Monday, January 16, 2012

You might be a racist if?

Were you one of the many racist in America today? Those racist who failed to observe the King holiday by working? Or did you stay at home and pay proper homage to the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

If you worked today? Then Shame! Shame! Shame on you!  You racist!

Bank called racist for being open today
After a Martin Luther King Jr. Day observance at Burlington’s City Hall Contois Auditorium Monday, about a dozen demonstrators marched on the TD Bank branch just down the street to protest the bank’s opening on the holiday.
The marchers briefly gathered in front of the bank, then tried to enter. Moments after the group arrived, Patrick Brown, director of the Burlington Multicultural Resource Center, said he would hand leaflets to bank tellers protesting the bank’s hours Monday. The leaflet read: “Dear TD Bank, you are defying the King holiday. Shame, Shame, Shame. This is a racist act. Shame, Shame, Shame.

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