of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps for domestic law enforcement.[19]
The limitation does not apply to the National Guard of the United States when activated by a state's governor and operating in accordance with Title 32 of the US Code, such as deployments by state governors in response to Hurricane Katrina.[20]
A literal interpretation of that, means that state governors, can summon their National
Guards to provide security in their states. It does not provide for state national guard units, to be federalized and used in that capacity, outside of their own states, or in the District of Columbia.
By Robert Longley
Updated June 04, 2020
The Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act of 1807 define and limit the power of the federal government to use U.S. military troops to enforce the law or federal domestic policy within the borders of the United States.
These laws became topics of discussion and debate in June 2020, when President Donald Trump suggested he might order U.S. military personnel to American cities to help quell protests occurring in response to the death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man who died while being physically restrained by a white Minneapolis police officer.
The president’s actions also called into question the impact of the use of military strength to enforce civil law on the First Amendment rights to assemble and protest.
My questions are these. Is this not exactly what is being done in Washington DC now and since the 18th of January. With expressed intentions, to continue it, through at least the end of March.
My next question is, according to my understanding of the constitution and the posse comitatus act, the insurrection act must either be invoked? Or congress must pass an act to summon forth the posse comitatus.
Neither of which have been done to my knowledge. And if they have been, why have the American people not been told of it. And on what authority was it done and by whom.
As I said previously, what we have seen happen, and what we are continuing to see, is based in the fear of the American people. Combined with the efforts to divide this nation into warring groups.
By Those who perceive themselves to have the righteous authority to assert their power and control, and by default their use of force, against those they have identified as "their enemies."
Hence the branding of any and all, who do not bow at their alters of egalitarian socialism and new world order. They consider any and all who do not subscribe to their authoritarian actions, as outlaws, insurrectionist, terrorists and enemies of the state.
America was created as a a democratic republic, giving all power and authority to We The People. We The People are the governing authority. That is why the president of the United States, was given power and authority, as commander in chief over the military.
So that no cabal, or political or military junta, could ever usurp the power and authority of the people. Yet that is precisely what I believe we are presently witnessing.
And the expressed and stated intentions of the democrat leadership, has been and is, to In essence, create a coup de etat, after the fact, by passing legislation, that will forever more, establish their one party control over this nation and its people.
And the moment they eliminate the filibuster in the senate, that coup de etat begins in earnest. They will set about to permanently destroy the balance of power by majority rule caveats. After which, no one will be allowed to speak out or controvert their actions.
So as you watch this political drama play out? You might want to educate yourself and prepare yourself for what is looming on the horizon.

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