Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Have a Cookie

I am not a big fan of cookies or Oreos for that matter. I don't buy them, so this won't be a stretch for me, but the concept that Nabisco has put forth does sicken me; therefore, there are other things that they market that I can easily avoid from this point forward.

 ht oreo pride mr 120626 wblog Oreo Pride: Rainbow Stuffed Cookie Sparks Boycott
Rainbow Cookies
America’s favorite cookie is stirring up more than milk today after Kraft Foods posted a gay pride Oreo on the cookie’s Facebook page.
Oreo posted the photoshopped picture of an Oreo cookie stuffed with rainbow-colored layers of frosting Monday evening with the caption “Proudly support love!”
Over the past 17 hours more than 157,000 people have “liked” the image, 40,000 people have shared it and 20,000 have commented on it.
But while many of the comments were supportive, some Facebook users pledged to boycott the cookie because of the post.
“I’ll never buy Oreo again,” one commenter wrote.
“Disgusted with oreos,” wrote another. “Being gay is an abmonitation in GOd’s eyes i wont be buying them anymore.”


XtnYoda said...

God, this stuff is really getting old.

XtnYoda said...

I mean, what do they want to be pacified? Seriously!

So every year we are going to have a "pride" month? And if they want us to marry them we must or go to jail? And if we say that their life style is not scriptural then it's a hate crime?

So with their agenda is the elimination of two amendments, freedom of speech and freedom of religion.