Saturday, July 31, 2021

We Are Being Erased

 There once was an old adage: 

"How can you tell when a politician is lying to you?"

Answer: "If their lips are moving."

I do not recall a time in my life, when that prescient truth was more vivid and true, than it is presently. 

And to that I would add? 

"How do you know when the media is lying to you?"

Answer: "Every moment they draw a breath."  Beacuse when they are not speaking lies directly? They are planning to speak their lies at the next opportunity. 

Because in my observation, both the politicians and the media, have transcended the intermediary levels of fabrication, misrepresentation and lying. 

To the point where they refuse to even admit that they have been caught lying. They now call their lies, walking back, circling back or being taken out of context 

And they do it in infinitum. 

But the truth speaks louder than their lies. And it has reached the point?

Where I now place both democrats and most republicans, along with their accessories, both before and after the fact, in the media, in the same category. 

They are all  unrepentant, habitual and professionally skilled in the craft of lying. Although, I am hesitant to consider them expert liars?

As their lies remain so transparent as to be literally amateur to say the least. Therefore, while their skills and abilities in the art and the predictability of their lying remains constant and pronounced, they continue to be unabashed in their brazenness about it. 

I no longer trust and I have not for a very long time, trusted anything that is the product of mainstream American media. Or the promises of politicians. And for a very valid reason. 

Their information and promises cannot be trusted. Not on any level, but particularly as it concerns their personal politics and as of the last ten years? As it concerns their promotion of the extremist socialist beliefs of the present so called societal norms.  

The American media is so biased in favor of liberals, secularism, minorities and democrats and so prejudiced toward conservatives? That Christians, veterans and anyone who does not follow lock step with liberal socialism, is anti American and a threat to them. And a racist. 

Those in opposition to their lies, are branded as radicals, militia members, white supremacist, terorist, conspiracy theorist and racist. 

Americans who disagree, with their propagated versions of truth, are immediately branded. 

And their brands are many. From their favored brand of racist and racism, to homophobic, transphobic, genderphobic and xenophobic just to name a few. 

And it has reached the point where they have achieved commonality of goals and purpose, with American corporations.  All of which are taking steps to "follow the propagated science." And beginning limiting their businesses and interactions with anyone who they deem, noncompliant. 

And their joint complicity has come to be known and recognized as: 

"cancel culture."

And as I contemplate these realities daily, I cannot help but make the connections of art immitating life. 

In the 1990's there were two films that spoke directly to what I am witnessing today. 

The first being a film titled: "Eraser."  Starring Arnold


Where he portrayed a government intelligence agent, whose primary job was to eliminate opposing thought and all opposition to government. 

And any time someone crossed the line of non compliance, he was called upon to "erase" them. 

The tag line was: 

"You've been erased."

The second film was titled "Enemy of The State" starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman. 

The basic premise being? That the government had reached a point where they had the capabilites and they were using them, to spy on everyone in America. 

And anyone who crossed these

megalithic intelligence agencies, could be monitored and their lives destroyed.   

From their professional histories, down to their bank cards, including physical arrest and black balling. 

And in real time? 

Dr. Judy Mikovitz being a primary example of that happening to her.  They destroyed her career, they discredited her life's work, they destroyed her income and her ability to earn a living. And they totally black balled her in the scientific community. 

They possess  the power to literally cancel anyone's existence and all records of their ever having lived. They did that in that film and they are doing it in real life to people presently. 

So look around you today. 

Do we not see these exact realities abounding before our eyes daily?

From the lies of media and government, down to their now well known and exhibited abilities to erase and cancel anyone, they perceive as a threat to their order of the world. 

Some call it the New World Order? And I have reached the point where I now see that as the reality. 

America has been subverted and not by our enemies, as much as it has been by those entrusted with protecting our republic and our freedoms. 

Today, I have come a long way in my preliminary explanation, to reach my real point. And that real point is this. 

As it concerns Covid 19 and everything we have been told to Americans to date about it?  Has all been lies. 

From the beginning when we were told that the virus was a naturally occurring virus, that it crossed the animal human barrier, because someone contracted it by eating bats. 

Another lie? Was that it originated in a wet market in Wuhan China. Another lie was that it was not created in a lab, or the Wuhan lab to be specific. 

Another lie was that we were not funding the Chinese experiments on gain of function corona viruses. 

Another lie was that it was not widely transmissible. Another lie was that wearing masks was pointless and useless. After which, Another lie was that everyone had to wear a mask. 

Another lie was that the spread could be stopped by sensible measures like "15 Days To Stop The Spread."  Another lie was that social distancing was necessary. Another lie was that locking down our society for over five months and quarantining those exposed or afflicted was the answer. 

Another lie was that double masking was the answer. Another lie was that a vaccine would give us the ability to return to normal. Another lie was that herd immunity would resolve the dilemma. 

Another lie was that the virus did not affect children at all, even though we closed down our schools all of last year, "as a precautionary measure."

Even though we cancelled graduations and weddings and routine doctors visits and elective surgeries. Not to mention funerals and vacations. 

Concerts and movie theaters were closed, as were all sporting events. All of that based upon lies. 

Another lie was that the virus only affected the elderly and those with preexisting conditions.  Another lie was that once a majority of Americans were vaccinated, that the virus would go away. 

Another lie was that no one would be forced to lose their job for refusing the vaccine. 

Another lie was that no one would have to show proof of vaccination and that vaccination was a matter of personal choice. 

Have I missed anything?

And what are their present lies. 

1. There appears to be no herd immunity. 

2. Everyone including children as young as five years old, must now mask up to go to school. 

3. That there is significant efficacy of these vaccines, 90% or better, however, everyone will require boosters. 

4. That there is nothing to fear about these vaccines, and those who refuse to get them are simply stupid (per the president of the Unites States) and the CDC. 

5. That no one will now be  forced to be vaccinated. 

6. That there is no evidence that the vaccines are causing deaths and significant harm. 

7. That anyone who challenges the official versions of the CDC, Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, or Mitch McConnell or Biden and his rogue regime? Are just fools and a danger to everyone else. 

8 That these vaccines are no more threatening or harmful, than precious vaccines.  

9. That Americans will not be forced to produce proof of vaccinations, to access restaurants or sporting events or all public gatherings.  

10. That vaccinated Americans posed no threat to anyone; however, the unvaccinated were and are responsible for everything we are now seeing. 

11. That children as young as five must be vaccinated. 

12. That break through infections of those previously vaccinated? Are not in the majority of new cases. 

13. That break through infections of the vaccinated are not significant in number. 

14. That deaths and hospitalizations of the previously vaccinated are not significant.  

15. That the vaccinations are not responsible for the rise in Covid cases. 

16. That the preciously infected have lesser antibodies, than those who have taken these synthetically engineered vaccines. 

I could go on, but I hope I have made my point. And that point being? That we are being lied to. And we have been being lied to from the start. 

Day in and day out

So what do we intend to do about it. Do we remain sheep and continue to buy into their lies? Or do we stand up united and say: 

"Not no, but hell no."

Art immitating life in America has become a reality. Both in the decades that preceded the present and in the present.  

And the fact that America has become and is becoming a nation overwhelmed with lies is prescient. 

America and Americans cannot long endure these lies, before everything we love and cherrish collapses. And once it is gone, it is gone. 

Fully 74% of those vaccinated in Massachusetts have become infected. And the numbers are equally allarming in other majority vacinated places like Israel. 

And what is the government response?  Let's double down and stay stuck on stupid. And do not question them ir their so called science?

Or else you and I become the enemy.   

