There once was an old adage:
"How can you tell when a politician is lying to you?"
Answer: "If their lips are moving."
I do not recall a time in my life, when that prescient truth was more vivid and true, than it is presently.
And to that I would add?
"How do you know when the media is lying to you?"
Answer: "Every moment they draw a breath." Beacuse when they are not speaking lies directly? They are planning to speak their lies at the next opportunity.
Because in my observation, both the politicians and the media, have transcended the intermediary levels of fabrication, misrepresentation and lying.
To the point where they refuse to even admit that they have been caught lying. They now call their lies, walking back, circling back or being taken out of context
And they do it in infinitum.
But the truth speaks louder than their lies. And it has reached the point?
Where I now place both democrats and most republicans, along with their accessories, both before and after the fact, in the media, in the same category.
They are all unrepentant, habitual and professionally skilled in the craft of lying. Although, I am hesitant to consider them expert liars?
As their lies remain so transparent as to be literally amateur to say the least. Therefore, while their skills and abilities in the art and the predictability of their lying remains constant and pronounced, they continue to be unabashed in their brazenness about it.
I no longer trust and I have not for a very long time, trusted anything that is the product of mainstream American media. Or the promises of politicians. And for a very valid reason.
Their information and promises cannot be trusted. Not on any level, but particularly as it concerns their personal politics and as of the last ten years? As it concerns their promotion of the extremist socialist beliefs of the present so called societal norms.
The American media is so biased in favor of liberals, secularism, minorities and democrats and so prejudiced toward conservatives? That Christians, veterans and anyone who does not follow lock step with liberal socialism, is anti American and a threat to them. And a racist.
Those in opposition to their lies, are branded as radicals, militia members, white supremacist, terorist, conspiracy theorist and racist.
Americans who disagree, with their propagated versions of truth, are immediately branded.
And their brands are many. From their favored brand of racist and racism, to homophobic, transphobic, genderphobic and xenophobic just to name a few.
And it has reached the point where they have achieved commonality of goals and purpose, with American corporations. All of which are taking steps to "follow the propagated science." And beginning limiting their businesses and interactions with anyone who they deem, noncompliant.
And their joint complicity has come to be known and recognized as:
"cancel culture."
And as I contemplate these realities daily, I cannot help but make the connections of art immitating life.
In the 1990's there were two films that spoke directly to what I am witnessing today.
The first being a film titled: "Eraser." Starring Arnold
Where he portrayed a government intelligence agent, whose primary job was to eliminate opposing thought and all opposition to government.
And any time someone crossed the line of non compliance, he was called upon to "erase" them.
The tag line was:
"You've been erased."
The second film was titled "Enemy of The State" starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman.
The basic premise being? That the government had reached a point where they had the capabilites and they were using them, to spy on everyone in America.
And anyone who crossed these
megalithic intelligence agencies, could be monitored and their lives destroyed.
From their professional histories, down to their bank cards, including physical arrest and black balling.
And in real time?
Dr. Judy Mikovitz being a primary example of that happening to her. They destroyed her career, they discredited her life's work, they destroyed her income and her ability to earn a living. And they totally black balled her in the scientific community.
They possess the power to literally cancel anyone's existence and all records of their ever having lived. They did that in that film and they are doing it in real life to people presently.
So look around you today.
Do we not see these exact realities abounding before our eyes daily?
From the lies of media and government, down to their now well known and exhibited abilities to erase and cancel anyone, they perceive as a threat to their order of the world.
Some call it the New World Order? And I have reached the point where I now see that as the reality.
America has been subverted and not by our enemies, as much as it has been by those entrusted with protecting our republic and our freedoms.
Today, I have come a long way in my preliminary explanation, to reach my real point. And that real point is this.
As it concerns Covid 19 and everything we have been told to Americans to date about it? Has all been lies.
From the beginning when we were told that the virus was a naturally occurring virus, that it crossed the animal human barrier, because someone contracted it by eating bats.
