Sunday, January 22, 2012

President Newt not likely....according to those who know..

 And the hits just keep on coming. I saw a cartoon this morning of a little boy telling his father: "When I grow up, I think I am going to join organized crime." The father responds: "Government or corporate? I would recommend government. They never go to jail."
And neither do journalists.
The hits just keep on coming. As evidenced by this hit piece below,
"Can either of these jokers beat President Obama?"
The question should be, "can our joke of a media, ever cover a story about politics, where their seething hatred for all things religious or conservative isn't glaringly apparent."
Can American media find any flaw with their chosen messiah Barack Obama? Apparently not.....

President Newt? Not Likely But Scary to GOP

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich finished an astonishing comeback Saturday night to defeat front-runner Mitt Romney in South Carolina, plunging the Republican Party into a wrenching and potentially lengthy period of soul-searching: Can either of these jokers beat President Obama?
Humiliated and humbled, Romney remains the front-runner for the GOP nomination and, by all conventional measures, is best equipped to push Obama from office. But he has now lost two of three races and leaves South Carolina as a tarnished brand: Equivocations over his tax filings and tone-deaf comments about his wealth and status played into Democratic plans to portray Romney as a cold-hearted, flip-flopping, fat cat who would say or do anything to get elected.

Gingrich is an unabashed egoist ("I think grandiose thoughts") who likes to compare himself to historic figures including Abraham Lincoln, Charles de Gaulle, the Duke of Wellington, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. He might soon add Jesus Christ to that list because Gingrich has had more political resurrections this past year than the son of God.

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