Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Sobering Admissions

A sobering admission and several sobering conclusions were made yesterday. Testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee, the heads of the CIA, the NIS and the military readily conceded that they believe that America will become the victim of another terrorist attack within the next six months.

Some might say....'well that isn't much of a stretch or much of a demonstration of prognostication.' Some might say, that it is a reasonably safe bet that we will be hit again. What the same people fail to recognize, is that when the combined intelligent opinion of our best intelligence analyst are making these conclusions? They are doing so from a position of superior knowledge. The rest of us are just formulating guesses and opinions, but these folks have the inside information.

Watching Senator Diane Feinstein ask the question and the ease of admissions that came rolling forth from each one was not as disturbing as the realization of the fact of what wasn't being asked or stated. The disturbing thought to me is this.

If the combined consensus of our best intelligence opinions have just conceded that we will be hit again? Then they have already conceded to the fact that there is little that they can do in the current environment to prevent it. And an even worse thought than that, is that they know of and the specifics of the type/s of terrorist attack/s that are being planned against us.

If there ever should have been a wake up call for America as it concerns the continued threat of terrorism and how this administration is approaching that threat? Then the testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee yesterday should have been it.

Yet as it seems to have become the standard of the last year, the media appears asleep at the switch once again. What should be the banner head line and the lead in story on every network this morning, has once again become nothing more than an 'also ran story' absent any in depth analysis or consideration.

God help us. It is coming and those that we have entrusted with our safety? Have just told us that there is nothing that they can do to protect us. And those task with the responsibility of sounding the warning? Well once again their complicity of ignorance and arrogance is palpable.

Al-Qaeda Likely to Try U.S. Attack Within Six Months

Al-Qaeda is likely to attempt a terrorist attack in the U.S. within the next three to six months, U.S. intelligence officials told a Senate panel in Washington.

National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair told the Senate Intelligence Committee today that an attempted attack is “certain” within that time frame. Blair was responding to a question from the panel’s chairwoman, California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, during an annual assessment of threats to the U.S.

The other four officials testifying before the panel agreed with Blair when questioned by Feinstein: Central Intelligence Agency Director Leon Panetta, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, Lieutenant General Ronald L. Burgess, who is director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and John Dinger, the acting assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research.

“I think that tells us something very clearly,” Feinstein said. Blair and the other intelligence officials didn’t expand on their answers to Feinstein’s question.

I agree Madam Chairwoman. And no one is listening.

On a side note....the Christmas bomber suddenly seems to have begun to talk again. And as Senator Feinstein seems to take pleasure in noting.....this is even after he has been "Mirandized."

I wonder what his attorney's thinks of all that. I wonder if he has waived his right to counsel and simply decided to brag about his exploits and associations with Al Qaeda? Or is what we are witnessing merely the reality of precisely how this terrorist slime will be able to beat the rap. Because we violated his rights.


XtnYoda said...

Those kind of statements would have never been so glibly conceded under Bush.

This is similar to the dumbing down of education... lower expectations, lower the standards.

Dumbing down security... expect terrorist activities... then the next step... surrender more personal freedoms.

Texan in Wisconsin said...

What if you went to a City Council meeting, and asked the Police Chief, "Will there be a murder in our city this year"? You'd hope he'd say "no", but if he's from Dallas or Houston, he'd be fired.

I think a part of the problem is the wrong question was asked. We shouldn't ask "Are you doing everything you can to prevent another attack"? Of course the answer would be "no, but give me more money and manpower and I will". The correct question should be (in closed session), "What types of attacks can you prevent, and what types of attacks can we realistically not prevent in a free society"? Our damn Congress is a joke...but Feinstein will say, "Well, I asked" after the next one. Morons.

When I walk down the street in Detroit, say, or Atlanta, and see a woman in a hijab, I cross the street. That's because I can't tell who or what's under there...could be a bomb. But that's precisely the type of attack that we can't prevent (yet), because we won't profile.

Mark my words...if these predictions come true, and we get Muslim suicide bombers, all of these objections to profiling will go right out the window. We'd be lucky if the public doesn't lynch every Muslim in sight.

I just flew back from Istanbul, and the security was a joke. The airport let me through a scanner with an unopened can of Coke, and I could have taken any item I wanted all the way down to the gate. It was only at the gate that I was subjected to detailed and effective security.