Well? I have reached the point where I do not care about their branding. I do not care about their race cards or their shaming. 

I know truth when I see, as well as their lies. And in particular, their now documented lies. 

Therfore, I will continue to follow the truth and their lies, and I will continue to point both out. As best as I can, for as long as I can, in the limited environment that exists for us all to do so. 

So just remeber this, they can and will attempt to lie and erase the truth at every opportunity. As they have done and as they are doing now. 

And given the opportunity? They will erase us. 🤔

Thursday, July 29, 2021

We Must Obey

It has been said before:

"Those who refuse to stand for something, will fall for anything."

I think of that quote often, as I watch the day to day deterioration of this nation and our individual freedoms. And as I identify those I hold responsible. . 

And added to that I might add?  "Those unwilling to stand for something, will believe anything they are told to believe."

Because they are obedient sheep. 

Why? Because they have been conditioned to obey. Because obedience  is convenient.  Because obedience takes no effort. Just obey. And most importantly?

Obedience involves no personal risk. No skin in the game. 

There are those Americans who will believe anything they are told to believe and for several reasons. 

1. It is easier to be told what to do, than to have to make your own decisions. 

2. Individual choices require personal thought and insight and a commitment to a personal decision and risk. 

3. With that said? It is far easier, just to let others make the choices and decisions in your life for you. 

4. Because you can always alibi and claim that you were just following the crowd. 

With that said, I believe there are those who are already dead in America. Dead of obedience. 

They followed the rules, they obeyed. Just like the over 6000 who took their jabs and died "incidentally."

Which I suppose is suppose to make the rest of us feel comfortable. For now. 

And the epitaph of the obedient either reads: 

"He died or She died, being obedient."

Or it should. 

And if there aren't any head stones that read like that? There need to be.  Because that is precisely what happened to those people and why. And the process is repeated endlessly in this country daily. 

And what is it that people are being told to do today's in America?   

"Listen to the government."

"Listen to the science."  

"Listen to the CDC and the WHO."  

And above all else?


This is a pandemic!  OMG!  Do as you are told!  After all? It is for your own good!

And added to those pearls of wisdom from the present clan of Marxists ruling America, are the accusations and social branding, being raised daily to justify them and their actions. 

And if you do not obey? You are the problem!

As Biden said yesterday? 

"We don't have a pandemic? We have a pandemic of the unvaccinated!" 

"They are killing people!"

"C'mon man! This isn't a joke!"

And the reason for all of this? The reason for the resurgence of Covid infections in America? 

Is due to all of these non compliant and unvaccinated people!  Those who are primarily republicans and Trump supporters and evangelicals and white supremacists etc. etc. et al.

Just read and listen to the daily media copulation of facts with fiction, concerning the resurgence of the virus. 

Any of that sound familiar? It should. Because the latest social branding of the non compliant, are just the most recent additions to their scarlet letter alphabet of totalitarian subversion. 

Those who know their history, understand what they are seeing and hearing. This is not the first time that scarlet letters and social, racial and identifiers of creed  have been utilized to ostracize and condemn, targeted individuals and populations. 

And regardless of the issue or the manufactured threat? 

It makes little difference who is targeted or why. The fact that they have been targeted is the greater issue. And the lack of facts to support the allegations against them are irrelevent. 

They have been identified! 

And now they must be dealt with! They must be punished. They must be forced to obey and comply. Or else

Do you want to be a Covid leper?  

Why not. You just won't be able to participate in the daily circus of life and media in America. Not so bad for those who consider themselves independent and individualist.  Right?

Or those who value their freedoms more so than getting a government issued star, identiying them as one of the teacher's pets. 

And soon? You will need those, just to be able to buy food and travel and live. 

So what will it be?

A tattoo on the arm again?

Or a yellow star adorning your clothing?

Or what about a pink triangle?

Oh! Snap!  My bad. I forgot. 

Those have already been used. Which means we need another identifier for the socially acceptable in today's eightened society. A modern and technically savvy branding. 

So how should we approach this?

What say a tattoo on the side of the throat. Just below the jaw?  Or what about on the back of the hand?  Or on the forehead. 

Heard of anything like that foretold before?

All of that would work and none of it would need to be gaudy or evidenced by india ink. No Sir ree Bob! They now have this luminescent chemical call Luciferaise. 

It is a bioluminescent. 

All it takes is a black light to illuninate it. The same way cashiers check for counterfeit bills. 

You know the drill. 

Wouldn't that be simpler?  Wouldn't that make everyone's life easier?  And after all? It is for the common good. Right?

And nothing would have to be obvious. We could have specialized enforcement officers. Plain clothes officers but equipped with infrared detection visors. All digital and all computerized.  Specifically designed to filter individuals and crowds and immediately identify offenders. 

After which? 

A non threatening snatch squad could be surreptitiously dispatched,  to guide, escort and remove the identified threat from the presence of the obedient ones. 

Any of those potentials make you feel uneasy?  Sound too much like science fiction?  Well I would bet if we could take a time machine back to 2019?

And I put on the table the realities of the present day? You wouldn't say the same thing. 

"Never gonna happen."  

"That is just some pipe dream!"

Because after all? This is America! We have a constitution and a Bill of Rights!  We have our rights!  

I am sorry, but the sad reality is that we have already seen the doors to a dystopian future opened and revealed to us by our ruling class in Washington, in media, social media and in the corporate board rooms.  

We can deny what we are seeing.  We can accept the government's representations of their fact checkers and we can accept their "damn your lying eyes" of reality versus approved reality?

But in your heart of hearts, you know the truth. And so do I. 

So what will it be today?  

My crystal ball reveals that the present re-masking and a coming lock down isn't the half of it. I foresee mandated vaccinations. By presidential executive order. And I see states and cities? More than willing to comply with enforcement. 

I see newly created arms of the government? Hunting down the non compliant. Forcing them to comply or face prosecution and internment in camps for the unclean and the disobedient. 

Criminalized non compliance? Yes, that is coming. 

Can't happen you say?  Get back to me next year this time and let's compare notes.


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Thermopolis By Any Other Name? Is Present Day America

 Take a look at your own crystal ball. Tell me what "you" see.

Do you believe that your government really cares about you? At all?  Or are you no more than an insect to them. 

Like an aphid. 

Something to be regularly milked of your worth and stroked occasionally occasionally with handouts. 

You know? 

So that they can maintain their facade of caring about you. 

Look around you. 

Look at what is being done in these blue states right now. And what is being prepared for those of is who are barely hanging on in these so called red states. 

And make no mistake. Their plans are already afoot to inundate those red states with transplants and illegals. To eventually dilute their voting bases until it all turns blue. 

As a matter of fact? We all should be blue right now. Blue in the face and spitting mad about all of this. But we aren't. At least I don't see it.  

And then take a look around at what is about to be implemented and what is about to be reimplemented by the federal government. 

In places like California and New York and Michigan and Chicago? They are already reimplementing mask mandates there. And Oh! by the way? Those that have been vaccinated in those blue states?

Forget about it.  

They will have to be masked too. And numerous school boards nationally and many here in Georgia and in the metro area?

Have already decreed. Vax or no vax, all of the kids K through 12, returning to school in a couple of weeks? Will have to wear a mask when they return to school. 

Follow the science!

But, but, but! You thought we had transcended all of that. Well guess again. And they are coming for you and I and the rest of us and very soon. 

Take a look at Biden and his rogues. They have already mandated that the entire US Military must be vaccinated, along with the Veterans Administration. 

So how long before Veterans will be denied health care? If they have not been vaccinated. 

