Thursday, January 14, 2021

Red Pill or Blue

A proposal is circulating on FB, recommending, that from 7am on Friday, January 15th. Through Saturday January 16th at 7 am, everyone stop posting anything to facebook. 

Citing that this will send a message and cost FB and Zuckerberg millions in advertising. 🤔

I have another suggestion. 

What say? That at 1 pm on January 20th? After Joe Biden has been sworn in as president? We all leave facebook.  Permanently. 🤔

You want you voices to be heard? If the majority of FB users were to do that?  That would be a statement that would be heard. 

I have faith that parler will return. Although I am not so sure when or how or in what format.  However, when it does, I will re-establish my account there. If it does cone back. 

In the mean time, I am maintaining my accounts at mewe and I recommend others do the same.  It remains to be seen if the cabal of facebook and twitter and google and Amazon will be able to shut down all opposing opinions?  

But I for one have faith in the collective evil that is about to re-assume control in Washington. And I believe short of a real assembly of the American majority to take back control of their house in Washington?

As they say, eveything changes, and everything remains the same.  Which means nothing changes. 

So, who if any are willing to permanently sever their ties to the Matrix?  You tell me.

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