Monday, January 23, 2012

Is there a 'dimes worth of difference'?

Is there a dimes worth of difference in media today? I seriously don't believe so. Watching the morning news shows once again this morning confirms that reality to me. It goes without saying that if you want to see liberal bias in the media, most network and cable news sources can easily accommodate your taste.

Some are more obvious than others. for instance MSNBC and CNN lead the cable networks in open bias in favor of Barack Obama and all liberal causes. Nothing new there, they equally supported Bill Clinton and every liberal cause and perspective before the current election cycle.  The other networks, what most refer to now as free TV  have long since been in the bag for democrats and liberal egalitarianism.

The most glaring example of liberal media bias in recent history being the Dan Rather CBS debacle. Rather was caught in a bold faced attempt to manufacture lies against then President George W Bush concerning his military record during the 2004 elections. That fiasco and the truth cost Dan Rather his job and CBS continues to push the broom and barrel behind the collective media circus as a result of their intense desire to manufacture news as opposed to reporting it.

Our current election cycle is no different in my observation. You can surf the channels daily and see that all remains well in the liberal media mindset as it concerns this election cycle. They all are regularly shilling for Obama and the liberal agenda and they are regularly foisting the egalitarian mantra, but there remains a problem. Where is the balance? Where is the opposing viewpoint. Is there anyone out there willing to sell the truth as news?

I would submit that there are those who might immediately offer up Fox News as that shining island of fairness and balance in media. Most Americans have seen and heard these representations of Fox News: "We report, you decide." "Fox News, fair and balanced." I know I have and every time I hear those representations on a Fox promo, I am forced to shake my head in disbelief.  How can Americans be so consistently blind and stupid.

Fox News may begin their broadcasts each day representing themselves as fair and balanced, but they are as far removed from that representation as a news entity can possibly be in my observation.  Watching Fox  &  Friends this morning, the entire program was once again  clearly centered on attacking New Gingrich.

Mainstream media has been engaged in a non stop re-evaluation of Newt Gingrich's performance in the South Carolina primary on Saturday, ever since he won that primary. Gingrich bucked the polls and the best efforts of media spun projections and won. All the best efforts of ABC news and their tawdry interview with his ex-wife the night before the primary obviously had no effect on the voters of South Carolina. Once again, something is terribly wrong in media manufactured election cycles. The people simply aren't following the script and the predetermined outcome wasn't attained.

And true to form, Fox News was leading the way this morning with their ongoing attacks against Gingrich. This morning, there sat Gretchen and Doocey on the curvy couch and they were interviewing one of their favorite paid pundits of late, Ms. Dana Perino. And as expected, Ms. Perino was offering up every reasoning that she could muster as to why Newt Gingrich is un-electable, regardless of what his performance in south Carolina may have clearly shown.

I could re-hash and go back over the weeks of attacks that has been mustered by mainstream media at large against Gingrich, but the point of my argument here is to point directly to Fox News and the litany of supposed conservative punditry who continue to line up to attack Gingrich on that network. Even Ann Coulter, right wing attack dog extraordinaire has gone all but rabid in her attacks of Gingrich in her interviews on Fox over the past month.

These supposed conservative hired guns of punditry regularly appear on Fox News. They have absolutely no hope of ever being hired as commentators on any the rest of mainstream media, therefore, their collective rabidness toward Gingrich is not only palpable, but it is also concentrated into one news outlet.

For months the media at large have attacked and discounted the candidacy of Ron Paul, but the level of media spun vitriol against Paul pales in comparison to the attacks mounted against Gingrich. The media realizes that barring divine intervention, Ron Paul doesn't have a snowball's chance of getting the nomination. But they have had to sit up and recognize that Newt Gingrich is the Everready bunny of candidates and he is resonating with the mainstream of America.