And by tomorrow? He intends to issue an edict that ALL federal employees must be vaccinated, or face weekly testing. Probably multiple testing each week. 

And what will be the purpose behind all of that?  

Very simple, if they cannot get Americans to voluntarily take their vaccines, they intend to make it so difficult and such a hardship on those who are not vaccinated?  That they they will simply give in, to avoid all of the hassles of endless testing. 

And who pays for all of that testing?  You do. 

But it does not end there. 

You will still be required to wear a mask? Everywhere you go again and soon. Bax or no bax. As these local mayors and governors get back on their band wagon and call for masks and more lock downs. 


15 days to stop the spread? Remember that?  That was 15 months ago. And what has really changed. 

And presently? 

Biden and his administration and handlers,  are suggesting, but ultimately pressuring corporations to follow suit. That means mandates for all of their employees and all of their customers. 

We are presently standing at the doorway that leads to the Draconian power slide into complete authoritarian control. And ultimately Marxist socialism in America. 

Because once they have scared and punished enough Americans? Those Americans in majority will fold. Leaving only the "radicals" of the right to hold out. 

You know the ones. 

The same ones they brand daily as domestic terrorists and white supremacist. Yep, those would be the ones. 

In any other age or era of America? They might have been called patriots. But not in the present era. 

As Mark Levin has appropriately pointed out, America now exists as a post constitutional country.  An enigma. 

And that enigma is caused by the belief of some? That America is still a constitutional republic. It is not. They are systematically dismantling the constitution, our rights and our personal freedoms, before our eyes.  

If you still believe that America is still the land of the free and the home of the brave? Please direct me to where I can find either across the landscape of our present society. 

And the problem with the 2020 elections? That election was neither constitutional or democratic and regardless of the efforts of those presently in Arizona and Georgia qnd Michigan and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the evidence be damned.  

There were mountains of evidence against Hillary and Benghazi and her involvement in the Steel Dossier. Her emails and violations of the sevrecy act. 

As there were and are mountains of evidence of corruption and criminal conduct, against James Comey and Andrew McCabe and Peter Strozk and Lisa Page and a host of others throughout our government. 

Evidence was forged, federal warrants were forged. The entire mechanism of federal law enforcement and our intelligence agencies and the justice department were involved. 

All are corrupted. 

And what if Biden and Hunter and their probe-able nefarious actions in the Ukraine and China?  Or his killing the American oil industry, while opening uo everything to Putin and the Russians.  

And what has been done about any of it. Other than occasional media lip service. No one has been charged or arrested and they won't be. 

And the latest straw on that camel's back? 

Occurred yesterday. When the justice department published that that they had ceased their investigation into Andrew Cuomo and the thousands that died in New York nirsing homes. 

And the ATF has yet to breath a whisper of Hunter Bidens violations of the federal firearms act. 

Thousand who died by Cuomo's directives of putting the Covid infected into those nursing homes. When he had the Javitz Center and a US Navy hospital ship provided to him. Resources that were never used. 

And this after his own people have testified that he directed them to hide the numbers of nursing home deaths due to Covid and ordered them not cooperate with the justice department review of what had occurred with Covid deaths in nursing homes. 

So you still think the government is only looking out for your best interests?

Guess again. 

They are a hair's breath away from declaring a nation wide mask mandate and another nation wide lockdown. And these corporate interests and social media interests and the elites? Will all gladly go along with enforcing it. 

Every bit of it. 

To the point where you and I will not be able to buy or sell. Ever heard of that before? 

And once that occurs? Once again? Only essential services like grocery stores and pharmacies and liquor stores and lottery sales will be deemed essential. 

Elective surgeries will once again be postponed indefinitely due to Covid variants, while abortions will once again be considered essential health care. 

And Covid is the 900 pound gorilla that they intend to use to drive their continued conquest of America. 

And you had better obey.  

As one of the members of the Bristish parliament stated this week. Does anyone really believe that Covid will go away? That there won't be continied strains like the Delta variant unleashed.   

They claim the Delta and Lambda and Gamma are "varients."  Mutations is what Fauci and the so called government sponsored science is calling them

But are they really mutations? 

Or is the truth closer that we realize. Are they in truth truly"varients?" Engineered variants. Varients that have been unleashed the same way the original virus was and with the same motives?

Yes, there is far more method to the madness, than most Americans give them credit for. And as that same member of the British parliament surmised? 

Covid is not going away. There will be ongoing mutations and more varients. And ongoing lock downs and quarrantines. Because that is now their proven way to control the masses. 

And meanwhile?  While we are all being forced to wear masks and endure lockdowns and we are being refused service by businesses if we do not produce our Covid vaccination verification?

This same government is allowing tens of thousands of untested and unvaccinated illegals into this country every week and every month. Already over one million that we know about, since Biden took office. 

And what are they doing with them? They are loading them onto buses and planes and shipping them directly into red states? 

Just as fast as they can. And they are releasing them with a piece of paper, telling them when their court date may be? Never expecting to see them again. They know it and the illegals know it. 

All rather cheeky wouldn't you say?

Is this the America you grew up in? Is this the America that you or one of your family served in the military to protect and defend?

I can hazard a guess of how those parents and spouses and siblings of the over 7000 we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan must feel about their losses now.

Or the better part of the four million who served in those hell holes over the last twenty years, 10% of which came back home horribly scarred. With amputations and horrible wounds.

And what of the 50% or more of that four million? Who have been emotionally damaged by their experiences. The last time I checked? We are losing 21 of those a day to suicide. 

And what is your government doing?  They are telling you to pay no attention to those behind the curtains pulling the levers of socialism, Marxism and societal collapse. 

They want you focused on the pitted racism and the engineered division amongst Americans that they have created and continue to create. 

They tell us our enemies are white supremacist and domestic terrorist. All the while ignoring the real Marxists we have all seen in out streets over the last year. 

They equate the Jan 6 breaching of the Capitol to Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust all rolled into one. While they and their minions in media? Called the burning and looting of American cities last year?

Just peaceful protests. 

How much longer will Americans endure their "dam your lying eyes" of government propagated  truth and reality. 

As it stands, Pelosi's January 6th commision to investigate the breach of the Capitol? Is nothing more than a show trial and a means to continue to demonize anyone and everyone that opposes their Marxist mandates. 

They want to keep Americans focused on all of that, going into the 2022 midterms. Therefore, they will continue to beat that drum, while continuing to demonize Donald Trump and anyone who voted for him. 

While placating the masses with more and more platitudes of government handouts and the fears of Covid and clmate change and white supremacy and white privilege. 

That is the picture folks.

All you have to do is look around you. The tatters of what once was our country? Is laying on the ground all around you. 

And their 900 pound gorilla of Marxism? Hiding behind a shroud of "progressivism? Is busy destroying more and more of America every day. 

Lest we all pull together and begin to educate our friends and relatives to the truth? We will soon be staring blankly into the nightmare of Marxist socialism, and wondering what happened. 

The war we face is every bit as deadly as that faced by King Leonitus and the Spartans. And we are facing equally as many numbered enemies as he did with the Persians. 

Do we open our eyes and recognize what is really happening? And what we need to do or else? Or do we wait until our own battle of Thermopolis has occured. 

And then try to summon forth the tattered remains of what once was the greatest country on earth.  

To then try and save ourselves. 

You decide.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Just The Facts

 I may not be the sharpest spoon in the drawer? But I did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday. 

And in my opinion and observations of these ongoing and most recent reports on the Covid virus?

This Delta variant is not a variant. And neither is the Lambda or the Gamma. 