Another lie? Was that it originated in a wet market in Wuhan China. Another lie was that it was not created in a lab, or the Wuhan lab to be specific.
Another lie was that we were not funding the Chinese experiments on gain of function corona viruses.
Another lie was that it was not widely transmissible. Another lie was that wearing masks was pointless and useless. After which, Another lie was that everyone had to wear a mask.
Another lie was that the spread could be stopped by sensible measures like "15 Days To Stop The Spread." Another lie was that social distancing was necessary. Another lie was that locking down our society for over five months and quarantining those exposed or afflicted was the answer.
Another lie was that double masking was the answer. Another lie was that a vaccine would give us the ability to return to normal. Another lie was that herd immunity would resolve the dilemma.
Another lie was that the virus did not affect children at all, even though we closed down our schools all of last year, "as a precautionary measure."
Even though we cancelled graduations and weddings and routine doctors visits and elective surgeries. Not to mention funerals and vacations.
Concerts and movie theaters were closed, as were all sporting events. All of that based upon lies.
Another lie was that the virus only affected the elderly and those with preexisting conditions. Another lie was that once a majority of Americans were vaccinated, that the virus would go away.
Another lie was that no one would be forced to lose their job for refusing the vaccine.
Another lie was that no one would have to show proof of vaccination and that vaccination was a matter of personal choice.
Have I missed anything?
And what are their present lies.
1. There appears to be no herd immunity.
2. Everyone including children as young as five years old, must now mask up to go to school.
3. That there is significant efficacy of these vaccines, 90% or better, however, everyone will require boosters.
4. That there is nothing to fear about these vaccines, and those who refuse to get them are simply stupid (per the president of the Unites States) and the CDC.
5. That no one will now be forced to be vaccinated.
6. That there is no evidence that the vaccines are causing deaths and significant harm.
7. That anyone who challenges the official versions of the CDC, Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, or Mitch McConnell or Biden and his rogue regime? Are just fools and a danger to everyone else.
8 That these vaccines are no more threatening or harmful, than precious vaccines.
9. That Americans will not be forced to produce proof of vaccinations, to access restaurants or sporting events or all public gatherings.
10. That vaccinated Americans posed no threat to anyone; however, the unvaccinated were and are responsible for everything we are now seeing.
11. That children as young as five must be vaccinated.
12. That break through infections of those previously vaccinated? Are not in the majority of new cases.
13. That break through infections of the vaccinated are not significant in number.
14. That deaths and hospitalizations of the previously vaccinated are not significant.
15. That the vaccinations are not responsible for the rise in Covid cases.
16. That the preciously infected have lesser antibodies, than those who have taken these synthetically engineered vaccines.
I could go on, but I hope I have made my point. And that point being? That we are being lied to. And we have been being lied to from the start.
Day in and day out
So what do we intend to do about it. Do we remain sheep and continue to buy into their lies? Or do we stand up united and say:
"Not no, but hell no."
Art immitating life in America has become a reality. Both in the decades that preceded the present and in the present.
And the fact that America has become and is becoming a nation overwhelmed with lies is prescient.
America and Americans cannot long endure these lies, before everything we love and cherrish collapses. And once it is gone, it is gone.
Fully 74% of those vaccinated in Massachusetts have become infected. And the numbers are equally allarming in other majority vacinated places like Israel.
And what is the government response? Let's double down and stay stuck on stupid. And do not question them ir their so called science?
Or else you and I become the enemy.
Well? I have reached the point where I do not care about their branding. I do not care about their race cards or their shaming.
I know truth when I see, as well as their lies. And in particular, their now documented lies.
Therfore, I will continue to follow the truth and their lies, and I will continue to point both out. As best as I can, for as long as I can, in the limited environment that exists for us all to do so.
So just remeber this, they can and will attempt to lie and erase the truth at every opportunity. As they have done and as they are doing now.
And given the opportunity? They will erase us. 🤔