That realization is distressing on a number of levels in media boardrooms across America, regardless of how they choose to parse their reactions publicly. The media recognizes that this country is in trouble and has been ever since Barack Obama set foot in the White house. They see the numbers, they read the unemployment rates and the numbers on the national deficit. They see the loss of jobs and the out of control spending. They all know and realize that the shining city on a hill of Reagan's vision is now dark and desolate, but none the less they continue to trudge forward with their egalitarian socialist mantras. In the face of common sense and the dire consequences of failed social Utopian lies by Obama, the media collectively continues to ignore Obama and attack the right.  Simply stated, it's what they do.

But the question that must be asked is why is Fox News right in the thick of it? Why are all of the "Fox News Contributors" (save none) in unison in their open disdain if not hatred (like Ann Counter) against Newt Gingrich? I for one see this collective anger, dislike and hatred hinging on one point and that point is, Newt Gingrich has attacked them. Newt Gingrich has attacked the media. He didn't attack Fox News directly, but he has attacked the media et al  and he continues to attack mainstream media. And just like the family that comes together to defend the crazy uncle, Fox News has taken Newt's attacks on media at large as an offense that cannot be excused. They must respond and defend their industry.

Fox News and their producers realize that they have obtained the ratings that they have through the years by countering the offerings of mainstream leftist media, but none the less they cannot stand for anyone attacking the business of media at large. Therefore, in the face of all reason, Fox and their stable of paid contributors (hired guns) have collectively brought their angst to bear against Newt Gingrich as the anti Christ attacking media.

The truly interesting part of this media inspired operatic attack, is that Newt Gingrich revels in their attacks. It gives him all the more opportunities to demonstrate his most valuable and practiced asset. The man can simply and calmly look into a camera and systematically dismantle and destroy the manufactured lies and misrepresentations of media. He has demonstrably done that in every debate that he has participated in to date and the people love it.

If there are those who are still curious as to why Newt Gingrich is resonating and surging with the American people, then look no further than the reality that Newt Gingrich sees and recognizes American media as the cancer that it is and he is pointing that out to the American people.

The American people are tired of business as usual in Washington and they are tired of media trying to control their opinions and their lives. The American people recognize and appreciate what Newt Gingrich has had to say concerning the tawdry and idiotic issues that mainstream media continues to focus on while continually muddying the water. The American people recognize that mainstream media is purposely ignoring their suffering and the reasons behind it. They are also acutely aware that Newt Gingrich is speaking to those issue and that the media is writhing like vampires in the light of day every time he addresses those issue. The people like that and they see that as something that as something that is bother sorely needed and desirable in a candidate.

So, when asking yourself questions concerning the alleged fairness and balance of media, or the lack there of in everyday reporting, then look no further than what is being hustled everyday in this country everyday by all media.  No, there isn't a dimes worth of difference when it comes to the way media perceives or reports news or politics, regardless of what Fox News would like us to believe. They all have an agenda and they all close ranks to protect each other, regardless of their representations to the contrary.

Newt Gingrich will continue to strike a chord with mainstream Americans. Americans in the flyover country and in America's cities who have suffered and continue to suffer recognize reality And as  long as Newt Gingrich continues to speak to their misery, his numbers will continue to soar and he will continue to win primaries. And in the interim, the media in America will continue to attack him and they will continue to ignore the realities of American suffering, the same way they continue to ignore the person responsible for causing and continuing that misery.

Just be aware of what is going on the next time you turn on a TV  or visit a web page. The mainstream media and the republican party machine has come together to put the fix in for Romney and that simply ain't working.  And each of those entities are doing everything they can to turn back the rise in public discontent with Romney and the support for Gingrich.

The media and the republican party elites want Romney to garner the nomination. The media knows that Romney cannot prevail against Barack Obama and the republican party elites are oblivious to the realities of what is happening and the desires of the people.  The republican party machine is in gear and hell bent to garner the nomination for Romney. And if Fox News and the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times and others have to throw Newt under the bus to maintain their political blood lines? Then welcome to the real world of freedom of the press and media at large in contemporary modern America.

I think back to four years ago when the movement in the polls and primaries was coalescing behind Barack Obama. The party elites of the democrat party were hell bent to see Hillary as their candidate, but even with the best efforts to derail his candidacy, Barack Obama prevailed. the democrats finally got it in 2008. I seriously doubt that the republicans will this year..

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