These are not mutations. 

They are not mutations of the same virus? Or derivative of the same virus that initially "only infected and hospitalized and killed the elderly, and older people 65 and older with "pre-existing conditions." 

That virus? The original coronavirus? Covid 19? Had no affect on the young. Remember? 

If the young are now being infected and kids are now being infected and affected similarly and worse than older people? 

And the viral attack of these three new viruses is worse than Sars Cov2? Then these are new viruses. 

And I leave their origins up to you to determine. 

Page two of the China plan? 

You decide. 

But whatever you do, educate yourself. Don't depend on or trust the media hustle of the government information offices, to tell you the truth. 

As for me? I am tired of being lied to by the government and their so-called viral specialist and scientists. 

Follow the science? No! Follow the money!  And the money leads back to Anthony Fauci. 

Especially after the facts now having now been revealed? That Anthony Fauci was and is ass deep in the funding and creation of the original Wuhan virus. 

We now know some of the truth and some of the facts. And those truths and facts, are no longer so called conspiracy theories. 

The virus was created in the Wuhan lab. Fact!

Fauci's "colleagues" so much as told him that directly in January of 2020 emails directed to him. So he knew about the origins and creation of the virus all along. Fact! 

And he warned of a soon to be pandemic release in 2017. Fact!

Fauci lied to President Trump and the American people from day one. Across the board. Fact!

Hydroxy chloroquine was and is a valid treatment for the initial virus. Fact!

So fact check that FB. 

Because you know that those facts are now indisputable facts. 

Facts that were known all along and you and others social media platforms. You knew those facts all along. Yet you denied the truth and deleted those facts for over a year. People had their accounts suspended, for even whispering the truth. 

Prepare yourself folks. 

Because If these new viruses are half as deadly and contagious as they are saying they are? And they are half again as virulent? 

Then their so called vaccines are going to be useless. The same as their flu vaccines have been 60-70% useless for the last twenty years. 

Believe what you will? 

But it is looking more and more like those who have been sounding the alarm of a global de-population plan? 

May have been right all along. 🤔

The Sickle & Hammer Mentality of The Present

There was a time when vote buying in America was illegal.  But in today's world? I guess that does not apply. 

Particularly, when you are using other people's money to buy those votes. 

Wake up America.  What do you think is going on at our border right now. Other than vote buying. 

Biden and his handlers, are allowing these so called migrants? To enter this country by the tens of thousands a month. 

So far, there have been almost one million caught at our border this year. This does not include the three times that many who were not caught. 

And what happens to those they do-catch?  

They send them to American military bases. Where they are fed and their medical issues attended. Including those of the thousands of pregnant women who cross our border annually. 

Women who became pregnant and came here with one goal in mind. To have their babies on American soil. Thus conveying anchor baby status to the baby and the mother. 

And all you have to do to verify that reality? Is look up the birth rates in hospitals all across Texas and Arizona, New Mexico and California. 

Where the babies being born there? Are predominantly to Mexican and hispanic women. 

And the rest? They are loaded onto leased commercial airliners and military planes, and buses and conveyed to cities all across America. 

Where once again, they become immediate beneficiaries of social services. Welfare, healthcare, social security and education. 

All of it paid for? 

By you and I. 

And once these states inact laws where citizenship and voter ID are not required? Or they choose to simply ignore the law? Like they did during the 2020 election? And who do you think these "migrants" are going to vote for. 

Their benefactors of course. 🤔  

And why does the Biden administration not invite and convey these same benefits to Cubans seeking genuine asylum right now?

Because they realize that Cubans tend to vote their conscious. Which means? They do not and will not buy into the radical democrats and their socialism. 

Why? Because they have already lived it. Most Americans today, know and understand what the sickle and the hammer truly represent. 

This present generation of indoctrinated philosophical zombies don't.  And those are their legion among us right now. 

And how do you think Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib were ever elected to congress?


Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama brought tens of thousands of Somalis and Sudanese Muslim here and settled them in Michigan and Minnesota and other states. 

And when they became the majority in those enclaves of so called migrants? They voted their own into office.   🤔

Who Exactly Are The Oppressed.

 Lessons are often times best learned? When your miseries are viewed through the eyes of your oppressors. 

I use that word oppressors purposely. Because in today's world, it is almost always used inappropriately and to give supposed seasoning and justification for arguments of perceived racial inequality. 

Blacks in America have enjoyed a fifty five year honeymoon with civil rights and minority set asides. From Affirmative action to forced busing to racial quotas in the work place, schools and universities, those programs were devised to supposedly balance existing inequalities. 

But they never have and they never do. Because the target audience as a majority, are not interested in either equality or supposed lifelines. 

They are content to allow the government and taxpayer money, to subsidize their lives and lifestyles. 

So why do I use the word oppressors? And in what context?  

I am using it in the proper context. The context of the present. In the context where the US government has continually oppressed the successful, for the supposed benefit of the habitually oppressed. 

But who are the habitually oppressed?

I say they are the Americans who have been habitually hobbled by their government. Because of their white race and their individual and collective economic status. 

And as an example? This exchange yesterday between Biden and a man struggling to keep his business afloat, in the face of existing and continued oppression by the government. 

And the most recent examples are glaringly apparent in the restaurant and service industries in America. 

This man having had his business lockdown by Covid, has been struggling to keep his business alive for the last fifteen months. The government mandated lockdowns, representing the latest example of government oppression. 

And just when he and others like him, saw those lockdowns recently lifted, and a glimmer of light at the end of their tunnels of misery? They soon realized that their revival was merely phase two of government oppression. 

Phase two being realized by this man and thousands like him, in the form of lack of labor. He cannot find Americans that want to work. And yet after sixteen months of unemployment? One might think? That the millions of Americans affected by layoffs in the restaurant and service industries? Would be chomping at the bit, to return to work.

But they are not

And they are not for a very good reason. 

And that reason is very simple. They are making as much or more money, sitting on their asses, drawing unemployment and federal subsidies, than if they were working. 

So why work, when your government will pay you to sit on your ass. After which, Joe Biden's retort to this businessman and others, becomes more prescient. 

Yes, this man and other will continue to "be in a bind" as Biden quipped. But what went unsaid, is that America is in a bind and will continue to be in a bind. 

A bind that will only get worse, because the lockdowns are returning and soon. And this time? Those lockdowns will finish any and all, who were able to barely hang on the last sixteen months. 

Yet the so called subsidies and social infrastructure payments will be continued to the working class. While the middle class is left to die on the vine. 

But that was the plan after all wasn't it?

How else do you implement socialism, until you destroy any and all viable alternatives. 🤔

Friday, July 16, 2021

Dystopia Is Here

 If you want to enjoy your freedom? What little freedom you have left? Get the vaccination. 

That is the messaging of your government, cloaked neatly inside their threats, and their continued use of fear as the engine that drives their ability to control the masses. 

If you want to enjoy your freedom? What you have left? Never discuss anything that challenges your government and its propagated versions of reality, as hustled by their surrogate media daily. 

If you want to enjoy your freedom? Do as you are told and never ask questions.  

If you want to enjoy your freedoms? 


Your Freedom? Is not a tangible. Your Freedom is not something you can purchase, it is not something you can drop in your pocket or purse and be done with it. 

Your Freedom is an idea and a state of mind and a state of existence. Your Freedom is like lightning, umchained and powerful. Until it is blocked or taken away.  

Every day in America, we see (I see) more and more degradation of our freedoms.   Your Freedom isn't just the ability to leave your home and take a walk. 

Ask yourself? What are the government lightning rods that nullify your freedoms? 

