Monday, January 30, 2012

According to George Soros? Obama and Romney are the same

If this doesn't tell you what the deal is with Mitt Romney? I don't know what does. When the biggest anti American anti capitalist on the planet tells you that there isn't a dimes worth of difference between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, the American people had better listen.


XtnYoda said...

Where in the world is George from? Maybe he should run for President.

Shonna said...

This video makes you wonder who is actually pulling the strings of government. At running the risk of being called a conspiracist, after observing Barack Obama for nearly four years it seems that he isn't the making all of the decisions. So who is? Valerie Jarrett's name comes to mind. How else can you explain her much reported influence with the Obama's. Of course George Soros is a distinct possibility!

It is not out of the question that a group such as the Bilderbergs are in control of world governments because their membership represent the "elite". The old adage of follow the money usually is good advice.

Whether Obama is calling the shots or he is influenced by others, you need a dumbed down citizenry to keep control. If you look at the make up of the Obama supporters you see all the special interest groups and the gullible people. Obama is working his way to having all us depending on the federal government for our very being. Control energy, food and healthcare you are on the path to dictatorship.