Your Freedom is your ability to pursue your pleasures. Your Freedom is your ability to pursue you life, your liberty? And your happiness. 

And the founding fathers enshrined those freedoms in the Bill of Rights. And that is what is under attack by your government daily. Because they are not interested in fulfilling their obligation of protecting you. 

All they are interested in is contolling you. 

Those ten amendments of the Bill of Rights? Are your freedoms. They are your cloak against totalitarianism. And those freedoms,  are all that stand between you anarchy, and dystopian control of your life. 

When the government seeks to modify, remove and infringe upon your freedoms? You had better beware. You had better take notice. You had better prepare to defend your freedom and that of your family and neighbors. 

Because the actions of your government, in its current manifestation, combined with the power of its surrogates in media? Is every bit as sinister and deadly, as the virus they claim to be trying to protect us from. And more so. 

They knew of the existence of the Wuhan coronavirus virus long before the knowledge was released to the media or the American public. 

And they also knew who was responsible for its creation and how it was created and released. 

Are we as Americans to honestly believe? That those in the Washington bureaucracy and our intelligence services? Were unaware that Anthony Fauci had off shored the banned experimentation of gain of function research on corona viruses to the Chinese?  

Or that they were not aware that he had channeled US Taxpayer grants to the Chinese to pay for for that experimentation?

Dozens if not hundreds of those embedded in the bureaucracy knew precisely the threat of the virus and those responsible for it. 

Yet they did little beyond paying lip service and disinformation to the threat, while they assembled their powers to weaponize the virus politically. 

They wanted the virus. They needed the virus. They had to have the virus to attack and weaken and defeat Donald Trump. 

And they did.  Combined with their other covert activities to manipulate the necessary votes in favor of Biden. 

And the worst of it all? At least half of America bit off and bought into the bullshit stories shoveled daily, by our so called media and Anthony Fauci and the rest. 

And now? Once again? We are staring straight down another barrel of this viral threat. As the powers that be, prepare to shut America down once again. 

To once again force the wearing of masks and social distancing. To once again force the closure of businesses like restaurants and any business engaged in any form of leisure activities. To once again limit travel, even to open air events. 

To once again exert absolute

control over our lives. 

And this is not to mention our local school systems? Who are already stating that their policy will be that all students have to continue to wear masks this fall, regardless of their so called vaccination status.  

It is all there in front of us and it is all happening once again. 

They locked dow Los Angeles yesterday, with more to soon follow suit, in other cities and states. And if that does not work? Look for them to

Release more deadly viruses, as they continue to foster and force their mandated vaccinations. 

And all they need to accomplish their goals? Is to re-instill fear on a wholesale basis in the American people. 

Right in front of us. They are preparing to unleash upon America once again? The threat of the deadly coronavirus variants. This time called Delta and Lamda. 

Once again, to be unleashed on a  predisposed population of lemmings. Lemmings who will willingly believe what they are told to believe. 

Those are the Americans who will do whatever they are told to do. Just as long as no one threatens them with being ostracized or given the scarlett letters of racist and extremist. 

This is not a conspiracy theory. This is a conspiracy reality and the comspirators are the government and their lap dog media. 

As was revealed yesterday, when the surgeon general, laid out his representations of the so called necessity to curb what he calls disinformation on Covid 19. 

And that was followed by Jen Psaki admitting that the white house is monitoring social media for "disinformation?" And then contacting facebook and others in social media, and advising them to censor it. 

How is that done do you suppose? 

Who are you aware of, that has the ability to monitor millions of social media members and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of posts and tweets daily? 

And all of their their content. 

Yet they supposedly cannot monitor or identify the tens of thousands crossing our border each week. 

To be able to monitor all of social

media, would be a human impossibility. For that many posts and tweets to be read by human eyes, looking to glean information. 

Yet they are doing it. As was admitted to yesterday. 

Which tells me what I have known all along. And that is the fact that all of these social media companies, have opened their systems to the government and these intelligence agencies. 

Where they have injected their own algorithms and bots, to hourly scan those systems for key words and phrases, thus identifying those they want to target as "disinformation."

And our government so much as admitted that publicly yesterday.   

And is any reasonable person not capable of understanding? That they have done the same things to our phones and computers?

With their microsoft and apple updates to all digital devices. 

If you have seen the film "Enemy of The State?" 

Released twenty years ago? You know these capabilities to be a fact. And if you have not seen that film you need to. Because it clearly demonstrates, how "they," can monitor and destroy anyone. 

I do not pretend to have any or all of the answers? But I am damn well aware of the questions and the realities they represent. And what every American should be aware of or made aware of. 

And that fact is? We already live in a police state. Orwell's dystopian world is alive and well and it is here now, and it is a living and breathing entity, inside our government. 

So should we be surprised by any of these latest revelations of our being openly monitored daily by our govenment. 

We have documented evidence of numerous crimes committed by the elitist over the last five years, yet no one is prosecuted. And how do we prosecute the FBI or the justice department, or the CIA or NSA?

Answer that question.  

Someone once said: "Don't believe anything you hear or half of what you see."  

That was then, this is now. 

What can any of us believe that is being represented to us by government or media. I say nothing. Not a damn thing. 

This virus cirus is just their most recent and successful means of controlling the populations at large to date. And they are doing that with fear. 

My advice, believe nothing and question everything represent by this regime of the new world order. 

Plan as best you can while you have time. Because we are on the cusp of life changing events. And once those triggering events are put into motion, chaos and anarchy will follow. 

And then and only then? Will the majority of Americans finally realize that they have been duped. 

They will create the chaos and the anarchy. Followed by the government telling you to trust them. Assuaging you with more lies and more degradation of your freedom. 

Today's America? Is The Borg realized and in the flesh. 🤔

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Know Them By Their Works

I am perusing the media headlines this morning and the recurring themes I am seeing? Are suddenly these.
"Putin Plan To Back Trump!"
Supposedly originating in 2016? When Trump was perceived to be "Mentally unstable." 🤔 Reportedly? Putin was having the KGB launch plans to support him.
"Kremlin Docs? Appear To Show Plan To Put Trump In Power!"
Would this be the origin of similar dossiers? Such as the Steele Dossier? Or the myriad of other false informational releases by a communist country? Yet the American media bites every time. Why? Because America's enemies? Have long known that all you have to do to control America? Is to feed them what they want to hear and what they want to believe. And satiate their media with rumors and gossip.
And Next?
"Generals Feared Trump Would Attempt Coup!"
And this little piece of ginned up fantasy land gossip? Is propelled? By supposed conversations involving the chairman of the joint chiefs. General Milley.
Followed by?
Representations by Milley and others? That President Trump appeared to be following the same plan as Hitler. And according to two Washington Post reporters no less?
"General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, likened Donald Trump’s effort to hold on to power after the 2020 election to Adolf Hitler, saying the president was preaching “the gospel of the Führer” with his lies about the election being stolen, according to a new book by two Washington Post reporter"
And don't forget?
It was only last week that the American MSM? Was floating the reports of "insider information?" That President Trump had kept a book of Hitler's speeches on his bedside table.
So what better way to attack and address the hated Donald Trump? Than not only compare him to Adolf Hitler? But in fact to attempt to make him into a living edification of Hitler. By accusation and associative guilt in the media no less.
By using the exact same tactics of Hitler. The big lie!
Regardless of truth or veracity? Attack, attack, and attack with accusations! And if you attack sufficiently! Eventually the lie becomes the truth.
These are the types and character of those supposedly engaged in journalism in America today. The height of hypocrisy to say the least. These people wail of extremist conspiracies on the right, while they attempt to portray all opposition as white supremacist and terrorists and enemies of the state.
Do you see the plan yet? Do you recognize the tactics. Do you not realize that the American mainstream media? Is collectively nothing more than a propaganda bureau for the leftist egalitarians and their socialist Marxist handlers?
Wake up America! The information is out there. You may have to dig and scrape the layers of bullshit away, but the truth can be revealed. As it is being revealed every day, by those truly interested in seeking the truth.
The bottom line is this.
After having spent four years attacking, vilifying and besmirching President Donald Trump? After countless investigations and two failed impeachments? They still could not take him down.
And worse than that? They could not damage or diminish his popularity with the American people. Which was proven by the 2020 election and remains proven to this day. Every time he sets foot in any city? There are throngs there to greet him.
So what is their game plan now? The leftist game plan. Having used smoke and mirrors and media to steal an election and cover their tracks?
Their one and only mission remains? To continue to attack Trump. Full press! He must be destroyed! He must never again approach the presidency! They must drive a stake through his heart!
And that is precisely what we are seeing and what we will continue to see. Why? Because the American media long ago abdicated any and all responsibility to country, constitution or truth.
The American media today? Exists as no more than a translucent hollow shell of what it once was. As spoken of similarly in the bible. When Jesus spoke of the false prophets and the dead bones inside them.
Matthew 23:27 "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness."
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves"
Are today's media any less than the wolves of dead bones hypocrisy?
"You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit" (Matthew 7:16-17)
Know them by their works people.
Who are they truly working for? Are they working to reveal truth or to conceal it. Are they working to enlighten and bring light onto the truth? Or are they working to conceal the truth with darkness?
Don't ask me or any one else these questions. Ask yourself these questions and allow your heart of hearts to provide you the answers.
Jesus said:
Mark 8:18 "Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?"
Jesus was speaking of the spiritual life of those he was addressing. However, he was also speaking of the spiritual lives of all to come. As he was speaking to the fact that all need to be aware of deceivers.
Not just those deceiving in spiritual matters, but those also deceiving in the commonality of day to day matters. Why? Because they are all intertwined. One does not escape the other.
Know and understand the truth, after which lies can never rest still in your mind.


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Time Is Of The Essence

 Most of the posts I make here, are postings of media reports and articles that I find, from sources outside of mainstream media. 

For many months, I regularly posted articles and reports concerning Covid. And what the medical professionals who were not the "paid contributors" to CNN and MSNBC and others, were saying about the virus and its origins and the potential treatments and prophylactic treatments available. 

I posted articles and videos by Dr. Judy Mikovitz and others, who were calling out Anthony Fauci and others. Specifically stating, that he was not only lying to the American people about Covid and its origins, but that he was in fact involved in funding the creation of the virus. 

The release of his emails has now proven that. 

Facebook, twitter, youtube and google, immediately set upon anyone attempting to put the truth out about the Chinese Wuhan Coronavisus or its origins. 

I was suspended from my accounts for the audacity of posting challenges to what was being done, by many to reveal the truth. 

Facebook and others, immediately employed an army of so called fact checkers. And they began suspending the accounts of anyone who did not toe the line of their versions of truth.  

No one in mainstream media wanted to listen to Dr. Mikovitz or any of the other front line doctors or epidemiologists, or viral infectious disease doctors? Who were not on the media's approved list of so called truth sayers. 

President  Trump was vilified by the media, for even suggesting that Hydroxy chloroquine be considered as a treatment. Followed by Fauci and ofhers warning that the drug was dangerous and anyone arguing against them on the issue, was only spouting anecdotal and non scientifically proven assertions about the drug. 

Fauci repeatedly stated that we have to have data. We have to have blind studies etc. etc. Yet he and the other talking heads controlling the government's response to Covid? Never made the first attempt to verify or dispel Hydroxy. They simple continued to vilify anyone who spoke in support of it.  

The president was further vilified for suggesting Americans swallow bleach and Lysol to kill the virus. Except for the fact that he never said that. What he said was to ask a question to these doctors and the scientists. 


"Was there anything available medically? That could be utilized to disinfect the blood of Covid victims."

To which the media immediately took what he said and lied about what he had said.  Doing their best collectibely and daily, to portray the man as a loon and mentally unstable. 

Yet they have yet to question Biden's cognitive failures and obvious mental impairment.  

And here we are fifteen months later? And the CDC and the AMA and the WHO, have now come out and agreed, that Hydroxy is a valid and successful treatment for Covid. 

So what changed?

The only thing that changed? Is that Donald Trump is no longer president. 

Therefore, their previous attacks on him and Hydroxy, were for no other reason than to weaponize the issue politically against him. 

And aside from the collective reversal of Fauci and others concerning Hyroxy, they have all now back peddled on numerous other representations and misepresentations of facts and medicine. 

However, they are continuing to disregard and ignore the increasing evidence, that the Covid vaccines have significant side effects. Side effects that have led to crippling injury and the deaths of over 4000 Americans and the hospitalization of twice as many. 

And there is no accounting for the lost pregnacies and sterilization of women and men, due to and attributable to these Covid vaccines. 

What needs to be understood right now is this. 

Americans ceded control of their lives to the government, based upon the media spun fear, that if they failed to obey their government's demands, that they most certainly would die from the pandemic. 

Americans were repeatedly told two things. Obey the mandates, obey the lock downs and above all else? Trust the government and the science. 

Both of which in my observations, have been tragically and purposefully wrong. 

And here we are fifteen months later? And what are we seeing happen again. The news cycle is prepping and ginning up the fears of "the new Covid."

The mutations. 

Mutations they are now calling the Delta variant and the Lamda varient. Both of which are supposedly more virulent and more easily transmitted. 

Most of which seem to only be infecting and killing the unvaccinated, according to media reports. Yet we are also being told that there are numerous break through infections being recorded? Of those already vaccinated.   

And what is to say? That the Delta and Lamda variants? Are not variants at all. What is to say that they are not in fact, just the next level of viral release upon America and the world. 

Meanwhile? We have a self appointed vaccination specialist, in the form of Bill Gates, seeking global immunizations. While at the same time? Having filed a US patent for an injectable? That is programable. A nano particle in essence, capable of reporting the daily and hourly activities of any and all who receive it. 

Fauci and others repeatedly have stated that we need to follow the science. And they have arguably asserted that anyone who challenges their science, is nothing less than an ignorant radical.    

If I have learned anything in the last five years? I have learned this. The media and the government cannot be trusted. 

Going back at the least, to the day that Donald Trump and his wife descended the escalator to announce his candidacy for president.  

Everything? And I do mean everything that has occurred from that day to this, has been a repeated shitshow and purposely orchestrated political circus. 

From the initial General Flynn fiasco, to the firing of James Comey, to the falsified FISA warrants and eaves dropping and spying on Donald Trump and his campaign, to the Mueller investigation and including two political theater impeachments. 

And regardless of the evidence of Hillary Clinton's collusion to fabricate the Steele Dossier, to her being allowed to erase 33,000 emails, to violating the secrecy act, to Benghazi? All of the evidence against her and others, has led to absolutely nothing. No prosecutions. Nada. 

And now we have the clear and irrefutable evidence of Joe Biden's involvement with his son Hunter and their play for pay schemes with the Ukraine and China. All evidentiary prove-able from Hunter's lap top and photographic evidence. 

Not to mention Hunter's violations of the federal firearms act and lying on a federal ATF form? Yet no one does anything about it. Why? Because the Marxist democrats are not interested in their own criminality and the American media is as corrupt or worse than they are. 

Every day in this country, we see these realities reinforced by the media and the talking head swamp of Washington DC. 

And their media lap dogs and their sycophant party loyalists and lobbyist, continue Hitler's big lie principle in spades. 

The lies are never ending and they are prescient and palpable. Yet the band plays on. 

As Americans continue to stand idly by, and watch their nation and their freedoms, going up in flames. 

Tucker Carlson has a prescient documentary expose on Fox Nation right now. Titled: "Surviving Disorder." 

Where the realities are clearly spelled out. Where the revelations of what has taken place in America since 1992 and the Rodney King riots, followed by the 2005 hurricane disaster of Katrina. And arriving at the present day "woke class" of Marxist revolution, has been and is continuing to occur. 

Tucker demonstrates how as an example, when Katrina hit? The police by and large fled New Orleans. Only to return not to address the looters and those preying upon the innocent. 

No? The police were there to arrest those attempting to defend themselves and as such, the police confiscated their firearms. 

Looking forward? We are staring straight into another government mandated lock down of America. A lockdown that I expect to happen by Labor Day at the latest. 

For our own good of course. 

Followed by the proposed furtherance of policies and legislation, that will "seek to reduce and eliminate gun violence."

Keep in mind? The most gun controlled city in America? Chicago? Has been in the grips of a violent crime increase and a murder rate that has sky rocketed for over the last two years.   As it has in all other major American cities. 

Yet when President Trump offered federal LEO assistance to Chicago last year? The mayor? Laurie Lightfoot? Not only refused it, but her specific message to the president was:  "FU!"

Yet now she is pleading for Biden to send help to her beleaguered city. A city that has become so, directly because of the actions of her and other democrats in that city and state. 

And once Biden' policies and executive orders are fully revealed? Americans will learn that the government not only intends to force vaccinations on everyone? But they ultimately intend to pass laws, that will legislatively empower them to go door to door, to confiscate guns. 

You don't believe that will happen?  Take a look at what happened in the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans. 

Take alook at what happened to the man and his wife in St Louis? When they defended their home against a marauding band of BLM and antifa miscreants last year. 

Their guns were confiscated and they were prosecuted. 

Still don't believe that the police and military will be utilized against American citizens to further their control and power over you?

Take a look at history. 

1932 to be specific. 

When the "Bonus Army" of American WWI veterans came to Washington and camped out on the mall. Where they marched and demanded payments promised by the government, for their service, their injuries and their disabilities incurred in service to this country. 

The United States Army, on foot, on horseback and with tanks, descended on those veterans and beat them, arrested them

And burned them out with flame throwers after: "Secretary of War Patrick Hurley ordered the Army to deploy troops in response to the President Hoover’s direction."

Those present and commanding those troops included General Douglas MacArthur and two of his majors who were future generals.  Dwight Eisenhower and George Patton. 

The army routed those veterans, beat them, arrested them and burned and bulldozed their encampment. And once

Again? The American media of the time, was in full support. 

So do as you please. Believe as you please. But know this.  This is not the first time in history? That totalitarianism has risen its evil head. History is repleat with examples. 

However, this is the first time we have seen it on our own soil, in our on time. A time where  honest, law abiding and hard working Americans are vilified as the enemy. 

Declared white supremacists? For having the audacity to challenge anything. 

Why? Because we stand in the way. 

Donald Trump has been quoted as saying: "They are not coming after me, they are coming after you. I am just standing in the way."

Another famous quote of one Martin Neimoller is ever more prescient today:

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

That is precisely where we are today. "They?" Are coming after anyone, who stands in their way, in their pursuit of a new world order and a one world government. 

And that means? They need to eliminate six billion people globally to achieve their goals. And those like Bill Gates and George Soros and others? Are their financiers. 

And what better way to accomplish that? Than with a series of global pandemics, lock downs and confiscation of your property. Especially your means to resist. 

So think about that and govern yourself accordingly. Time is of the essence. 

Your means of self defense needs to be disbursed. Portioned out to locations of safety and locked away. Until the day comes when you truly need them. 

And that day is coming. Count on it. 🤔

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Cause and Effect

 When I was about ten years old? The biggest thing Atlanta had going for it was a gorilla named Willie B. 

Named after former mayor William B. Hartsfield. (The same one the airport was named after.)

I asked my dad to take me to the zoo to see that gorilla and he did. Once we were there, we stood behind a handrail, maybe 10 feet from his cage. And it was a cage with bars. 

The cage had bars maybe as thick as your thumb. Seeing those bars and how huge the gorilla was, I asked my Dad, why the gorilla didn't just bend those bars and come out. 

My Dad explained, "because he doesn't know he can bend them."  Seeing the questions in my face, he explained further. 

He told me that in the old west during cattle drives, the cowboys always carried a cast iron hobble in their saddle bags. 

Seeing as there was no place to tie their horses off to on the prairies, they simply tied the reins to the hobble and pitched it   on the ground. 

And when the horses went to back up? They felt the resistance and thought they were tied to something solid. 

Never realizing that all they had to do was take off and the hobble would not stop them.

And later on? Willie B. got riled up one day and he bent those bars on his cage. After which, they had to reinforce his enclosure. 

I use that story as an example of what believing in resistance will accomplish. 

In America, we have had what is known as the thin blue line. Simply defined? The thin blue line is the police. 

They are the barrier that separates civilization from anarchy. There have never been enough police, to hold back an onslaught of crime or violence. 

At best, they were and have been a visible deterrent. A hobble if you will. Keeping those who wanted to press that line in order. 

Because the criminal element and those who chose to challenge that line? Realized that there were consequences to doing so. 

The police had power in numbers against individuals and they had power against small groups. But not any more. 

And the American people supported that thin blue line. Until recently. When they chose to stand back and watch it crumble. 

Ever since Ferguson and the Michael Brown case, that line has been being pushed. And with the George Floyd case, it was pushed farther. Farther than it had ever been pushed.  Pushed to the point of breaking. And it did break. And it has broken. 

The criminal element in America and the anarchist have now learned that they can break through that line. The same as Willie B. learned he could bend those bars. 

And they have been consistently breaking that line for well over a year now. And their efforts will continue. And their efforts wil

continue to grow. And they will continue to break that line. 

Why? Because they have now learned that they can. And they have now learned that they can get away with it. 

I posted three articles

out of California a little while ago? They are all examples of that broken line. 

Criminals now roam the cities of California with impunity. The police are powerless to stop them or to even try. 

And there are lessons to be learned from what is happening there. And the lessons are? That those same activities will be visited upon other cities in the coming months. And they already have been. 

We will see bands of marauding thieves, descending on businesses. To smash and grab and flee, with thousands of dollars in merchandise. 

Knowing that no one is going to stop them  and even if the police arrive, they too are powerless to stop them or even to chase them. 

We have already seen the same and similar type crimes and violence here in Atlanta. 

When a band of thieves entered Lenox Square with hammers and shattered display cases at a high end jewelry store and took tens of thousands of dollars in jewelry and watches. 

That was a month or so ago. 

And there have been other instances since. And they will

continue and they will increase with regularity. 


Because that line has been broken. And the only way to ever restore it, will require equal and greater force by the police. 

So as you see these reports increasing daily? Know this. It only gets worse. First by degrees, after which it will become a wave of criminal activity in all American cities. 

Why? Because we as a nation have been cowed. We have been shamed into believing that we deserve this. We have been told that these types of criminal activity are understandable. 

So as you see these marauding gangs descending and smashing and stealing, attacking people in their cars and homes?

Remember this. You are your only defense. Unless and until we as a nation stand up and call full stop. Unless and until a lot of blood flows. Inless and until the police are allowed to do their job. Provided there are any left who actually know how to do the job. 

Because now? That is the only resolution. 🤔

Worse yet, we are being told that these crimes are tolerable. Because we must show tolerance. We must show restraint. We must seek

to understand the underlying anger and self imposed justification for these actions. 

Because it is after all? Our own fault. Our white priviledge and sustemic racism are the causitive factors. And the pandemic and global warming. 🤔

Saturday, July 03, 2021

Independence Day? What Do You See. I Will Tell You What I See


It is 4th of July weekend.
And I am posting something? That not that long ago? I would never have thought I would be posting.
I would not have thought it possible. But it is possible and it is real. So pay attention.
There are those in this country? WHO OPENLY HATE AMERICA AND AMERICANS.
So what is the difference betwen the two? The foreign versus the domestic enemies of this nation and its people. To be honest? I do not see much difference at all.
Not now.
We as Americans have been told by the present regime in this country and their complicit media? That in essence, we have nothing to fear? We have nothing to fear, but the fears that THEY instill in us.
Those are what I call the approved fears.
And those approved fears have been being solidified, ever since last January 20th and before that.
We have been told that the greatest threats to America and Americans today? Are white supremacy and global warming.
I am sorry? But I do not see it that way. I do not drink the media Kool And and I don't intend to start now.
I have no fears of a 1 degree change in our climate, leading to any cataclysmic collapse
of our world
And I know for a fact that America is not the felony offender of pollution on this planet.
Not even close.
I also know that the fossil and geologic history of this planet, proves that we have no control or impact on our planet.
None whatsoever.
I also know that one major volcanic eruption? Puts more CO2 into our atmosphere? Than all of human activity has in the last 2000 years.
So global warming? Is nothing more than a false flag in my observation.
A paper tiger.
Something used to distract the population and the dumb masses, while those behind the curtains, perform their ongoing assassination of this country.
And as for white supremacy?
I have no fears of that either.
Not because I am white or because I am suposedly privileged. I have no fears of white supremacy? Because I know that it is not true.
I know that it is no more than just another example of false flags and paper tigers.
But a purposeful paper tiger none the less.
The sounding of the general alarm of threatened white supremacy in America today? Is yet another plan to divide this country. A plan to divide it based on race. So that a war can be incited. A war for final power and control.
The battle plan is designed to instill fear not in those of color?
But to instill fear in those not of color.
It is designed to instill fear of being branded a white supremacist and or a racist? Simply because you are white.
Is there possibly any fate worse than death? Than to be branded as either in today's America? I know of many who would arguably tell you that there is not.
They and many, live in fear of being branded a racist or a white supremacist. And their fears grow daily. While their fears are fed by the media and those presently in control in Washington.
Now let's address the real threats and the real fears of Americans today. And I speak generally? Because there are large swaths of this country? Who still don't get it. They still don't understand. They still do not believe it possible.
But they will. And soon.
Are you in living fear of one day seeing robed klansmen heading into your neighborhood? To route and come after any and all who do not share their interests and beliefs?
I don't.
No more than I expect to see any organized group of so called white supremacist marching into my neighborhood.
Be they 1%er's or the Oath Keepers, or whatever this weeks media identified enemies are?
Enemies identified by the so called Southern Poverty Law Center. You know the ones.
And those identified by their co-conspirators in the FBI and the justice department. Who presently deem any and all who did not vote for Biden, as enemies if the state.
Terrorists if you will?
White militias marching in the streets of America? Nope, none of that is going to happen. At least not right now. However? There will come a day when Americans not of color? Will rise up to defend themselves, their families and their nation.
And they will not need to join any group or militia, or wear any patch on their chest, to denote allegiance to anything other than themselves, their families and their nation.
Those Americans will be aligned with two things and two things only.
Self preservation.
And the destruction and elimination of the cancerous evil that is now metastasizing in this nation.
Make no mistake.
There is racism in this country. Systemic racism. And it is being bred and nurtured by politicians and the media, in black neighborhoods, all across America. As there are now black militias in this country. But nothing on the magnitude of what will come to pass and be seen and soon.
These militias will jot be of the origins or flavors that we are being told to believe. They will be militias of color. 
No, I have no fear of klansmen, or Oath Keepers or any of the other boogey men that we have been told to fear.
I have no fear of them marching into my neighborhood with long guns and tactical gear. Dressed as freedom fighters, or some pretend Ninja army.
What I do have fear of?
Is seeing hundreds of the Not Fucking Around Coalition. The NFAC? The Revolutionary Black Panthers and their followers.
All adherents to black nationalism. All prepared for the indoctrinated righteous cause? Of putting an end to white America period.
As I saw around this time last
year? When approximately 400 of the NFAC and Revolutionary Guard of the Black Panthers, descended upon Stone Mountain Park outside Atlanta.
All armed, all dressed in black battle fatigues. All threatening violence to white people and all spurred by black nationalist leaders and the media and conspiratorial politicians.
And later? They descended upon Louisville Kentucky in the same manner. Where once again? The authorities there? As those in Georgia had done?
They did nothing.
For those interested? Educate yourself. Look up black nationalism and who the adherents of it have been.
Louis Farakan, Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama?
Any of those names ring a bell?
And yes there are others. A myriad of others. Many of which have gotten themselves elected to state houses and the US House and the Senate.
Many of the same who are now openly recruiting invaders from south if our border and elsewhere. To come here and further their ranks.
So, don't look for enemy paratroopers to begin descending from the sky. Or invading armies to begin amphibious landing on our beaches.
Our enemies of today?
Are within. They are already here. They have been here all along. Only now. They are being openly recruited, armed and strengthened. And by the same forces of evil that this nation has fought against for the last seventy five years.
All conquering armies, once established. Once present in conquered cities and nations?
Always seek to conscript those conquered. To either become part of their army, to become or part of the soon to be totally defeated and obliterated.
There is no difference now between then or in our present.
I began this post by saying that I never would have thought that I would be making a post like this.
That isn't totally true.
I have seen what is taking shape in America today, for at least the last twenty years.
I like many others, did not want to believe it, but now I am forced to. The evidence is too overwhelming to deny.
And all anyone has to do? Is to look around at the landscape of America today. Look at what is taking place. Look at what has taken place and look at what is being threatened.
No, I do not see white militias in encampments training to overthrow this nation? But what I do see is black militias training to overthrow this nation.
And more so? To eliminate as many white people as they can in the process.
4th of July weekend in America. Our independence day celebration? 244 Years?
And what do we see in the news today? We see where a dozen armed black men, dressed in camouflage, were arrested after a standoff with police in Rhode Island.
Headed to another state to engage in "training."
Training for what?
After which!
I see where a black female singer has been invited to Washington DC tomorrow by the Biden administration.
For what purpose?
To sing the "Black national anthem." During supposed independence day celebrations in our nations capitol.
How sweet. What harm could it do. I mean? We do want to be inclusive and diverse don't we?
Yes we do.
Right up to the point where any and all, not of the new order, of the glorification of color and the total damnation of white triumphs.
So. As you sit back and enjoy your holiday weekend, take time to ponder. Because one day and soon? There will be no more pondering.
There will be no more Star Spangled Banner. There will be no more Old Glory. And there will be no more United States.
If we are lucky, those who survive will establish a new America. Of the cobbled together remnants of what once was and what use to be.
But then again? There is nothing to be worried about. Right? 🤔